Friday, April 5, 2019

Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - 32dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Work, Travel & Loud Events

Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - 32dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Work, Travel & Loud Events

Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 50 Pair - 32dB Highest NRR, Comfortable Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Work, Travel & Loud Events

From left to right in photos Slim Fit (purple), Dream Girls (pink), Snore Blockers (green), Original (aqua), Ultra Soft (brown). I have read other reviews stating that macks changed the size of the Ultra Soft recently, so I am posting a photo of the packaging for mine. The Ultra Soft are my favorite (even though they are not an exciting color) because they block noise, compress really well so that they are easy to insert, and don't feel like they are forcibly pushing against my ear canal once they have expanded. The Originals are a close second (just a bit shorter and slightly more slender than the Ultra Soft), so I will use them as well. I found that the Slim Fit were somehow hard to get into my ears (in spite of being slim) and didn't block enough noise. The Dream Girls fit really well but usually didn't stay in all night (and I sometimes worried they would get shoved down too far to get out). The Snore Blockers truly block the most noise, but they push too hard against my ear canal to be comfortable for long periods. The Macks brand ear plugs have not caused irritation or itching in my ears (other brands have), but I throw them away after one use so I can't speak to durability. Wish I could say that I received a discount in my quest for the perfect plug, but I purchased all at full price on Amazon and just decided to write a review comparing them because I had a hard time differentiating based on the product descriptions.

My boyfriend snores like a buffalo! We have already started sleeping in separate rooms (we both can actually sleep now, I love it!!). But vacations had turned into something I dread!
We just got back from a 10 day southwest vacation, which is why I bought these! I've tried many other ear plugs. They sort of work, but hurt my ears as I'm a side-sleeper.
I brought three different plugs to try on this last vaca. Happened to use these Mack's first. Didn't even waste my time on the other two. These are squishy enough to completely plug your ears, and also squishy enough not to hurt your ears. I can sleep with them in all night! I couldn't even hear the alarm clock at all. And I was able to sleep next to a lumberjack (sawing logs, lol) all night!!
Just make sure you put them in correctly. Roll between your fingers and make as thin as possible, then stick one in as far as you can and hold. You'll get the feel for it. They really are awesome!!

If a review says something like "Doesn't block ANY sound at all!" then you are likely reading a review from someone who:
1) has an ear canal that is too big for these to make a good seal, or, too small to insert (in which case it's their responsibility to research/buy ear plugs better suited to their larger/small ear canal)
2) doesn't know how to properly insert these into their ear (but thinks they do).
or both.

If neither of those reasons apply, then there is no way these won't block "ANY sound at all," that's just not possible. Perhaps they won't block ENOUGH of the sound to your liking, but to claim they don't block ANY sound means you're claiming that the volume is just as loud with the ear plugs in as it is when they are out. That simply isn't possible.

With that said, these do a great job of blocking out sound for me. I was ignorant for the longest time about the proper way to insert ear plugs until I saw the video that Mack's has here on the product page, but even doing it wrong with them hanging halfway out my ear, they still worked just fine. Once I started inserting them properly though, there was a vast improvement. Tighter seal, greater dampening of sound, and very unlikely to fall out during the night.

Durability will depend on the frequency of usage and the condition of your ear canal. My ears stay pretty clean, not much ear wax and I use them probably 4 times a week on average. A single pair lasts me about 2-3 weeks before I feel like swapping to a fresh pair so, this pack of 50 pairs is going to last me a few years or so. Great deal for 8 bucks.

If you think your ear canal is normal sized and you're capable of inserting them correctly, these will work wonderfully for you. If you see a review claiming that these do nothing for them, then they probably have other issues unrelated to the ear plugs.

You know I love my husband...but dear Lord he snores so Loud that I wake up from the sound as he hits the next level of sleep. Also my cats, wild muffin butts, making all sorts of hell noises. 5am piss break from dreaming, guinea pigs wake up from me taking the dog to piss out back. High power noisy fans to cool the house at night.

Guess what.

I out these (ear plugs) babies in, all I hear is light fan noise from the high power box fans.

Can't hear my husband snore like old man Jenkins. Cats...what cats....guinea pigs crying for food too soon, eh forget them...i got ear plugs and I can't hear s***.

Great for nap time too middle of the day while your neighbors about 200 or 300 feet away in a normal subherb neighborhood is doing his yard, then the guy next to him building a house project with no permits. Makes you less mad at them since you can sleep in too on weekends while the JWs knock on your door at 8am on a Saturday when you normally work from 11pm to 6am and have just fallen asleep.

Get these ear plugs, sleep is waiting for you.

Of the earplugs I have tried so far, these are the most comfortable and do block noise well.
These are the only plugs I've tried that don't put such pressure on my outer ear and ear canal that they actually hurt by morning. Some others do block noise better though.

