Monday, September 16, 2019

Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Once Daily Women’s Shelf Stable Probiotics 16 Strains, 50 Billion CFU Guaranteed Potency to Expiration, Gluten Dairy & Soy Free One a Day, Prebiotic Fiber, 30 Capsules

Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Once Daily Women’s Shelf Stable Probiotics 16 Strains, 50 Billion CFU Guaranteed Potency to Expiration, Gluten Dairy & Soy Free One a Day, Prebiotic Fiber, 30 Capsules

Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Once Daily Women’s Shelf Stable Probiotics  16 Strains, 50 Billion CFU Guaranteed Potency to Expiration, Gluten Dairy & Soy Free One a Day, Prebiotic Fiber, 30 Capsules

Did the milk ferment test. If many don't know you take one capsule mixed with a small amount of milk and let it sit out for 24-48 hrs. If it starts to curdle you know you have a good probiotic. So I know for sure that the bacteria is LIVE like advertised! As you can see in the picture it curdled so much more than any other probiotic I've done this with. In exactly 24hrs! With only ONE capsule.
Aside from that I have had no ugly side effects like some have when first starting a probiotic. No stomach cramps, or urgencies. I make sure to drink plenty of water with them. And so should everyone!
It has helped my chronic indigestion, IBSd & bouts of IBSc. Great product, I buy this every month along with the woman’s vitamins. This brand is great.

The probiotics from Garden of Life really have made my life a lot less stressful due to stomach issues. No more cramping, long term bloating, rushing to the bathroom, being in there forever. I mean with hormones in women it can send things out of whack. This is also great to take with antibiotics about 2 hours after

I've been using this product for just over a week and I LOVE this stuff. I was having digestive issues, as well as some issues with.. well an odor, which got worse during my cycle. After some research I concluded that the issue was likely a bacterial imbalance, and that probiotics with specific strains can typically take care of it. This product has both the good R's, Lacto Rhamnosus and Reuteri, which are important for vaginal health. It's working, the odor has ceased, and even my cycle is practically odorless. I don't type these words without a certain amount of embarrassment, obviously no one wants to know about my hoo-haw - but if you have a similar issue you should definitely try this product. My digestion is also much better, I'm no longer feeling bloated or irregular, and taking this has all but eliminated any gas issues I've had.

The product claims its shelf-stable, but I do keep mine in the fridge just to be safe. It arrived un-refriderated as well.

It does exactly what it says. I researched what, when, where, how, why, and if I should I take Probiotics. I found that the minimum requirements for effectiveness is 50 billion and a minimum of 11 strains. A lot of products claim to meet those two guidelines. But when you look at the ingredients they have a list of stuff that has nothing to do do with Probiotics bottom line. A lot of scams out there with products claiming to be the real thing but they are full of herbs, vegetables, and other ingredients that are known only to them. If you want all those ingredients buy over the counter vitamins, which might be a lot cheaper. But you and me are looking at Probiotics for a reason. Remember to stay focused on that particular reason.

I carefully compiled a list of over 125 products. Some had a few details on the ingredients and some had none. Yet, they all claimed to be Probiotics, which I quickly found out that it was not true. Anyway, if a particular product did not clearly list the required ingredients, I crossed it out from the list. Every product claims to be the best on the market. Don't fall for it. One product at the time was scratched from the list, until I found the right one for me and my medical issues.

I decided to buy Garden if Life Probiotic. I made this choice after pouring many hours on research, which needed to meet specific criteria: 50 billion and 16 strains. Anything less than 50 billion isn't that effective for reaching my medical goals (see them listed somewhere else in this post).
And of course, every ingredient that is contained in this product is clearly listed on the Amazon website. My doctor said that there was a lot of research on Probiotic products on neuroscience journals and how Probiotics could help me with my particular medical conditions, which the medical field had nothing else to to offer me. As a professional researcher, I had to get my hands, right away, on high quality journals on line. I read more than 15 articles from different journals. It took me a long time (over 2 weeks) because my cognitive difficulties (remembering, understanding, etc.). The research was well designed, the findings were consistent and they were well supported. If you feel the urgency to read research just go to Google and search for "Probiotics research on neuroscience journals." From there you get to pick and choose from a huge selection of journals. It's like a huge salad bar, with enough variety to satisfy anyone with an enormous hunger for information. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Note: Insurance companies do not cover this product. It really is a disappointment but not enough to discourage me give up on my search for a light at the end of the tunnel.

