Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Original Scent, 2 count, 56 oz.(Packaging May Vary)

Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Original Scent, 2 count, 56 oz.(Packaging May Vary)

Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Original Scent, 2 count, 56 oz.(Packaging May Vary)

Dawn mixed with distilled white vinegar in spray bottles and squeeze bottles, is my #1 home cleaning product. I vary the combinations. However, it's mostly around 1 part dawn, two parts vinegar. And for washing dishes, I add a little water to the dawn and distilled white vinegar solution. We have a septic system, so we are forced to use ethical and earth friendly cleaning and laundry products. Dawn mixed with white vinegar is wallet friendly, too!

We use this for several reasons. One its always at hand to bath my pets in if needed. Those bathings could be because of adverse reactions to topical medications. I had to use it on one dog who simply had a bad reaction to a flea medication about 4 or 5 years ago. Luckily I have not had such reactions to any medications as of late. Its probably the most recommended thing to use when your dog has a reaction to a topical medication.

It can itself help kill fleas, I don't always use it for that but it can especially when you adopt a new dog and your unsure of how they have been cared for.
We use it in the kitchen as most would to wash hands and dishes. Obviously dishes are a no brainer but this also helps remove stubborn grease and grime from hands. It has great use as a surfactant and can be used to help break up oil and grease in water.

We bathed a new addition (Sapphire) to our family several years back, using regular Dawn, you can see from the pictures that it was removing some much needed dirt and grime. I also included a picture of Sapphire once she was washed and dried off. You can see she looks much happier. Obviously Ultra Dawn wasn't around back then, but its what we use now. Same great product, likely just new marketing.

I love the blue dawn & use it on everything. Got stains on your clothes? Soak with dawn before washing. Dog got fleas? Bath with blue dawn. Want something to kill soap scum / hard water stains on your shower? Mix dawn & vinegar, spray on walls. Need something to get grease off your stove after frying bacon? Wipe with blue dawn. Need to clean your microwave? Blue dawn & water in coffee cup, microwave until steamy & wipe off. I use blue dawn all the time!! Awesome stuff.

Got tired of running out. Won't bother to use anything else, I"ve tried them all and nothing stands up to good old original DAWN. And the refill sized bottles are great to store under the sink and just keep refilling your smaller bottle that you leave up on top of the sink. Refills 7 of the smaller sized bottles. And every time I use it, I can't help remembering that adorable baby duckie commercial that DAWN has where they show the animal rescues using DAWN to get the oil spills residue off the wildlife and save their lives as a result. You gotta love that, and I'm sure you'll love this as well!

I used an off brand variety for a few months before switching back to Dawn and I don't think I'll ever switch again. I prefer to wash my dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher, so I go through a fair amount of dish washing liquid, and what I noticed was that it takes a lot less soap to get my dishes clean. My hands also don't dry out as much and they never have any unpleasant food odors lingering when I'm done. I think these two bottles will probably last me well over a year before I have to reorder so I hope they don't change the formula in that time. I would absolutely recommend.

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Feature Product

  • Contains 3X more grease-cleaning power (cleaning ingredients per drop vs. the leading competitor's non-concentrated brand)
  • Concentrated formula helps you get through more dishes with less dishwashing liquid
  • Original Scent
  • Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid Dish Soap, Original. Usage instructions-Do not add bleach. Not for use in dishwashers


Think all dish soaps are the same? Think again. Dawn Ultra has 3X more grease-cleaning power per drop,* so you can get through more dishes with less. No matter what you've got cooking in the kitchen, Dawn dishwasing liquid will leave your dishes squeaky clean every time. *Cleaning ingredients per drop vs. the leading competitor's non-concentrated brand.

Hi,I love Dawn Ultra Dishwashing liquid soap, it's great for rinseing dishes or soaking dishes before you wash inyour dishwasher,just make sure you rinse all this Dawn soap off dishes before you put dishes in the dishwasher, I don't like greasy dishes and I won't put them in my dishwasher like that,I don't want to ruin my dishwasher ,so I soak dishes & Pots first and Dawns great for that! No other dish soap gets grease off like Dawn! If you soak your dishes like I do Always remember Rinse All Dawn Liqiud detergent off Completely or the soap ! Because Dawnsoap is not meant for a dishwasher!Seriously Once my husband ,who doesn't do dishes decided to and he used regular dishwashing soap Dawn,he put it in my dishwashing machine and there was soap pouring out of my dishwasher on the sides ,the top you name it, and I just knew what he did by accident, because it was all suds and bubbles. I had to shut off My Dishwasher ,take everything out ,and keep scooping out all the soap suds ,bubbles and drain my dishwasher a couple of times! It was kind of funny , sweet, because my husband was trying to do something nice for me ,I actually felt bad for him, and told him , I don't mind doing dishes!Thank you and then that's when I cleaned up! The thought was so sweet! Well we learned NEVER put Regular dish Soap in DISHWASHER,Not EVER!But that don't mean I don't use Dawn liqiid soap ,cause I do ,it's the best on the market! ThanksK.Red

The dish soap works just fine with my soap dispenser and seems to do the job. The price is cheap and I don't think I'll be running out of soap anytime soon. Although not an issue with the soap itself, the packaging did leak inside the box and the bottles ended up covered in soap. Didn't seem to lose any meaningful amount to this though.

