Sunday, June 9, 2019

SmartyPants Kids Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA Fatty Acids), Iodine Supplement, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 120 count (30 Day Supply)

SmartyPants Kids Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA Fatty Acids), Iodine Supplement, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 120 count (30 Day Supply)

SmartyPants Kids Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA Fatty Acids), Iodine Supplement, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 120 count (30 Day Supply)

I don't even know where to begin. Our 7 year old son tested off the charts for impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity in his ADHD evaluation and was diagnosed with severe ADHD in February of this year. He had struggled in school since kindergarten and received bad reports almost every single day from his teacher this year. He was frustrated because he couldn't control it, and we were distraught and all we wanted to was to do what was best for him. We wanted to help him so badly. I scrambled to find a doctor to set up and appointment with to discuss medication even though I am typically adverse to any medications for our family unless absolutely necessary and always seek natural methods first if possible. We were only a couple of weeks away from putting our son on ADHD pharmaceuticals. In a last ditch effort, I ordered Smarty Pants gummies and prayed with all my heart they would help. We also eliminated ALL artificial food dyes and began to eat as organic and clean as possible. After one week, we already noticed a difference. After 2 weeks, the difference was substantial. We went to his doctor appointment and she noticed such a difference that she was fully supportive of continuing our natural methods and even wrote a letter to support our decision to his school. The good reports started to come back from school and we are now almost 3 months in and we have only received a couple of semi-tough day reports. Overall his teacher has given us positive reports for weeks now and that has NEVER happened. His teacher even told us she no longer felt it necessary to have a support team meeting that they had arranged with several of his teachers and staff to strategize what to do next to help him because he has made so much improvement!!!! He still forgets from time to time and still needs redirection at times, but he was so bad before that he could barely even function and has now gone to fully succeeding and thriving! He is a completely different kid and we are eternally grateful for finding something that has completely changed our son's life and given him the ability to be the incredible kid he has always been. I tell everyone about these and joke that I would literally be their "spokes-mom" if I could because I love them so much.

The only issue I have is these are currently $11.88 at Walmart. I have been giving these to my daughter who is almost 8 almost 2 weeks now. I wasn't expecting anything this soon or much at all. I read a science artical about omega 3 helping kids who are hyper active. While my daughter isn't hyper active in most cases she is extremely squirmy and has problems staying seated whenever reading. She reads just at a normal level for her age, and I felt if she could just sit still she would do better. She reads to me every single night. Tonight it happened. She sat almost completely still the WHOLE book. This has NEVER happened before. She stumbled very little on words, remained focused, and didn't fidget even once when getting to a new word or difficult word. Holy moly I think there is something to this Omega 3. As far as the product it must have what it claims in it to actually be seeing results. The adult bottle of 180 are the exact same when comparing labels. Just take 3 instead of 6, and buy at Walmart. Save yourselff about $5 and have a full 2 month supply. My daughter said the red ones are gross, but still eats them and the orange is the best.

My 6 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD in early March of this year. Collectively, the doctor, my son's father and I decided to try other options before a prescription drug. I read reviews of this and other supplements. He started the Smarty Pants Mineral Supplement a few weeks before starting the SP Complete Gummy Vitamins. I thought I noticed a small difference with just the Minerals. After he finished the bottle of Kroger brand gummies he had always taken, he started taking both products -- the SP Minerals (at supper) and the SP Vitamins (at breakfast). We are not quite a month in with him taking both. Last weekend, a hair stylist who had not seen him in 4 or 5 months and did NOT know he had been diagnosed nor did she know about the two SP products he was taking, gave an unsolicited comment on how CALM he was. He actually sat and read a couple books he had brought along while I received a trim. The weekend before that, his paternal grandmother also commented "He actually SAT on my lap!!!" In the last couple weeks, he has been receiving verbal and written praise from his teachers (instead of ME receiving emails and phones calls). When his Kindergarten teacher told him recently that he did a "fine job," he told me that it made tears run down his cheeks! My sweet, sweet boy has more self-awareness and is PROUD of himself. There is nothing better than that!

My child turns 3 in May. She started taking this ONE week ago. I read reviews and gave it a swing. And let me tell you. My daughter is tracking better, talking is more clear and purposeful, she is so interested in learning more and just more confident in general, her manners and sweetness was lacking, but now it's back, and it is NOT as hard to get her to go to bed because she can clearly understand me and is more compliant now that she seems like she's doing better. For whatever reason. Something was affecting her for a while and it was affecting her sleep, which was affecting the way she looked and now she's sleeping better and her face even looks better! someone told me. This is the unicorn formula if there ever was one. Try it!

