Saturday, July 6, 2019

Dr. Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps with Pheromone Attractant | Safe, Non-Toxic with No Insecticides | Organic (6, Black)

Dr. Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps with Pheromone Attractant | Safe, Non-Toxic with No Insecticides | Organic (6, Black)

Dr. Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps with Pheromone Attractant | Safe, Non-Toxic with No Insecticides | Organic (6, Black)

We are owned by 3 parrots. As anyone can tell you with parrots, you get pantry moths. It doesn't matter how clean you are, they arrive in bird seed. We've frozen the bird seed for upward of 3 months, and still, moths. Its just part of the price you pay for loving birds.

We rent and our landlord hired a Professional Pest Control company to take care of another issue in the house left by the former tenant and we, as tenants, paid them on our own, to professionally treat for the moths. That lasted about 2 months.

For reasons I can't figure out, the pantry moths, like mosquitoes, and other bugs, just love me, and bite me as well as infest the pantry and the bird area. So its important to keep them down to a minimum.

We are able to do this easily and pretty inexpensively with Dr. Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps With Pheromone Attractant, either the blue or black packages. We've bought both colors and they work equally well. Our latest purchase arrived yesterday, and I put them out and I know we have been successful for a few reasons.

1) All I'm seeing is the older gray moths
2) No juvenile moths at all - we have successfully interrupted the breeding cycle
3) I put these out and placed them where the sun would warm them and allow the scent to waft through the room and instead of being swarmed like in the past, there were very few moths going to the trap. I'm careful not to place in direct sunlight so I don't ruin the Pheromone Attractant or cause it to lose its effectiveness too soon.
4) I follow the directions as indicated in the little paper in the box. It really does help make with the effectiveness.

If I could ask one thing it would be that these would be available as a Subscribe and Save item. I'm on a fixed income and I know others in the bird community that I've recommended these to are also. It would be helpful for those of us who use these as recommended, to be able to save a bit, and to be able to get auto delivery of these when its time to replace them.

If you're reluctant about trying this brand, or you're thinking that you'll save a few bucks trying another brand that maybe has 7 traps and is a few dollars less, please save yourself the time and hassle. We made that mistake, and ended up throwing them away after following the directions step by step, and leaving them out for a month. They caught a few moths, but only a few, nothing at all like Dr. Killigan's. Then we did what we should have done in the first place. We ordered this product:

Dr. Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps With Pheromone Attractant | Safe, Non-Toxic with No Insecticides (6, Black Traps)

With Dr. Killigan's our experience was as soon as we opened the box and pulled the protective covering off the trap, we were moth magnets once again.

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This review is being posted to showcase our tasteful presentation of what started as a gathering of moths, and is now a full blown infestation. I call it, "The Moth Exhibit at Thayer Plaza."

They are literally coming out of the woodworks: from crevices within the counters, from the pantry, from the bathroom, and who knows from where else. We have spent the days watching our moth traps fill up with these little creatures that seem to bite their way through everything, including plastic and cardboard. Thankfully, they have not yet found their way into our suits and other clothing within our closets.

It is imperative that once a month is discovered it should be killed immediately. Otherwise it can lay a dozen other eggs, and what starts as a small problem can grow into a very large one. Even when we find a moth flying around and try to swat it with a magazine or step on it with our shoes, they seem to snap back to life and start flying again like nothing happened. With these moth traps we have learned that we can hold the trap to the flying patter, and the moths eventually fly inside and get stuck for an eternity. It does not seem to bother them that there are dozens of their dead friends and family members stuck inside the traps already. It seems that they are attracted to the scent of the glue inside the traps.

I'm on my 5th order of these. After a couple dozen months get stuck its best to use a fresh trap because they have a lower chance of getting stuck to the trap if they can step on their dead friends and eject themselves out the other end. A better design would be to have a closed and so that they have no way of ejecting themselves or flying through.

Five stars anyway for keeping us entertained and finding something positive from this mess.

When I say these work fast, I mean it. I got these in hopes of killing my pantry moth problem once and for all. As soon as I set these traps out a SWARM of moths came out from who knows where. I felt like I was in The Birds it was that intense. After my momentary panic I was shocked to find that the moths went straight to the traps and got themselves stuck and within a few hours the kitchen was eerily free of moths. Don’t let the price scare you, this stuff works and works good. The only complaint I have is that my cat got herself stuck on one in a desperate attempt to kill some moths herself. Though that is more of a complaint with the stupidity of my cat and not the product. With a little complaining and vegetable oil she came free with only a little fur missing.