Dawn has always been a go to for my household because of its grease fighting power and gentleness on skin. The product we purchased was the original Dawn, which we use to do dishes, wash hands (especially after working on cars) and bathe kittens/cats that are too young for regular shampoo. I foster kittens occasionally, and when they come to my house with fleas, I have to find a gentle way to wash the babies and get rid of the parasites - Dawn is the best product I know for this.

As a hand soap, it removes grease from under fingernails and on skin while not stripping away all the moisture from your skin. As a dish soap, it takes only a small bit (we use a hand soap pump) to clean all of your hand washables. It has so many uses we started buying in bulk.

I pour this soap into the soap dispenser on my sink. There is something so satisfying about filling that thing up. Anytime I have friends who come over and they start doing the dishes they are like, where is the soap? I'm like, it's in the dispenser. Why does nobody ever think there is soap in those things? Probably because at your house it's broken. But not at mine. My soap dispenser works. And I fill it up with Dawn that I buy on Amazon. 5 stars!

i prefer these size dish soap bottles cause when i use the one i get from Walmart it is so huge, hard to lift and get yucked up and will not work unless you clean it up over and over ... i love Dawn ... love their commercials too!! ( ;

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Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution, 30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution, 30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution,  30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

I've had extremely dry eyes for almost 40 years. First wore contacts and had eye drops tucked away everywhere. My car, purse, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and in my shirt pockets. Then I had LASIK twice and it got worse.
I tried every kind there is. Eye drops are not inexpensive, so when my budget was tight, sometimes I just had miserably sore eyes.
I've never heard of these drops, but since I am forever looking for that perfect drop, I can put in a few times a day and not give it any more thought, I decided to buy a box. Along with the other $150 in drops I purchased in the same order.
These are hands down the best drops I've ever used. The white cloudy liquid was normal, but a bit odd. These are on the high end price wise (that said, they are a whole lot cheaper than the drops, gel drops, gel, and ointment in my regular order) and worth every penny and more
I'm sensitive to preservatives in most drops. I didn't think to check these beforehand, but I am happy to say I've had no issues with that.
My only wish is that they come in multi packs.
These are more a drop than a gel drop, so no buildup in my lashes. The cloudy color is normal per the manufacturer.
They have a customer for life if they leave this product exactly as it is.
I am not affiliated with this company. I didn't receive any discount or free items for this review. I'm just lucky I found these, and since I count on reviews when I buy things, I try to leave honest feedback when I have the time.

Free at last!!!!
Hi, to all my fellow sufferers of dry eyes, I know how miserable you are because I have suffered for 2 long years with this problem, I haven't felt fully awake in all that time. I sleep and wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all, because my eyes were still sleepy and dry.
I have many annoying issues with my eyes and I don't even know where it all came from ( maybe chemo, don't know )
The problems I deal with are Ocular Migraines, Vitreous Detachment, Floaters, Eyelid Sensitivity to chemicals and last but not the least Dry Eyes.
The ways that I dealt with my dry eyes are as follows
1. Vicks Vapo Rub - I would actually blow into the jar and leave my eyes open so that the cool vapor would hit my eyes and make them water.
this was nice but only fleeting relief.
2. I've used most of the over the counter dry eye drops and they did absolutely nothing for me, some of them made my eyes feel gritty,
waste of money!
3. Castor oil - I discovered that using castor oil on your eyelashes would make them grow, so I gave it a try and realized that my eyes were feeling good
from the oil that got onto my eyes... this gave wonderful relief although you get a little blurry for a short time but it clears up. (Yes, my lashes were looking pretty good too) So I would put a little bit of castor oil on a Q tip and put some just on the rim of my bottom lashes for relief, but as with everything
you need to limit your use of the oil or you will wind up with blocked glands from too much oil. I might also add that castor oil is one of the ingredients in the prescription drops Restasis, so it is safe for use in the eyes.
4. I purchased a lip balm called "Palma Christi" from Baar products ( Amazon sells it I'm sure) it's all natural and has a cooling peppermint flavor.
I would and still do put this under my eyes for the cooling sensation, it wakes me up and I've noticed the bags under my eyes have diminished a little.
5. Started taking fish oil because of eye health benefits and I do believe it's working.
So all in all I discovered that my eyes needed some kind of oil, because I learned through researching dry eyes that the cause of dry eyes is lack of oil production, which is why the castor oil felt so good.
Which finally leads me to RETAINE, my search is over and relief has arrived. Do not hesitate on buying these eye drops, they are TRULY the best
my eyes are feeling wonderful from using them. I use one vile 4x a day and I will keep on using them. I still have the floaters but they are more tolerable
without the dryness. The secret is in the oil, Mineral Oil. The End
You won't regret the money spent

