Thursday, August 29, 2019

Affresh W10282479 Dishwasher Cleaner, 1 Pack, Yellow

Affresh W10282479 Dishwasher Cleaner, 1 Pack, Yellow

Affresh W10282479 Dishwasher Cleaner, 1 Pack, Yellow

I have only used this once. I did not have a smelly dishwasher but decided to purchase this product as a precaution. The stainless interior of my dishwasher was left particularly sparkly after using this product. One caution. If anything, it may work too well for your dishes. Although the product says you can use it in a loaded dishwasher, you should proceed with caution. I ran my favorite PYREX measuring cup in the cycle and it came out bare....all the painted measurements had been WASHED OFF! Everything was very clean, too clean in the case of the measuring cup!

On the first picture you can see extreme calcium and lime stone build up. My dishwasher is five years old and had never been cleaned before. I ran it through two cleaning cycles and as you can see in the second picture the sprayers are clean.

My Sears Maintenance Man recommended I buy this product and use it monthly. He claims that the stainless steel tub is surrounded by a plastic tub and needs freshening that plain vinegar can't reach. This product claims you can use it while washing dishes but I prefer not to take the chance that my dishes have some chemical cleaner on them, so do it on its own cycle.

I own a Bosch dishwasher with a stainless steel tub. I used to use vinegar to freshen it up but will be using this from now on. It seems to do a great job. The entire tablet was dissolved by the finish of the cycle.

I can recommend this Dishwasher cleaner for use in dishwashers.

So I’ll preface this by saying that at the time of purchasing the affresh, I hadn’t cleaned my dishwasher for a year. The only reason I did actually think to clean it was that I started smelling an awful smell coming from my dishwasher, so I went to the internets and learned that I should have been cleaning my dishwasher all along. Ahh, me. Anyway, I came on to Amazon, found this particular brand online and decided to give it a shot, it was the right price and since I have a Prime membership I would get free shipping in the mail (by the way, if you don't have Prime, get it—you will start ordering everything online, the convenience is insane.) So I used the Affresh, and it really cleaned out my dishwasher. Like, gunk that I thought was permanent in the dishwasher, was cleared out of there. The only problem was, that the old funky gross smell was replaced by an insanely strong perfume-y scent from the affresh. It actually bothered me a bit because my coffee mugs were smelling like affresh and coffee. Bad combination. My sister recommended that I use a little bit of citric acid to naturally clean the machine, and get rid of the residue left by the affresh. She gave me some of her Citric Acid Powder - Ultra Fine Pure Powdered Crystals - Natural Preservative Food Grade Quality (16 oz), and it worked like a charm! After I ran my dishwasher just once, the machine was just as clean as before, but there wasn’t any scent!

So, I changed my review to four stars because I tried the affresh again, but this time I did a double wash back to back, once with affresh, and this cycle got rid of all of the gunk and leftover food, and then the second time with my citric acid which got rid of the residual smell and left my plates clean with no mineral residue. Sweet! Basically, I think you need the one two combo of using both, so it is my recommendation to buy both.

Started getting white streaks all over my dishes. That never happened before. Thought it was my detergent and changed it, but no difference. Clean dishes with this weird white film on them. Wash them by hand, then put them back in the dishwasher, and white film again! Then I did an internet search to figure out what was going on (a dishwasher is an incredibly simple piece of machinery.) Found this! Bought it. Used it. Dishes are clean again!

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Designed to penetrate, dissolve & remove odor causing residue. Power away lime and mineral build-up that can occur inside your dishwasher. Cleans dishwashers better than bleach.
  • Patented tablet design lasts throughout the entire wash cycle
  • Safe to use with Stainless Steel Tub and Plastic Tub dishwashers
  • Recognized for safer chemistry by the EPA
  • Use once a month to keep your dishwasher fresher and cleaner


This is a genuine replacement part. The model number and name for the following item is: Whirlpool W10282479 Dishwasher Magic.

Works extremely well. We haven't done any cleaning on our dishwasher in 5 years, and the sliding dish trays were tough to pull out or push in, there was detergent build up all over the inside, and there was a milky film on all our cups.

I bought Affresh, ran the dishwasher with two tablets while it was empty, and the difference was astounding. There was still some build up and I figured it would require another cycle, so I popped another two tablets in, ran the machine a second time, and now it looks and sounds brand new. No more film on the glasses, no more dirty dishes from clogged sprayers, no more odors, or build up around the door seals.

I'm going to be buying Affresh from now on, and hopefully it will extend the life of my dishwasher.

Yes, you can clean your dishwasher without utilizing a pre-packaged cleaner. Call me lazy. This was simple to use, smelled good, and I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the dishwasher after the recommended cleaning cycle. This product actually did what it advertises that it will do! Great results, fairly economical - and by the way - it works!

We purchased a brand new GE dishwasher about 8 months ago, and around a month ago a putrid smell developed within the dishwasher. We checked everything, from the pump leading out to the garbage disposal, we pulled the dishwasher out, we even finally called a service repairman to see if they could determine the issue. Ultimately NOTHING was found, the best advice he could offer was that on these newer models the filters are soo fine that they trap lots of food that gunks up and can cause more unpleasant odors that older model washers typically rinse down the drain. He highly recommended these Affresh tablets, claiming he uses it at least once a month in his dishwasher and recommends them to all clients. Unfortunately these are not to be found at Target, or any of my local big box stores, so thankfully Amazon carries them! I used it about a week ago, and it did the trick to clean the dishwasher out and left it smelling fresh for at least one cycle. I like the product, but the smell is back, and we really can't determine if it's just the dishwasher or if this product didn't do the best job of helping filter out and dissolve some of the food that possibly got trapped. I will continue to use these tablets at least once a month as recommended, but it sounds like newer dishwashers are simply more high maintenance than the good old ones from a few years back.

This stuff works really well. I work in appliance repair and highly recommend. If you are having a lot of residue in your dishwasher, the most important thing is to make sure your water is hot enough! At least 120F. Use 2 tablets for heavy build up, no detergent, and empty and this should make a huge difference. If you use hot water and use this or Glisten regularly, your dishwasher will perform better and last longer. Great for removing soap and hard water residue.

After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher, due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener no longer was doing it's job, so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. I decided to do 2 more loads before deciding to purchase a new one. Then I saw a product test review for affresh in good housekeeping magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine, per instructions, and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! My glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully on a monthly basis, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order, so I will get a new pack every 6 months. I am amazed!

Get it Now


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