SUBJECTIVE THINGS: A lot of liking an ear plug has to do with how well it fits your ear. If you have a big outer ear and wide opening to your ear canal, a different plug will work for you. I have smaller ears & canal, but the canal is farther from the outside of my ear.

INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the instructions. It's easy to end up with the tip of the ear plug not covering the ear canal. Then they won't be very effective.

NEW VERSION: I have only used the new (mid 2017) version. The old one sounds nice. Sorry I missed it. But these are still better (for me) than Hearos or 3M E-A-R classic or Harbor Freight. The first two are recommended for their all night comfort.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • ULTRA COMFORTABLE - Made with super low-pressure, slow release, Comfy Cush Comfort Foam. Their user preferred color is as easy on your eyes as they are on your ears.
  • ULTRA NOISE BLOCKERS - With a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 32 decibels, these versatile, noise blocking earplugs are great for sleeping, studying, work, travel, concerts, relaxation, motorcycling, loud events, etc.
  • #1 BRAND FOR SNORING, SLEEPING AND TO PROTECT HEARING - Mack's is the #1 doctor recommended brand of foam earplugs to protect hearing and to get a good night's sleep when sleeping with a snoring spouse.
  • #1 BRAND USED BY DOCTORS - Mack's is the #1 brand of foam earplugs personally used by doctors. Trust the brand that doctors trust.
  • MADE IN THE USA - Proudly made in the USA with safe, high performance, noise reducing foam. Satisfaction guaranteed. The plastic jar is safety-sealed and features a convenient flip-open top for easy dispensing.


Mack's Ultra Soft Ear Plugs These ear plugs are molded with super low-pressure, skinned and tapered foam to provide unmatched comfort and improved hygiene. With a high noise reduction rating (NRR) of 32 decibels, this high performance hearing protection can be used in environments where noise is just a nuisance up to environments with hazardous noise levels. Great for loud concerts, motor sports, sleep, shooting sports, power tools, etc. (50 pair)

Great product. Doesn't drown out the noise completely, but a majority of it is. I am using these currently in nursing school and I'm one of those students who needs complete silence in order to study. These have been great for just that! I'm able to study in the same room as my husband, while he watches TV (on a reasonable low volume, mind you) and it doesn't interrupt my thinking. Great for test taking as well. Keeps me focused through the test without all that background noise. Love these plugs!

What I like is the ease with which they go into my ears and provide sufficient noise attenuation so that I can attend wedding receptions, concerts and musical church services without hearing loss. Some films require them also. (People associate ear pain with excitement I guess.) A bottle of them means you can keep some in your jacket pockets, in the car and in your travel kit when flying.

The big plus is that you are not making a statement at your friend's wedding reception with your ear plugs. Never has anybody seemed to notice them. What I don't like is that they are only for Caucasian people. Folks with darker skin colors need sound protection as well. And having shades of color would allow them to likewise protect their hearing while not making a statement to their friends at parties and social events managed by almost-deaf DJ's.

I've worked with some of these DJ's in the past. Nice people but with a distinct high-end hearing loss. No wonder we keep getting ads in the mail for Hearing Aids. A dark secret of the recording industry is that our music is mixed by people with hearing loss. So you should feel free to set your own EQ on your sound system. But I digress.

They work, they are soft, and they are reasonably priced.

Mack's Ear Care Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs, 50...; item comes as described; epic price for quantity and quality; Uncle Sam introduced me to earplugs, and a life time later i used them in construction and EMS related situations. Now i have children... I keep these on the head board or near my computer in case Daddy need quiet in order to avoid issuing out correctional measures to the screaming masses running through the house on there summer vacation.

I’m not kidding, once you figure out how to use these little gems, they can drown out the LOUDEST SNORING HUSBAND! I keep these next to my bed and I go through about one jar every other month.

A pair will usually last a few nights for me. If I put them in and I can still hear him breathing, I know it’s time to sneak out of bed and get a new pair.

The good thing is, I can’t hear him snoring as loud, but I can still hear other things going on, like the dog barking at shadows in the middle of the night (anyone want a dog?) or the baby crying (I’m keeping him though - he’s super cute). I guess it’s because they are different decibels.

Make sure you keep the top on tight, they don’t work as well if they dry out (not that they are moist or anything).

Regardless, I will always have these stashed near my bed for as long as we both shall live ... unless he gets that anti-snoring surgery!

They are okay for sleeping and road noise/snore noise abatement. My wife snores and our home backs up to a major street. I sleep better with these than without them but they do begin to annoy me after 7 or 8 hrs of use. You can sleep with your ear down to the pillow without feeling additional pressure inside the ear. I don't consider my inner ear small but these are a bit difficult to get them to insert deep enough without popping out. I pinch/roll them very tightly and then quickly jam it into my ear canal. Then hold it there for at least 30 seconds and it usually only takes 3 or 4 tries per ear. Better than waking up to snoring all night. Keep on the bedside table and throw one in on any ear not hurried in the pillow.

Get it Now


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