I have been having dry eye issues for years and recently was at the point where I was seriously contemplating giving up my contacts and just wearing glasses. Now...for some people this might be a minor adjustment....not for me. I am seriously near sighted and I have worn contacts for close to 40 years so it was going to be a huge adjustment. I was told that my tear film has a 2 second evaporation rate...normal is over 5 seconds. I considered plugs.....tried Xiidra (horrible stuff...felt like I had a curtain of chemicals going down the back of my throat for 24 hours..and yes...I did the pressing your fingers in the corners of your eye for a while to stop it from draining...didn't work) and my medicine cabinet is littered with bottles of eye drops that I tried and didn't like. I couldn't understand why it seemed like I was the only one in the world who wasn't able to find eye drops that worked...they all left my eyes feeling "gungky" I know that isn't a technical term but that is the only way I can describe it. I was very frustrated and pretty much had lost hope of being able to be comfortable with my eyes ever again. My eye doctor had recommended Systane Complete....gungky....and then towards the end of my visit he offhandedly gave me some samples of Retaine MGD and said he used them and really liked them. OMG!!! All I can say is this stuff is like liquid silk. I use it morning and night and for the whole day I do NOT NOTICE MY CONTACTS!! I feel that anyone with dry eyes can relate to the noticing your eyes/contacts. I was constantly rubbing my eyes...blinking...taking them out to clean them because they would get foggy etc. I am so happy that I found this product.

Last eye visit at the ophthalmologist and it did not go great. My eyes had been bothering me and impacting my vision some. Plus, in the morning, my eyes felt really scratchy. I don't have allergies or any issues - I do have a ceiling fan that runs at night. The assistant that saw me said my eyes looked really dry. She put a few of these retaine sample drops in and I could feel the difference immediately. These are not your visine or regular eye drops. For sure, the price is substantially more which sort of is a bummer. But, the most important thing is that these work. I put a drop in each eye before going to sleep and a drop in each when I wake up. I use them during the day as needed. I definitely can feel the difference as my eyes are no longer scratchy. My vision seems better too. There are 30 vials per box. Each vial last me 2 days roughly. If you suffer from dry eyes - give these a try.

Best eye drops on the market. About a year and a half ago, my dry eyes changed and all the previous drops I'd been using no longer offered any relief. Systaine and Genteal suddenly felt about as soothing as plain water. So I went to Walgreen's and spent about $100 buying pretty much every active ingredient combination of eye drops available. Tried them all. Well, honestly, about half of them ... because that's when I tried these. And they're amazing. Soothing. Relatively long lasting. And that giant veiny red spot I get in my left eye when it's dry and unhappy went away. It's a good thing I'm not Oprah, because my list of Favorite Things would include these drops and I'm fairly certain most people don't have dry eyes. I've had Sjögren's Syndrome for over 20 years, using eye drops for probably 15, and I've never been as excited about a drop as I am about these.

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Feature Product

  • Retained mgd is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes
  • Provides long-lasting relief utilizing nova orb,
  • Proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface
  • Retained MGD is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes.
  • proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface.
  • The hypo tonicity of the emulsion adds moisture by lowering the salt concentration of tears while the lipid component lubricates and protects the surface of the eye.
  • Retained MGD is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes.
  • Provides long-lasting relief utilizing Nova orb,
  • proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface.
  • The hypo tonicity of the emulsion adds moisture by lowering the salt concentration of tears while the lipid component lubricates and protects the surface of the eye.


New Box Design Retaine MGD is the ONLY Fourth Generation Tear Available. Lipid-replenishing formula utilizes electrostatic attraction to stabilize the tear film and protect against moisture loss.

I bought these as a substitute for the insanely expensive prescription drop, Restasis. I'm about 2 weeks in and so far I'd say they work well but not quite as well as Restasis. I plan to finish the box and hopefully my eyes will adjust. I should also note that I wear contact lenses, which don't help dry eyes very month.

If you're unable to afford Restasis but have horrible dry eye issues, this is a great substitute for an affordable price.

These drops were recommended by my husband's opthamologist. My husband had extreme discomfort following eye surgery for cataract removal and cleaning up scar tissue from a previous Glaucoma surgery. He felt like he had pressure and sand in his eye. The doctor prescribed 2 other RX drops for his condition following surgery. Retaine was the only drop that stopped the feeling of discomfort and feeling of sand in his eye. Highly recommend this product. It was a lifesaver!

Best lubricant eye drop I have ever used. Immediate relief with no blurring. No burning or irritation. Longer lasting than refresh plus.
I have have severe dry eye for 9 years due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have tried Systane, Soothe XP, Refresh including the refresh Omega 3 and a number of others.
Systane blurs my vision for several minutes. Refresh has less blurring and is more comfortable going in the eye, but effects don't last long.
For me, Retaine MGD is in another league compared to those products. I am thrilled to have discovered it.
I have a little stand to put the container inm oriented vertically after opening--then cover it with a small glass-- as long as I don't touch tip I can use for 3 applications

Thankfully, my eye doc recommended this brand, giving me a few samples a few weeks ago when one of my ducts was starting to plug. The next day, after using them 3 or 4 times the weeks-long problem was gone and hasn't returned. This is the only eyedrops I've used that really work for my dry eyes. Finally! No more itching, rubbing my eyes. Seemingly more expensive? Not really: as other reviewers have suggested, the little individual dropper-pak lasts the day, even into the next day (even though the directions say not to do -- just don't contaminate the tip with your finger touching or your eye.) Without naming name brands, try this first and save your eyes and your money.

