Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Remedy + Fatigue Reducer for Airplane Travel Across Time Zones with All Natural Ingredients - 32 Count Chewable Tablets (for up to 50+ hours of flying)

Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Remedy + Fatigue Reducer for Airplane Travel Across Time Zones with All Natural Ingredients - 32 Count Chewable Tablets (for up to 50+ hours of flying)

Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Remedy + Fatigue Reducer for Airplane Travel Across Time Zones with All Natural Ingredients - 32 Count Chewable Tablets (for up to 50+ hours of flying)

My husband and I have used this product now for 5 years for multiple trips overseas (Australia 4 times, Hawaii 3, Europe 2) and these really work. How do we know? We've forgotten to use them on a couple of legs and there has been a night/day difference in our energy levels. We use precisely as directed, setting timers on our phone when possible to remember the doses. On a few occasions we've slept through the timer, so missed the timing of a couple of doses, and we've been fine. Our last trip to Australia was 34 hours door-to-door on the outbound. We would have been a complete wreck without these. As it was, we arrived late morning, remained awake and lively (enough) through dinner and then got a good night's sleep. Next day as good as new. For the years before I found No-Jet-Lag, I would need to sleep for a few days after a leg like that. We never travel without this now. I highly recommend this product.

We took these pills according to the directions on a recent trip to the U.K. I've flown overseas before, so I am well aware of the jet lag feeling. We landed about 10 am in London after an 8 hour flight. I honestly felt fine until about 9pm - went to bed and slept well. Got up the next morning feeling no bad effects from the time change. I also did not sleep much on the plane, as it is hard for me to do. I will definitely use these again.

This stuff is a game changer for travelers. I am a person who gets extremely lethargic after traveling (especially on flights to/from Europe). This changed my life. I normally have to fly in an extra day early from my planned travel days, solely so that I can get enough rest and be ready for the next day. I can now take these and on landing be prepared for a full day of activities. When I took a group of 40 students to Europe this summer, I had them order this product also and all of them felt great. No problems with it at all. HIGHLY recommended for anyone traveling on long-haul flights.

My Mom and I tried these on a recent trip to Ireland, flying from Chicago. We took as directed on the box and after the 7 hr. Flight, we didn't experience jet lag. My husband and daughter didn't take them, and were much more fatigued than we were.
We forgot to take them on the return flight and noticed a huge difference. I would recommend for any overseas flight. We had no unpleasant side effects.

I fly back and forth to Europe fairly regularly and as I get older this gets harder to do. I went looking for products to help and this one stood out for the excellent reviews - literally no one gave it negative feedback. The price is right and the ingredients are harmless, so I gave it a try. To be honest, I can't help feeling that I am being played - that it is all the placebo effect - but there is no getting around the fact that I feel much better when I use it than when I don't.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • REDUCES JET LAG: Helps to alleviate jet lag symptoms that affect body temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, and physiological patterns, leading to disorientation as well as mental and physical fatigue
  • TRAVELER TESTED: 75% of users (business and pleasure travelers, professional athletes/teams, tour operators, travel agents, flight crews, and military and diplomatic personnel) said it was helpful in combating the symptoms of jet lag
  • NO SIDE EFFECTS: Step off the plane or attend meetings refreshed, enjoy vacation (and return home) or travel internationally with minimal down time, all without feeling groggy (does not interfere with medications)
  • EASY TO USE: Simply chew 1 tablet each time your plane takes off and lands (even if not disembarking) to counter the effects of pressure changes, and 1 every 2 hours while flying long distances. Each package contains 32 tablets - enough for 50+ hours of flying
  • NATURAL INGREDIENTS: A Homeopathic remedy made with just 5 active all natural ingredients - Arnica Montana 30C (Leopard's Bane), Bellis Perennis 30C (Daisy), Chamomilla 30C (Wild Chamomile), Ipecacuanha 30C (Ipecac), and Lycopodium 30C (Clubmoss)


