Sunday, August 4, 2019

Zero Tea 14 Day Detox Tea, Weight Loss Tea, Teatox Herbal Tea for Cleanse

Zero Tea 14 Day Detox Tea, Weight Loss Tea, Teatox Herbal Tea for Cleanse

Zero Tea 14 Day Detox Tea, Weight Loss Tea, Teatox Herbal Tea for Cleanse

Let me just start by saying this was the best choice I have made when trying to buy a product that lives up to the hype. The taste is super tasty no sugar needed. This really detoxed my system entirely, mind you normally I drink a lot of water during the day which is required in order to get better results. I also eat clean, which helps with trying to lose the pounds after I have given birth. I was stuck at a weight of 152 and even after I work out 4-5 times a week, I was getting no where. After drinking this tea for about a week I noticed this changed my hormone levels and removed the toxins in my system, thus helped getting me out of the plateau I was in and lost 3.5 pounds. I was stoked!! I knew it was because of this tea! I have my cup of tea in the morning after my workouts and drink water. Then I reuse the same tea bag and drink it before I go to bed. I rarely give reviews if ever. But thought this was worth one. Hope this helps anyone who is thinking of buying it.

I don't own a scale for my own mental safety but I can see that my stomach is flatter after 2 weeks if drinking this tea. I had already reduced drinking my calories and increased my water intake before starting this tea and didn't make any dietary changes. The taste is good but I did add honey cuz I like sweet tea. It doesn't make u run to or live in the bathroom either.

All I have to say is WOW ! Everything I buy on amazon , I buy based on reviews. So I thought it would be VERY important to write a review !
Quick delivery , smells amazing , and tastes just as good ! I wanted a tea that I didn’t struggle to drink and that would show results. And I am so happy with my choice ! My bloating went down , curbs appetite, and I have dropped a few pounds and I’m only on my first week !
I have also changed my eating habits ... low carb diet and no added sugar on any of my foods. Or sugary drinks. Water and homemade drinks !
If you’re wondering if you should buy it ... you should !

I don’t normally write reviews but, this stuff deserves one. Not only does it do what it says it will, it tastes great! As with anything in life you have to do your part but, this helps. Down a total of 50 pounds now and had hit a plateau, this broke through it. 4 pounds in 1 week. Will drink it everyday even when weight goal has been achieved. 9 to go 😀

I bought this tea because of the great reviews & I was like looking for something to help with a bloating feeling I’d been having for weeks! I followed the directions & made sure to drink a glass of water before the tea every morning. I feel great! The bloating feeling is gone and I have actually been able to cut my coffee with a lot of cream out of my morning routine! I’ll be buying more for sure!

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • ZeroTea helps the body by charging the metabolism- promoting proper digestion, and aiding in the optimization of the digestive tract. ZeroTea's ingredients are designed to stimulate the body's ability to process excess fats, stimulate blood circulation, and provides essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
  • Detox cleanse and metabolism booster- Our 14 and 28 day detox aids your body in cleansing and purifying itself of toxins and waste; boosts your metabolism and energy level, helps get rid of excess water, and reduces stress while still tasting great. Zero Tea consists of only the finest organic green tea, spices and herbs.
  • A better way to cleanse- Our blend doesn't include the natural laxative Senna Leaf. Zerotea is a gentle detox that supports the positive bacteria in the gut; aiding the body in attaining an optimized efficiently running metabolic process.
  • Reduce bloating- Zerotea aids in your body's digestion, helping to relieve excessive bloating by feeding the good bacteria in your gut so that they can do there job properly.
  • Anti-inflammatory ingredients- Sluggish bowels are often due to an overgrowth of bacteria or Candida albicans that produce toxic metabolites slowing down processing through the colon. D-Limonene a compound found in orange peels one of the ingredients in Zerotea has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help keep microorganisms in the colon at healthy levels.



Most people struggle with their weight, don't be discouraged, start detoxing now with Zero Tea and steep up your metabolism. We all want to look and feel better and that can be difficult if your body feels sluggish and bloated. Today's modern American diet AKA S.A.D (Standard American Diet) has left Americans feeling sluggish, bloated, and packing on the pounds due to refined /processed ingredients, trans fats, stabilizers, artificial dyes, artificial flavorings and the lack of whole foods that contain essential nutrients, prebiotics and probiotics that our bodies are craving. What can you do? You can start by making simple yet effective changes, like drinking Zero Tea, water, eating whole foods and moving everyday. Those are life changes that will benefit you everyday for as long as you keep it up.


Zero Tea is curated with ingredients that are time proven to help your body with the detoxifying process. Zero Tea is a delicious blend of organic and natural teas and spices that cleanse while boosting your metabolism and energy level. Zero Tea helps your body flush excess water that makes you feel sluggish and bloated without the harsh laxatives that other detox teas contain, it's the ultimate way to internally calm and cleanse your body.


I live by this tea! This is the first thing I drink every morning and it really curbs my appetite - plus, it tastes absolutely amazing! I would buy this again!

So I originally bought this because along my weight loss journey I hit a plateau that I was stuck at for MONTHS. I kept up with my regular workout and healthy eating, but with this tea I got past my plateau and have lost another 5lbs in less than 2 weeks. I’m amazed. Not only that, but my dependency on morning coffee has subsided, and I feel so much better. I’ll definitely be buying this tea again.

taste great! I needed a good cleanse after a summer of traveling, eating out and drinking! came home 10 lbs extra! I've lost those10 lbs in 2 weeks but I also have been working out, changed my diet and added this detox! I will be purchasing again when I need to cleanse!

At first I hated the smell of this tea I think because of the cloves & cinnamon. But I eventually tolerated it. I didn't eat super healthy while taking the tea or hit the gym every day but I did lose 3 pounds over the 2 weeks

First, I have to say it doesn't take bad, but it's not good either. I added a teaspoon or two of honey to mine every morning. Second, I havent lost much weight but I see the numbers moving on the scale so something seems to be going right. Third, I like this product because it makes me feel good. I feel more energized and awake after I drink this tea.

I normally drink this tea either with 8 ounces of water or 10 ounces. Depending on the day. I don't think it matters. I do plan on buying it again.

Get it Now


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