I have dry eyes and have been taking prescription drops for around 3 months. The eye doctor recommended that I try using preservative free drops throughout the day as needed in addition to my prescription drops. She offered to sell me some branded oasis. But I wanted to do some research first and glad I did. Preservative free drops are a must for dry eyes and these retaine drops work wonders! I keep some in purse and laptop bag just in case I run out. I love the fact that I can replace the cap easily. I showed the doc what I bought and she kinda scoffed at it saying again that she sells eye drops. I told her what a great value they were compared to oasis and she said that since these were helping and were preservative free that they were fine to keep using. It’s a relief because I already pay a lot for prescription drops! I’m very pleased and now on my second box.

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Wooden Stacking Toy - Ring Stacker Wooden Toy - Natural Wood Toy

Wooden Stacking Toy - Ring Stacker Wooden Toy - Natural Wood Toy

Wooden Stacking Toy - Ring Stacker Wooden Toy - Natural Wood Toy

The quality of this toy is excellent! Beautifully crafted. Definitely should have read the description better. Was expecting something similar in size to the original colorful plastic rings we all had as kids. This is MUCH smaller. Still a very nice piece.

Our product arrived today and I am very pleased with this purchase!! The quality is beautiful, I feel like these will last forever. The only surprise I had when it arrived was the size, i'm sure it lists the dimensions in the description but in my own experience of stacking toys I had assumed it was bigger. It fits in the palm of my female hand. Otherwise this is an awesome product and definitely worth the money in quality!

I likely didn’t read the description closely enough, because I was very surprised at how small this was. I’m not concerned, as I think it will be a perfect size for my infant to hold and handle with ease. It’s very sturdy and well made. Smooth surfaces. I can’t wait to see her start to play with it on Christmas in two days.

Super cute! Smaller than expected but came exactly as pictured! Perfect for little hands

I see other reviews about this being smaller than those big plastic kinds. These are the perfects size for little hands - again a toymaker with heart, mind, and great quality. My grandson loves this!

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Feature Product


    I am glad to present you one of more than 150 handmade wooden toys in my shop.
    Our wooden ring stackers are a great toy for babies and toddlers.
    This Waldorf and Montessori inspired toy is designed to encourage the development of fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.
    We also shape and sand this stacker with round edges for safe play.
    Your child will use problem solving skills to learn how to arrange all the rings from smallest to largest. 1st, 3rd and 5th ring - oak.
    Noble, dark wood with an elegant pattern.
    The base, 2nd and 4th ring - maple.
    A bright, slightly greenish tree with a beautiful expression pattern of annual rings.
    All pieces are covered with organic linseed oil that enhances the natural beauty of the wood.

    Size 12x17 cm

    Buttery smooth rings and gorgeous wood tones! This toy is the most loved toy in our house right now! Great open ended play! Would definitely buy again. Thank you!

    Tiny but well made. Probably more expensive than it should have been for the size.

    The quality of workmanship of this item is outstanding. I was a bit disappointed that it came 2 weeks after promised date (and grandson did not get it in time for Xmas). But the workmanship makes up for the tardiness of arrival.

    We love this natural wood toy for our little one, It's sturdy and beautiful and their customer service was very helpful when we had an incident with a visiting dog who chewed up one of the rings, they replaced it for us! Highly recommended!

    MUCH smaller than I thought. I should have read more closely.

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    Toy Story Woody and Buzz Birthday Banner Personalized Party Backdrop Decoration

    Toy Story Woody and Buzz Birthday Banner Personalized Party Backdrop Decoration

    Toy Story Woody and Buzz Birthday Banner Personalized Party Backdrop Decoration

    Excellent quality and professional service. Arrive on time and within 5 days of ordering it! It was the perfect size and reasonably priced especially for the high resolution. Very pleased and I would recommend to anyone.

    Banner was the perfect focal point of the main table. Thank you!!!!

    Bought the Mickeys Clubhouse poster last year and the Toy Story one this year. Great quality: the colors are vibrant, characters are accurate, and the paper is nice and sturdy. I only hope they contribute to have the characters I need for all my son’s parties!

    Really cute exactly what I wanted the color is perfect no fadding

    Was a bit scared to order at first!!! But when it arrived it was everything I expected! I loved it so much! I’m definitely buying our next bday banner from this seller !!!

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    Feature Product


      Decorate in style with this personalized custom banner! Very easy to hang with tape and display at your party. The banner is printed on a rich glossy coated paper with vibrant inks.

      Banner Size: 48" x 24" or 60" x 42"

      How to Customize: Click on the Select Options at the top right and enter your details.

      Shipping: The banner ships rolled.

      Beautiful, Excellent and Made so Fast would Love to Purchase more from you.

      Omg I love loved it such a good work

      My 3 year old boy is going to LOVE THIS when we have his party!! We may even hang it up in his room, we keep something from his party every year and this is a pretty cute one to keep!

      I love the sign this company made. It was high quality print and came in a timely manner.

      So much better then i had imagined!! Worth every penny.

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      AmazonBasics Shower Curtain with Hooks (Treated to Resist Deterioration by Mildew) - 72 x 72 inches, Blue Squares

      AmazonBasics Shower Curtain with Hooks (Treated to Resist Deterioration by Mildew) - 72 x 72 inches, Blue Squares

      AmazonBasics Shower Curtain with Hooks (Treated to Resist Deterioration by Mildew) - 72 x 72 inches, Blue Squares

      Good quality, perfect length. The photo makes it look a little more than than it really is.