NASA estimates that you need one day for every 1-hour time zone crossed to return to normal rhythm and energy levels. A 5-hour time difference means you need five days to get back to normal. Can you afford that? Jet lag is a curse of modern jet travel, caused by rapid transit across world time zones resulting in loss of efficiency or holiday enjoyment, often for days after arrival. It affects body clock (circadian rhythm) body temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, and physiological patterns, leading to disorientation and mental or physical fatigue. No-Jet-Lag, a unique homeopathic remedy, offers a convenient solution. Created in 1990 in New Zealand with 5 active natural ingredients - Arnica Montana 30C (Leopard's Bane), Bellis Perennis 30C (Daisy), Chamomilla 30C (Wild Chamomile), Ipecacuanha 30C (Ipecac), and Lycopodium 30C (Clubmoss). Travelers, professional athletes/teams, tour operators, travel agents, flight crews, and military/diplomatic personnel have benefitted from using No-Jet-Lag. Now, business professionals can step off the plane and attend meetings in much better shape, no longer needing time to rest or reorient themselves on arrival. Holiday travelers can also look forward to enjoying all of their vacation and can return home without taking days off to recover from jet lag. For international travel, it makes going through customs, immigration, or hotel check in that much easier, not being tired or irritable. Taking No-Jet-Lag is simple and convenient: chew 1 tablet each time your plane takes off and 1 each time it lands (even if not disembarking), to counter the effects of pressure changes, and 1 every 2 hours while flying to counter the effects of long-haul flight. Can be used every 4 hours if you are sleeping during flight, and is best taken separately from meals, but not required. Each 32 tablet packet contains enough for 50 hours of flying (equivalent of an around-the-world trip) and is packaged on a premises inspected by a regulatory authority to ensure it meets the class 1 standard grade of hygiene. It can easily be slipped into a carry-on bag or purse, so it’s always within reach. Since No-Jet-Lag is made entirely from natural substances, you won’t experience any side effects or grogginess and helps relieve the symptoms of sleepiness, fatigue, and irritability. Recover from jet lag faster and arrive with the energy you need to get through your day (sightseeing, attending a business meeting, or visiting friends and family).

My wife and I go to Europe every year from Seattle and we’ve been using these for maybe 4 years now. They do work very well although nothing eliminates jet lag. We gave some to our friends in Munich for a trip they took to China and they raved about them. We had to bring several packages to them recently to give to their friends. We simply won’t travel without them. One package is good for 2 of us R/T. Follow the instructions.

Just stocking up for a trip. I have used this for nearly 20 years and it is really nice to get to a different time zone and not be totally out of whack.

this product gives you energy. Used after a long flight to go back to work the following day.. Normally have a lot of fatigue but this sure did the trick. Even now use it when I work a 16 hr nursing shift.

So, I was skeptical about this product, but since it’s pretty cheap and I didn’t want to suffer from Jet lag on my short trip to India - I bought it. To my surprise, IT WORKS! I used as directed on my 14+ hour flight from Chicago to Delhi: one on take-off, two every 2 hours, one before landing. I also wanted to note that I slept twice - an hour each time. My flight left Friday at 1:30pm Chicago time, landed late at around 3:45pm Delhi time on Saturday. After I landed, I went sightseeing, ate food, checked into my hotel, and explored. Late that night, we went to a pub with some locals. Got to the hotel around 2am pretty drunk. We went to bed around 3am. Woke up the next day around 8am ready to rock. The rest of the trip my sleeping was never an issue. I was able to sleep fine at night, wake up in the morning easily, wasn’t tired during the day. No problems.

On the way home, I did NOT use the pills and I am currently writing this review at 4:30 am after waking up at 11:45 pm and not being able to fall back asleep. Buy them, use them. You will thank yourself!

I've used these for 8 flights. Several to Europe. I do feel better after I land. Not perfect but jet lag adjustment is much better than in the past. I buy them for others traveling with me too so all us old folks can enjoy our first day or two in a new far away place.

Get it Now


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