I had a lot of Indian Pantry Moths. The little black ones with the white strip half way across their bodies. They were flying all around my house and gross. They were in my pantry. I bought these and put them out. In hours I had lots of moths stuck in the traps. I cleaned out my pantry of pretty much everything that wasn't sealed up like cans. Moths went away. I got out a broom and swept the buggers out of the corners of my house. Flash forward to next spring. Some more moths popped up, but I still had the traps out, and they disappeared. Not nearly as bad as the year before. Like 10x less moths.. I also checked all my pantry for more infestation and cleaned out the panty. Flash forward to next spring. I have not had any adults flying around, but did find some larvae in a very, very old can of mustard. The expiration date was 2013 and it is 2018 now. I will be cleaning out the spice cabinet soon.. All in all, I have to say these traps work very well, you just need to be prepared for a multiple year battle. Just don't give up and keep these traps out all the time. Clean you pantry and kill and sweep out the carcasas from the corners of your house. Best of luck!!!!

There are so many pantry moth traps available. I first chose these for their unique packaging, a pleasant solution to an unpleasant problem. They arrived quickly, and I put them to use right away. They worked very well, and my moth problem is now history. I would definitely order again.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • NOT FOR CLOTHING MOTHS or GYPSY MOTHS. Only EFFECTIVE Against the Indian Meal Moth and Other Food Moths.
  • PROTECTS Your Bird Seed, Pet Food, Whole Grains, Flour, Almonds, Raisins and Other Dry Goods
  • KILLER DESIGN - Don't settle for industrial, generic, or the out-dated 1970's wood-look other traps provide. Dr. Killigan's moth traps are dressed to impress so you can display them with confidence. This maximizes air flow and increases effectiveness.
  • EASY 1, 2, 3 SETUP. Just open, peel, and fold. Clean and Efficient. Pheromone attractant already in the glue. No wafers needed! 100% Safe and Non-toxic.
  • A GREAT PREVENTATIVE! Stops any future infestation and migration from one product to another.


The Costliest Mistake You Can Make Regarding Pantry Moths: Ignore Them.

Pantry moths are genuine pests, often carriers of harmful bacteria. They are smuggled into your home inside trusted food items purchased from common grocery stores. Your food is their home (where they do the unimaginable) until they chew their way out and find another food source to contaminate. TRUTH: You can't just thow out a couple of defiled items to eradicate moths. You must disrupt the mating cycle, or they'll be right back.

Dr. Killigan's Pantry Moth Traps work best. They are meant to be displayed, not hidden - maximizing air flow and effectiveness. They use the strongest attractant and the stickiest glue, drawing in the males and stopping the breeding.

These traps:

Protect your family's health by being a non-toxic, insecticide-free [and organic] solution approved by the USDA and EPA.

Save you money by protecting your food.

Are a simple solution (working while you sleep) to an annoying and often disgusting problem.


Confidence: These traps just work. They are unequaled in potency, and are individually foil-sealed, ensuring long-lasting traps that won't expire before use.

Peace: No more worries. You already have enough on your plate.

Control: Take back your kitchen. Don't let your food go to the moths.

Bottom Line: This is a killer product, but if you're not totally satisfied, we'll refund your money. No risk to you. Whether you are taking preventative measures, have a minor problem, or a full-blown infestation, start now with Dr. Killigan's Pantry Moth Traps.

ADD TO CART. Restore the peace.

They aren't magic, you still need to clean, toss food, seal everything, etc, but these traps helped us a lot.

Pantry moths are some of the easiest pests to get and some of the hardest to get rid of. We brought them in with a contaminated batch of flour (we think) and it took us a while to figure out what they were. We thought there were just coming in from outside. All the while they were getting all in our cereal, spices, etc. By the time we knew what was happening we were infested.

We threw everything away (hundreds of dollars worth of food) bleached our cabinets, sealed everything and thought we were done. Nope! These things are SO hard to get rid of.

The traps put us over the top in our battle. After fighting these moths for months, storing our cereal and flour in the freezer, etc, etc, we've finally almost won. It's been several weeks since I've seen one now.

The traps won't fix things instantly. They only attract the males. But they DO interrupt the breeding cycle, so when combined with other measures like cleaning, sealing, etc, they make it much easier to eventually rid your home of these pests. I got the 20-pack and put out 5 traps in my 1500 square-foot home and about two months later I replaced them with 5 fresh ones, and that's been all it took. I have 10 more left in case these punks want more.