      I use this with a plastic liner so I can't speak to it's waterproof qualities. However I am very happy with it. It looks a lot better then a basic plastic shower curtain and it matches my cream/eggshell walls. It says the color is grey, however it's closer to beige. The included hooks are kind of cheap so I used a set of metal roller hooks and it works great.

      I love this shower curtain! Its basic, but it does what i need it to do and looks good. Its not plastic, but it's not so thick a fabric that it feels like a blanket. I almost gave it 5 stars, except the rings are garbage. I ended up speeding $2 getting some from the dollar store. They were nicer. I hope Amazon can either place better rings in their sets, or just not add any at all. I still highly recommend! Just be prepared to buy more rings.

      This is a nice curtain. Wish the hooks were better made and metal instead of cheap plastic. So far they (the clips) are holding up. The over all look of the curtain is nice and true to the picture shown. It pairs nicely with the Mayshine bath mat and rugs I bought to update the bathroom.

      The curtain does dry fast and hangs nicely without wrinkles or "folds" from being packaged. I really do like it except for hooks, which I guess I can replace.

      I can’t believe how perfect this shower curtain is... and for the price!! The shower hooks that came with it were fine, but I chose to use my existing hooks and they fit beautifully. Amazon is almost perfect and mostly never fails. Thank you Amazon for always being so amazing.

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      Feature Product

      • Water-repellent printed fabric shower curtain with a blue squares pattern
      • Made with a mold- and mildew-resistant polyester fabric for long-lasting use and good looks
      • Weighted hem helps keep it in place; rust-resistant metal grommets along reinforced top header
      • Provides privacy and decorative appeal; use with or without curtain liner; machine washable
      • Includes 12 plastic curtain hooks; measures 72 x 72 inches for full coverage
      • Made in OEKO-TEX Standard 100 factory, an independent certification system that ensures textiles meet high safety and environmental standards.


      An Amazon Brand.

      I love this shower curtain. It's hard to tell if ypu are going to get a good color match online. This exaxmctly matched the pain color in my bathroom. Well made and totally water resistant. So far, I have had the best luck with Amazon Basics products.

      Great Deal! you can't beat the price of this shower curtain and it also looks very nice. Fabric/plastic like material is perfect, keeps water from leaking out of the shower, you can use this shower curtain alone without an additional plastic curtain liner. Dries quickly. It comes with basic hooks which you can use or use you own hooks if they fit small holes. Very happy with this purchase!

      So far AmazonBasics has been good to me. From batteries, to bath rugs, to cables, to shower curtain, all has been pretty good quality and long lasting. I have yet to get a bad quality item from them, and still exploring their line up on items. Price is amazing and quality is good so far.
      This shower curtain is great especially for the price you pay. The quality seems like that of the shower curtain you get from a store like Tar### branded shower curtains but you pay more in that store.

      We use this as a shower liner. The quality is good and I like that it doesn’t feel “plastic-y” like some. It has a clean look and is easy to sleep on the shower rings. I also like to wash shower liners frequently and this hold up really well in the wash. Plus when I have the shower curtain down for a washing, this is still substantial enough to use on its own.

      - this one comes with the hooks, so no need to buy the hooks separately.
      - simple, modern design. It's not too much yet not too boring.
      - reasonable price
      - good durability

      - nothing so far

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      Pineapple Crush

      Pineapple Crush

      Pineapple Crush


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      Feature Product


        Clear base slime Pineapple scented with jelly cubes and micro beads seeds smells amazing and like fresh cut pineapple!
        1-Pineapple Crush Slime 4oz,
        1-Pineapple Charm
        1-Care Kit
        All slimes are made with borax

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        Superhero Rules Set by Stephanie Marrott; Two 8"x18" Prints

        Superhero Rules Set by Stephanie Marrott; Two 8"x18" Prints

        Superhero Rules Set by Stephanie Marrott; Two 8

        First, I like the prints themselves. I'd rate them 4 stars. I don't love the children's scribble you can see through on the words, but I was prepared for that since another reviewer mentioned it. I assume it's for artistic affect. But I'm rating it a ONE. Here's why...I paid extra money for these prints to come "mounted". That way I didn't have to try to find these odd size picture frames. The description states they were "mounted on a rigid composite material" and "ready to hang." What I received was neither rigid or ready to hang. It was two rolled up posters. They are currently on my kitchen table with books weighing them down to try to flatten.
        I have contacted the seller and will update review as needed once I get a reply.
        UPDATE: Within a few hours the owner of the company emailed me and apologized that I was sent prints that were not mounted. He assured me he will be sending out new mounted prints at his cost and that I can keep the original ones. I am going to gift them to a financially struggling family with a little boy who would appreciate them.

        The posters are well printed. Sometimes I impulse buy without paying attention to the details. I expected them to be bigger, if I had known they were 8 x 18 I might not have spent this much on them. I also had a hard time finding a frame for them so I had to spend another $22 for two 10 x 20 frames. I could not find the exact size. But they look amazing!! I'm kinda glad i impulse brought them. It will be a very nice addition to my boys room.

