Monday, May 27, 2019

Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg) 120 Liquid Softgels ~ Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients ~ Non-GMO & Gluten Free

Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg) 120 Liquid Softgels ~ Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients ~ Non-GMO & Gluten Free

Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg) 120 Liquid Softgels ~ Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients ~ Non-GMO & Gluten Free

I've actually noticed a difference! I was truly struggling with PMS symptoms, suddenly I hit mid 30's and what the heck. I basically didn't even know that person the week before my cycle. Who is this crazy b*$# that yells, and eats everything in sight, and wants to throat punch people for walking too slow down the grocery aisle? I was so glad to find a supplement that I didn't have to remember to take 3 pills 6 times a day with food and 8 gallons of water. I can barely remember pants much less multiple doses. I have taken it for about 3 months. By the second month I noticed the biggest changes with less moodiness, less bloating, less breast tenderness (it seriously hurt to move my arms before), and fewer food cravings. I may not be totally normal (who are we kidding and what is this normal?) before my cycle but it has helped IMMENSLY. My kids don't hide in fear and my husband doesn't throw chocolate at my face while screaming "please don't hurt me". Win win for everyone.

I take this for endometriosis and it helps me exceptionally well. I cannot live without this stuff. It is better than any birth control I have ever taken to control my end symptoms. Make sure you take it for at least 2 months to see a significant improvement in symptoms.

WOW, I love this! Does everything it says it will. About 12 years ago I injured my back and from there everything went down hill. After 2 years I had to quit a job that I had for twenty years because I just did not feel well enough to go everyday. As time went on, I grew more and more tired and just didn't want to do anything. I have been a huge gardener (flowers) and even that became a chore that I was not enjoying like I always had. I could barely make it thru the day and I never got a good nights sleep, it was hard to fall asleep and I would wake up all night. And the same thing went on day after day. I just did not enjoy life anymore and I didn't even enjoy my many hobbies either. I stopped doing everything I used to love, and became a recluse in my house never wanting to go out anymore. I never thought I would feel like I did a long time ago. I was the one that never sat down, had enough energy for two people and loved life. Then I became a totally different person and I didn't like it. I was continually searching for something that would help me feel better, I read everything I could get my hands on, and I also went to several doctors for help. One of my blood test showed I had very low hormone and thyroid levels. So I started taking bio-identical hormones and thyroid meds. And even after 3 years of taking these I still did not feel any better. So for the last tens years I was feeling pretty down and like a lost cause. I felt that I would never feel like my old self again. But I countinued researching hoping I would find something to help me and then I finally found it. I AM SO HAPPY AND BACK TO MY OLD SELF! I could not believe that after taking 1 pill for 2 days, I felt better than I have in 12 years. And every day after I had much more energy and began to join life again. Evening primrose is my miracle! Seriously! I started feeling better than I have in 12 years. I couldn't believe it. When I read the Customer reviews and what this did for so many people I knew I had to try this, after all what did I have to lose...the price is reasonable and I felt that it couldn't do any harm so I bought it. And I noticed the second day that I felt more energy than I have in a long time. And everyday I started feeling better, I have more energy, I enjoy gardening again and some of the things I used to do. I get out of the house every chance I get because it's fun again. And I sleep better than I have in a long time. I will NEVER stop taking this! I don't know if this will work the same for everyone, but it did for me and I am thrilled!

OK so I have one HUGE regret with this product.
THAT I DIDNT START TAKING THIS 5 YEARS AGO!!! Why can’t this product come with a time machine where I can transport myself back in time and save myself so much misery and woe and let me frickin enjoy life!! After two-three months of taking this, my hormonal acne that ALWAYS appeared around my period since starting birth control... suddenly just STOPPED coming. The reviews for this product rang true and I nearly climbed to the top of my apartment building to shout to the world that I FINALLY FOUND A REAL, INEXPENSIVE AND HEALTHY SOLUTION FOR MY STUPID ACNE!!! I don’t even have to focus on the healing of acne SINCE IT DOESNT EVEN REAR ITS UGLY HEAD ANYMORE AT ALL.
Old acne spots are healing and whenever I do have any small bumps anywhere (which is rare), I can use this stuff topically and it works it’s magic YET AGAIN.
It also helps a lot with my moodiness and anxiety that my birth control always made worse. Cherry on top anyone??
I didn’t change my diet. I didn’t use different makeup. I didn’t drink tons more water (which is always good for you but hard to do). THIS WAS ALL I CHANGED. Now my main concern is how to let everyone in the world know that this wonderful thing exists.

I’d like to order a bathtub full of this stuff, please. A semi-truck load works too.

(and be patient because your body needs at least 2 months to make a real difference. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you’ll be fine girl YOU GOT THIS)

I have noticed the emotions that's come with my PMDD are not nearly as severe. I was so easily angered and hurt by such petty situations, but now I just shrug them off. I'm pretty surprised at how well I feel now. This was a game changer for me.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • High Potency
  • Made with 10% GLA From Non GMO Cold-Pressed Oil
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Made with Non-GMO Ingredients
  • Gluten Free


Evening Primrose Oil

This isn't a paid review or anything - just someone who is so impressed and happy with the results I saw from this product
I'm 31 yrs old and have suffered from severe depression starting at about age 4. At 27 it reached an unbearable point escalating not only into manic depression but also psychosis and even obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Bc of this I think went to a treatment center and was lucky enough to meet a dr who helped me tremendously with bio identical hormones and natural supplements. While I felt much better it was still at times difficult for me to live life depending on my time of the month. I've tried many different things as I'm constantly researching for the "key" so I stumbled onto this for hormone balance and thought why not? So I've taken it now for about 2.5 weeks which happen to be the bad 2 weeks of my cycle and I feel so amazing..... honestly like a normal person! I didn't feel tired or sluggish once, no mood swings, no social anxiety and absolutely NO brain fog. I'm honestly amazed. I noticed the changes at about 3 days in. And also! I've noticed some weight loss and I'm eating the exact same as the cycles before. Love this stuff!

Been taking these for a few weeks. Started out taking 1 two times a day and had to end up just taking one a day. Just felt a little weird when I took 2. I used to have about ten hot flashes a day, now I only have 1 a day. Also want to add that since taking these for about 2 months now, my nails are growing beautifully.

I've had psoriasis for 30 years on my elbows and knees. Always use topical steroids with short term improvement. I've been using primrose oil for almost 3 weeks and my psoriasis has cleared. I've stopped all other creams except regular lotion. Almost too good to be true!

Using these for hormonal related anxiety and heart palpitations, and it's working great! 75% decrease for sure.

I would like to start this review off with the fact that I ordered these by mistake and had the idea that these would not do anything for my body... that being said, it took away the possibility of the results being a placebo effect.

These vitamins have honestly made such a huge difference in my hormonal balance. Every cycle I was a nightmare. I knew my cycle was getting ready to start exactly one week before, every month, because I would be insanely irritable and the mood swings were hard to keep up with. My poor boyfriend would swallow his drink “too loud” and my head would do a 360 (not really, but ya know 🤪)

I started adding one of these vitamins to my daily intake and went about my days. After about two months I noticed I had to actually utilize a “my cycle tracker” because I wasn’t moody the week before. I was genuinely blown away by how calm I remained before and during each cycle, and my boyfriend reminds me when my bottle is low to reorder 😂

I’ve recommended these to multiple ladies and each one ordered a bottle right in front of me after I described the effects they had for me personally!

If you’re looking for something to help balance your hormones and control PMS, try these!

I was not paid to write this review and I purchase each bottle with my own hard earned money.

Get it Now


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