I researched many products before trying these. I tasted them and they taste fantastic. My daughter is developmentally delayed and very particular about anything she eats. I really think it's the fact that she knows they are vitamins is the reason she acts like I'm killing her every day when I give them to her. LOL. After reading the reviews - it is also extremely impressive and says a lot about a company that quickly and succinctly responds to all consumer questions or criticisms themselves. Thanks for a great product that will definitely help my daughter whether she agrees or not 😀

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • This chewable children's vitamin contains 13 essential nutrients including vitamin D3 for bone and immune health, omega-3 EPA & DHA essential fatty acids and vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) for energy production
  • Omega-3 EPA & DHA (essential fatty acids) sustainably sourced from wild-caught small fish
  • We include iodine which plays a major role in your child's metabolism and development, folate (methylfolate) to help convert food into energy and vitamin E, an antioxidant for the maintenance of good health
  • Non-GMO. Free of milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nut allergens, fish allergens, shellfish, soy, gluten, and wheat. No synthetic colors, artificial flavors, or artificial sweeteners. 3RD PARTY LAB TESTED.
  • MANUFACTURED IN CALIFORNIA with premium domestic and imported ingredients. No high fructose corn syrup. No refrigeration required.


SmartyPants Kids Complete is a multifunctional multivitamin that makes raising a happy and healthy family a little easier and a whole lot more delicious. Each serving delivers a robust blend of premium vitamins and nutrients including omega-3 EPA and DHA essential fatty acids, vitamin D as D3 for bone health, vitamin B12 for immune health, folate as methylfolate,iodine for thyroid support and the antioxidant vitamin E –all in one delicious gummy.*Our Kids Complete is non-GMO and includes ingredients carefully-selected to fill typical nutrient gaps in the average Western diet. So, your child gets more of the nutrients you want without any of the icky stuff. We include ingredients in a premium form without any added synthetic colors, artificial flavors or sweeteners.

My daughter ended up having tubes put in her ears and her adenoids removed due to constant fluid (it’s like trying to hear underwater). Also note fluid can cause sensory and behavioral issues. She had the surgery about 6 weeks ago and now she’s in speech therapy to catch her up w her peers since she lost about a year of speech (I had no clue about this until I went to see an ENT).

Nonetheless, she’s a newly 3-year-old and can get distracted easily so way too early to diagnose for ADHD or anything like that. But I figured after reading the reviews and seeing how great fish oil is for the brain I’d give it a shot. She never eats eggs or fish so she probably doesn’t get much DHA naturally. I gave her and her brother each two tablets only. After reading one review saying her kid ended up becoming hyperactive from the form of B vitamins I was nervous. 2-3 hours later when both kids seemed fine I gave them the additional two gummies. We then go to my daughter’s speech therapy class and my son and I are waiting in the waiting area. He was almost taking a nap in the waiting room and he never takes naps (although I wish he would, lol).

When I went in the last 5 minutes of her session as I always do she said, “I don’t know what it is but she did amazingly well today” and kept repeating it almost like “what did you do” and of course I didn’t say anything because honestly, it’s too early to tell w these vitamins. But so far were off to a good start. She was having mini conversations w her and responding w yes and no questions which she hadn’t done prior. I will absolutely update you all as time goes on and I will say I like what I see so far. I was not paid for this, I bought w my own money and will continue to do so if they are the reasoning behind this.

It is possible she just had a great day & she’s starting to come alive after the surgery on her ears but that’s why I’ll come back. But it also seemed to mellow out my hyperactive newly 5-year-old son and that to me as a mom is heaven, ha. Most young boy’s attention spans are horrible.

LIFE CHANGER!!! Two weeks of this and zero dairy (we have always avoided food dye and processed sugar) and my kid is a different kid. I homeschool and the last week has been a breeze comparatively. He actually said, "Mom, now I can choose when I want to act crazy." THRILLED to find this and I'm going to tell everyone!

The reviews on this are absolutely true. My son's focus and grades have improved dramatically since taking this. Just ordered our second bottle! Thank you!

Finally, SP makes a vegan multi vitamin. My kiddos have the MTHFR genetic mutation and needs to have methylated vitamins, which these have. For awhile, the issue was gelatin (we don't consume gelatin for religious reasons). I wrote to them and they said they were working on a vegan version - and they did. Thank you! Our kids ask for these every day. (I wish there more orange ones in the container- our kids seem to fight over that one cause they're minimally dispersed in each container.)

The struggle is real to get all the vitamins and minerals in your children's diets these days (especially when you have a picky eater). I decided to try these vitamins and I must say they're a HUGE hit with both the 11 year old (+Fiber version) and the 13 year old. The kids love them and I agree that they taste great! We prefer the texture of these vitamins to some of the other multis we've tried - they're more like Dots candy vs sticky gooey multis. Two thumbs up from all of us.

Get it Now


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