        I'm a 2nd grade teacher. A week before school started this year there was a tragedy that occurred. A student that was going to be in our class for 2nd grade died tragically in a house fire. He loved superheroes (Spiderman was his favorite). The community really came together to try to help his family in any way, during this difficult time. Our principal has also done a lot to support the family and give support, both inside and outside of the school. One of her ideas was trying to create or find posters/artwork that had a superhero theme. I looked on Amazon and I was fortunate to find these amazing, inspirational posters created by Stephanie Marrott. My principal liked them so much that she had me order around 50 of them to be hung up and displayed in each classroom of our school. We expressed thanks to the owners of the artwork for coming up with such a beautiful design. We also let them know that we were going to display this artwork throughout our school for Sean. After hearing the story of what happened, the owners contacted us back and personalized several of the posters, which say "Superhero Sean" at the top. They were also very kind to give us a discounted rate, as they wanted to help and show support to Sean, his family, our school, and the district. I never really write reviews, but this is worth taking the time to write this thank you message. It's amazing to see so much love and support from not just within our community, but from people outside of our community, as well.
        Thank you for the amazing posters.

        I love these in my son's superhero room, I couldn't find a frame because of the sizing and not wanting to spend a ton for the odd size frame so I just used the poster command strips and they work great. The kid writing inside the letters is just a bit distracting and kind of throws it off. I thought it was supposed to be a worn look. But I still love it and worked out perfectly.

        Used more for decor and placed cardboard behind to have them stand straight easier. Overall feels like thick paper but worked well for my decor. Can reuse for sure and place in kids room or where ever really. Can use for multiple super hero related themes and decor.

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        Feature Product

        • Image Size 8" x 18"
        • Paper size 8"x18"
        • Printed with high quality inks
        • Satisfaction Guaranteed
        • Made in the USA


        Superhero Rules is a licensed reproduction that captures all of the vivid colors and details of the original! This great Superhero rules prints makes a wonderful addition to any kids room or nursery!

        Must not have read the description well enough because I thought these were framed, but at any rate, they're super cute and was able to get frames at Aaron Brothers buy one get one for a penny so it all worked out. Good quality prints.

        Don't be fooled.. These are better than what it looks like on here... They are nice and weighty and of good quality...

        These are really great posters and I can't wait to get the posters hung up in my grandkids bedroom. It goes great with their superhero bedroom.

        Love it but I wish I would have read it before buying it since I thought it came framed. More I'm Hammond a hard time finding a frame the right size for the prayers

        Looks great in my superheroes themed classroom.

        Get it Now

        Outdoor String Lights 48Ft Edison Vintage Commercial Grade Lights with 15xE26 Base Sockets & S14 Bulbs, Weatherproof Connectable Strand for Porch Garden Deck Backyard Cafe Bar Wedding Party, Black

        Outdoor String Lights 48Ft Edison Vintage Commercial Grade Lights with 15xE26 Base Sockets & S14 Bulbs, Weatherproof Connectable Strand for Porch Garden Deck Backyard Cafe Bar Wedding Party, Black

        Outdoor String Lights 48Ft Edison Vintage Commercial Grade Lights with 15xE26 Base Sockets & S14 Bulbs, Weatherproof Connectable Strand for Porch Garden Deck Backyard Cafe Bar Wedding Party, Black

        Let me start off with the positives. We received the lights, which were packaged great. Very heavy duty and worth the extra money seeing they will be outside. They molded eyelets made hanging them from beams super easy.

        The only down side was I hooked them all up and couldn't get them to work. After trying different receptacles and extension cords, I unscrewed one of the lights and pulled the metal connector the bulb makes contact with out a little and BOOM it light up!!! So I had to do that with every socket. Once done they looked beautiful!

        These are great! Just as described, very durable and work great for our 12X12’ deck! Due to spacing in between the bulbs we found that they do best going back and forth rather than wrapping around something, but provid plenty of light either way. Very happy with this purchase!

        Been through two showers now, still works great. Great addition to the rooftop and much cheaper than other options.

        The bulbs are definitely not like 60-100W brightness, maybe 40W? I don't feel like they're super powerful, which is actually nice because it makes a soft lighting that is easy on the eyes in the dark.

        These lights are perfect. The wiring and the sockets are heavy duty enough to withstand a good wind and rain. The packaging was good and the bulbs came in a very sturdy box. I strung the lights on my tall shrubbery and secured the line using zip ties. The loop over each socket is a huge plus and allows for easy installation. The distance of 3 feet between bulbs gave plenty of light and provided a great look for this backyard project.
        Installation was so trouble free, I was able to tackle the job in about an hour.
        All light sockets and light bulbs worked. The light bulbs are retro looking and have a nice golden glow.

        After I finished the job, a summer storm with high winds and heavy rain came through. My lights all survived the wind and rain. I unplugged the lights at night and plugged in again this morning to make sure there were no issues. I have purchased the remote control switch that I'll be installing and reporting on.
        I give this purchase of Outdoor String Lights 48 Ft Edison Vintage an A+ and would totally buy it again.

        Showed up on time, in good condition. Easy to hang and we like the soft light.