Great product! We had a huge pantry moth problem in our house that went on for over a year, and after trying this product we're finally moth free! It's been almost two months since I've encountered a moth, and running across them used to be a daily occurrence. The trap starts attracting moths right away (you might even seen them flying toward you as you go to lay it down), but since this trap only attracts males it takes a few weeks before you start seeing a dramatic reduction in moths. By killing the male moths, this trap stops the reproductive cycle of the moths and thus it takes an entire life cycle of these pests (about 4 weeks!) to eradicate them. During that time, I recommend setting out 1-2 traps in every room you've spotted moths flying and changing out the traps as frequently as necessary. These traps are supposedly good for 3 months, but if you have as bad of an infestation as I did, your trap will likely fill up well before that time. I think I switched mine out twice during the first week, and then twice more before I stopped seeing the moths all together.

I would definitely repurchase this product again if I ever had need of it, but I'm hoping I never do!

I have always referred to these winged nuisances as ‘Seed Moths’ – they come FREE in every package of pet bird seed. What ever you call them, they are absolutely attracted to these traps. I’ll take the Dr’s word that these traps are infused with moth pheromone. For all I know, it could also be sun flower seed scent.

I folded up one of the traps and happened to notice a moth flying nearby. I simply held the trap out an arm’s length away. The moth did a mid-air U-turn and flew straight to the trap. He then landed on the outside of the trap and began to perform what looked to be a moth mating dance – lots of wing fluttering and dancing around in figure 8’s. That’s encouraging. Now if he’d just go IN the trap. Which he eventually did. Yes! Score one for the humans!

And then he walked out the other side of the trap. Looking closer, it became apparent that he had walked along the top vertex where you fold and tuck the triangle together. Turns out there is no adhesive on those two edges. D’oh. That was discouraging.

Since the initial fail, plenty-o-moths have been trapped, so this product does work as advertised. Now my one concern is that single Mensa-moth. The pheromones attract just the male moths. The females have to die off from old age (probably). Since all of the ‘dumb’ male moths have been taken out by the traps, Mensa-moth has virtually no mating competition. I may be selectively breeding a new super-intelligent moth.

So far So good I guess. When I started looking for moth traps it was after a rather prolonged battle with grain moths. Having had an infestation in college which required a very deep clean to remove, I know how nasty these critters can be. So when my home started to get an infestation I took it seriously. First I went to the cupboard where they were most common and took everything out, throwing away contaminated food and sealing everything else and then cleaning the shelves. In my past experience, moth traps shouldn't be a starting point, clearing the infestation should, however that can be a lot of work and sometimes it isn't really clear where the infestation is even coming from.

This time cleaning the shelves did not ultimately help. The numbers went down but came back up again worse than before and now I have no idea where they are coming from. The moths seem to be in almost every room, even ones without food in them. Near my wits end I turned to these traps.

The basic idea behind these traps is remove the males with bait traps and breeding will stop. I was skeptical because often when you have an infestation the moths will breed near their food source and if you havn't figured out where that is than they won't go away. Still I cast a wide net expecting a result in around two weeks. I know my house must have eggs and larva somewhere, but I've already noticed a marked decrease in moth activity within just a few days. The jury is still out on if these traps will be capable of getting rid of them entirely but I'm hopeful and at the rather reasonable price I'm happy I gave them a try.

Editing this to add that these evil little creature returned after several months. I don't blame the traps, but just want to warn everyone how sneaky these moths are. We were stumped as to where the new infestation was coming from, as we had cleaned out our pantry several times. After a couple of weeks, the battery on our smoke detector died. When my husband opened it up to change it-- moths and eggs everywhere!

Previous review:
I've been holding off on posting this review because I didn't want to "jinx" myself and see these disgusting things return, but here it goes. These traps helped me get my pantry moth free, and I am truly grateful. My husband said as soon as he set them out, several moths immediately zoomed right in. We had a pretty serious infestation so within a day, the traps had dozens of moths in them (ew). I appreciated that the design makes them pretty discrete, so if I had had any visitors open up my cabinets they probably wouldn't have noticed. I will say though that while traps definitely cut the population down by a lot, as noted in the directions you will still need to be swatting and squishing some. In addition to the traps my best advice is 1) get rid of everything in the infected area that is not in a can, and I do mean EVERYTHING, food or not-- we found moths and larvae in toilet paper, plastic sandwich bags, etc., and 2) wiping and spraying EVERYTHING in the infested area down with vinegar. We discovered they were laying eggs in tiny cracks in the wall of our pantry beneath a shelf, and since we got vinegar down in there a couple of weeks ago, we seem to have won the battle and hopefully the war. We will definitely be keeping fresh traps out to make sure this doesn't happen again. Again, so grateful that this product worked because after were weeks of dealing with moths I was ready to have a breakdown!

Get it Now


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