Next is affordability. Since my goal is to consistently take it every day for many years to come, I needed to to make sure it was affordable. This product is a winner!!! Since I'm on a fixed income, I need to make sure that I wouldn't go broke in the process of trying to reconnect with my cognitive abilities and, maybe even restore some of my memories. If nothing else, based on the research, I truly believe that I'll be able to improve my cognitive skills and keep new memories. And that, ladies and gentlemen, IS THE BOTTOM LINE. The simple FACT is that I have been taking this product for just a few days and I can SEE SOME ENCOURAGING RESULTS. I wrote this post (a) without any hand written notes on the side to rely on, (b) without taking me for ever, and (c) without sweeting bullets connected with the frustration of not having a clue whether I was making any sense. Let me give you an example of how I feel right now. This is, indeed, like you are watching the Super Bowl game and your team is getting its asses kicked, badly (my doctors lack of resources to help me). You almost lose hope (will I loose my mind completely? how soon? What will happen to me when I can no longer think nor remember simple words or conversations with my loved ones?), but you don't give up. You heart is full of faith thinking that something can be done to win the game. As hard as it is, and with very little hope someone makes the perfect play (my doctor studying Probiotics for years and recently recommending to patients who had similar problems like mine. According to my doctor he was getting encouraging results) and you come back from the brinck of despair. The last day of the season, on the last second you find yourself being a part of of the winning team. You feel like you were present in the stadium with your team players when you won the Super Bowl (my the help of Probiotics). And you feel like life is returning to you and your steps are lighter, quicker, easier, and you have all the confidence of the world. Life seems to be returning to your mind and the future looks full of new possibilities and new adventures. I CAN THINK, ENGAGE IN SIMPLE CONVERSATIONS WITHOUT GETTING LOST, AND THAT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING. I have faith that I am going to to have a great future. A future without fear. Please you all wish me good luck, and if you don't mind praying for a stranger pray that my new found hope on Probiotics really works.
Thank you for reading this long, mushy, and even corney post, but I am too excited. I just couldn't wait to share with the world. I hope others too can find new hope with this product. Nothing is guaranteed in this life. Not even Probiotics. It is just my own experience and nothing else.
P. S. I'm not being paid for my comments nor was asked to write this post.

Best women's probiotic out. I got this for chronic bv and haven't had an issue since 😘

I have suffered from yeast infections pretty much since my young adult hood! Turns out it’s a hereditary issue. I pretty much was on Diflucan every few weeks. I tried pretty much just about everything. My doctor had mentioned probiotics to me, so I bought the ones that needed to be refrigerated and would forget them. So when I got this I was just trying something as a last resort... and I’m pleased to say it’s been 6 months since my last yeast infection!!!! And I’ve been on these probiotics for 6 months!!! I’m very happy I honestly never thought I’d find something.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • DIGESTION SUPPORT: This once daily probiotic supplement contains Lactobaccilus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria for digestive health and constipation relief
  • PROBIOTICS FOR WOMEN: Specially formulated probiotic for women's specific health needs contains L. reuteri and L. fermentum for vaginal health
  • IMMUNE SUPPORT: This dietary supplement has 50 billion CFU and 16 probiotics for immune system health
  • SHELF STABLE PROBIOTICS: This 50 billion probiotics supplement comes in 30 one daily capsules; no refrigeration required
  • HYPOALLERGENIC PROBIOTIC: Our probiotic is dairy free, gluten free, soy free, and vegetarian
  • Contains tuber starch


Dr. Formulated Probiotics Once Daily Women’s is a unique “just one capsule a day” shelf stable probiotic. Once Daily Women's is a specifically designed vegetarian supplement with a high probiotic count to support a healthy microbiome and women’s specific health needs. Dr. Perlmutter created this unique formula with a high count of beneficial probiotics made from diverse strains, including Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, that are resistant to stomach acid and bile, exclusively for women’s digestion, immune system health. David Perlmutter, M.D., is an expert in the human microbiome, a board-certified neurologist, Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, America’s brain-health expert and #1 New York Times best-selling author.

I’ve been taking these for a month and i have noticed a significant change in my bowel movements. Also it could all be in my head but my periods aren't as harsh on my body. Tmi i know lol

I had read Dr David Perlmutters book: Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes, and really liked the book. The science made sense. A year later, I wanted to lose some weight. I was at 21% body fat and wanted to go down a bit. I have worked out 5+ times a week for the last few years, and I eat very healthy, but I am sometimes tempted by junk food. I tried to workout harder (this made me hungry), eat less (this made me lose muscle mass)....long story short, no matter what I did, the stubborn fat wouldn't come off. I remembered Dr Perlmutter's book and decided to go hunting down some probiotics. I saw this very well reviewed on Amazon and lo and behold it's formulated by Perlmutter himself!

I only took this for 20 days. The reason? I was losing weight too fast! I lost 4 lbs which brought me down to 19% body fat. I could keep taking it but decided that it's probably good to have 19% body fat in me LOL. This stuff really works. We have donut Fridays at the office. Without taking this I might take half a donut, while I was on this, I looked at the donut and any junk food with disinterest. My gut is telling my brain it no longer wants sugary/carb food. Amazing!

Currently I'm taking about one pill every 3 days to sustain my body fat. I imagine if I wanted to go down to 18% I could achieve it with the help of this (of course along with my routine workout and healthy diet)!

WOW WOW WOW!! This is the best probiotic ever!!! I am NOT joking! All others I tried gave me a headache!! This is also available in Men's!!! I have IBS-C and a slow colon and after 3 weeks of taking this I am regular everyday. Before I was taking stuff I couldn't go on my own and I'm not exaggerating! I sure hope they never stop making this product!!!!!

I cannot recommend this product enough. I would give it unlimited stars if I could. I have dealt with dairy sensitivity for YEARS and had resigned myself to terrible pain every time I ate something with milk in it. I was skeptical of probiotics and I used a few other brands with no success. Then I tried this one. I take it every day and have not had dairy problems in MONTHS. I have recommended this product to probably a dozen people.

I had to go on antibiotics for acne for a couple months and I hate those horrible pills for all the havoc they do in your intestines and lady parts and EVERYWHERE. I needed some hardcore probiotics to aid in digestion and to avoid a yeast infection and these were really nice.

Get it Now


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