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • PERECT DÉCOR LIGHTS FOR ANY OCCASION - These Outdoor String Lights will create a beautiful ambiance to Illuminate your patio, porch, garden, deck, or pergola in an elegant warm glow to mesmerize your family and guest with their glow. A perfect illumination for entertaining in anniversaries, weddings, holiday celebrations, and many other occasions or events.
        • COMMERCIAL QUALITY AND CONNECTABLE STRING LIGHGS - Our 48 feet black weatherproof lights are designed to withstand the wear and tear of year-round outdoor use. Built with durable WeatherTite technology so that they can withstand extreme temperatures, rainy, windy, or damp climates. Each strand contains 15 hanging bulbs spaced 3 feet apart. You can connect up to 8 strands end to end, so just feel free to customize your arrangements.
        • DIMMER COMPATIBLE -. These 11 Watt S14 vintage style Edison bulbs are dimmer compatible. For greater mood lighting flexibility, pls wire lights to a dimmer switch enhance the atmosphere.
        • EASY INSTALLATION: Standard S14 shape with E26 Medium Base Sockets. Use cup hooks, guide wires, or zip ties with the built-in loops to hang perfectly. It takes only a few minutes to complete the installation
        • HASSLE-FREE WARRANTY: We offer 1-Year quality guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact the seller directly for any queries and we will be in touch within 24 hours. For spare or replacement bulbs, pls search asin#B07B8QRSXP


        Outdoor String Lights 48Ft Edison Vintage Commercial Grade Lights with 15xE26 Base Sockets & S14 Bulbs, Weatherproof Connectable Strand for Porch Garden Deck Backyard Cafe Bar Wedding Party, Black

        Comfortable Light
        These Edison light bulbs provide warm soft light, which gives great look outdoors. A relaxing warm radiance full glow for outdoor wedding, cocktail party, gazebo, porch, patio, outdoor dining area etc.

        Weatherproof String Lights
        Built with durable WeatherTite technology to protect your outdoor lights from damage caused by extreme temperatures, rainy, windy, or damp climates.

        Instant on without delay
        When switched on, these bulbs will go onto full brightness instantly.

        Friendly to your family and the environment.
        Made of high quality material. Free of toxic chemicals (mercury or lead), and will protect your family's health. Save energy, protect environment.

        Power Consumption: 11 watt each, 165 watt in total
        Input Voltage: AC 120V
        Wire Length: 48 feet
        Bulb Spacing: 3 feet
        Bulb Quantity: 15 bulbs
        Socket Type: E26 with Medium base
        Connectable: connect up to 8 strands
        Light Color: warm soft light
        Dimmable: Yes
        Weatherproof: Yes

        Packing List
        S14 Edison Light Bulb x 15
        Hanging Cable with Empty Sockets x 1

        I thought they would have been smaller. These look industrial like the kind that the used car lots used to use. I’m not going to put them up on my patio yet because I’m in Arizona and we have already entered into a triple digit temperatures. Probably October I will hang them.

        Nice outdoor light set. Very well built with heavy rubber. I suspect this set to last a good while. I also teamed it with a outdoor dimmer which gives the lights the perfect accent. Would recommend for any backyard or patio.

        The light string is of very good quality - heavy duty for outside. They look perfect - they add just enough light. I really like how long the string of lights is - I only needed to buy one set. Very pleased with this purchase. I also love buying from Amazon!

        High quality. Appears to be well-made and durable.

        String lights are so pretty.The cable is heavy duty
        This product is so amazing
        Materials are top notch and are of commercial quality. Cord is heavy gauge and durable.
        Since I put these up I've had several people ask about them.They are very bright and looks durable.
        I am happy with purchase and do recommend this product.

        Get it Now

        Cottonelle Flushable Wet Wipes, 336 Wipes per Pack

        Cottonelle Flushable Wet Wipes, 336 Wipes per Pack

        Cottonelle Flushable Wet Wipes, 336 Wipes per Pack

        Good price for a nice soft, moist way to clean your bum. Toilet paper is too harsh for my chafed arse. And the fissures! What a “bummer”. Get it?

        I have the cleanest bum in my household now. Thanks cottonelle!!

        They are sterile and hypoallergenic. They do a good job, but the packages leave a lot to be desired. They can be hard to get just one, and after opening the moisture evaporates rapidly. If you use them rapidly they are great. For intermittent use, something with a closable lid would be more to your liking.

        Good for the price point (around $1 a pack.) most importantly, they do not clog up my very old plumbing system.

        These do not have a strong fragrance and are very mild. All were moist and usually stay moist after opening.

        We purchased the wipes for delicate toilet needs related to hemmroids. These were soft enough and did not cause further irritation. However, not the best wipe for females to use in “the front.” That did cause some redness and dry skin. Most likely because my vajj is VERY sensitive.

        Knocked off a point because ideally these wipes would be all natural. In reality though at this price point they are good. At least ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

        Moist Moist Moist, my wife dislikes the phrase Moist, but these are moist, I found these to be stronger than moist other brands, like them a lot, They can be hard to remove singularly at times, but I get them to dispense easily enough, not had tearing issues, found they are strong. I can not comment on septics as we use a conventional sewer system but never a blockage have we had in our house. Have had other packets dry out only when other members of our house have used and not sealed them back up, and no one ever admits it though. Good price and worth it for me.

        I love these wipes! Two things make them truly great. First, I can tear each wipe into thirds, which greatly reduces the cost per use. Second, they tear easily in one direction (the direction I tear them to make one into three) and resist tearing in the other direction. I've stopped using the others because these are the cheapest per use and much better quality. This true even when compared to the bargain brands like Great Value and Equate.

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • Superior Clean - CleaningRipples texture provides softness while removing more - cleans better versus using dry bath tissue alone
        • 100% flushable & the No. 1 Flushable Wipe Brand among national flushable wipes brands
        • Immediately Starts to Break Down After Flushing - Cottonelle bathroom wipes break down 6X's faster than Dude Wipes (based on strength loss testing) and are sewer-safe & septic-safe with SafeFlush Technology
        • Moist wipes made from fibers that are 100% biodegradable
        • Adult wipes that are infused with the gentle cleansing power of water and are perfect for man wipes, feminine wipes and more


        For a superior clean* that’s fresh, gentle, and effective, choose Cottonelle FreshCare Flushable Wipes with the CleaningRipples Texture. Cottonelle bathroom wipes are 100% flushable, remove odor-causing bacteria and offer a large, dual layer wipe to clean better than when using dry toilet paper alone. Cottonelle Cleansing Cloths are available in peel-and-reseal soft packs, on-the-go packs, refill bags and refillable pop-up tubs to meet all your personal care needs. These sanitary wipes are made from fibers that are 100% biodegradable, and are sewer-safe & septic-safe with SafeFlush Technology. And for a superior clean*, add Cottonelle Ultra CleanCare Toilet Paper to your bathroom routine. *using dry + moist vs. dry toilet paper alone Heart Your Planet For nearly 10 years, Kimberly-Clark has worked with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to help support their missions to protect forests, which provide us with air, water, wildlife habitat and more. By taking one simple action — purchasing Cottonelle Brand products that have Forest Stewardship Council label — you can take pride in knowing that the FSC-certified products you purchase come from responsibly managed forests around the globe. Kimberly-Clark is proud to provide $4 million through May 31, 2020, to support World Wildlife Fund’s efforts to protect forests and other critical ecosystems. ‘WWF’ and ‘World Wildlife Fund’ are WWF Registered Trademarks. 1986 Panda Symbol WWF.World Wildlife Fund WWF is one of the world’s leading conservation organizations, working in 100 countries for over half a century to help protect the future of nature. Visit to learn more. Forest Stewardship Council The FSC is one of the world’s most respected certification labels. Products with the FSC label help support more than 450 million acres of FSC certified forests around the globe. Visit to learn more.

        I think I love these...maybe I will subscribe to them - they have a bit of a heavy weight so that’s a hood thing (obviously lol) and they smell nice - fresh and clean. This just might be my go-to purchase. 🙌🏻🤨☺️

        I don't know how much people are willing to put in these reviews, but I will say two things:

        1. A positive: These are great for helping you feel clean. They are wet just the right amount and leave you feeling "fresh". I also noticed that they start to break down right away so you don't have to worry too much about clogs. For instance if you fiddle with them too much they will start to come apart in your hands. But still it is always best to throw these in the trash if you have pipes that are prone to blockage.

        2. A negative: They smell soapy, almost to the point of being too strong. I know this helps provide the "clean experience", but I honestly wish that they were unscented.

        Wipes arrived today and were well packaged. Will see how they hold up. I think I got a pretty good deal. Wipes can be so expensive in the store. One package is about $5.

        I have ordered these in the past, and liked, BUT I did have a problem with them staying attached when pulling a sheet out of the dispenser. I am very pleased that this issue has been resolved. The sheets are attached and individually tear off very easily. I guess all the complaints worked! A much better product!

        First purchased the Cottonelle hard shell container. The wipes can be pulled out one at a time. The container has two lids, one large one for refills with a smaller lid in the center which can be closed to keep wipes from drying out. The wipes are damp but not too wet. And the wipes do have a bit of a scent which does not last long after use. The 336 count of 8 plastic bags with 42 sheets are great refills for the hard shell containers. Do NOT flush in toilets as the sheets tend to snag but a small trash can with a tight lid works well. I have mobility problems and the Cottonelle wipes [with the hard shell container and trash can] are the best I have found for price, ease of use, clean feel and disposal. 5 Stars

        Get it Now

        Linenspa Twin Size Five Sided Mattress Protector - Guards Top and Sides of Mattress from Liquids, Dust Mites, and Allergens - Fitted Style - Waterproof Cover

        Linenspa Twin Size Five Sided Mattress Protector - Guards Top and Sides of Mattress from Liquids, Dust Mites, and Allergens - Fitted Style - Waterproof Cover

        Linenspa Twin Size Five Sided Mattress Protector - Guards Top and Sides of Mattress from Liquids, Dust Mites, and Allergens - Fitted Style - Waterproof Cover

        I had my doubts when I opened the package. This does NOT look or feel like it will stop "wetness" from getting through to our mattress. Because I gamble with poor choices I went ahead and tossed it on the brand new mattress that I bought for my 2 year old. Every night she does her best to show a pull up who's boss and this night was no exception. She woke up completely SOAKED in pee. Shirt, pants, blankets, pillows, elephant, panda... the whole crew was soaked. I literally didn't know she had that much volume TOTAL let alone in her urinary tract. Surprise! Another surprise... when I stripped her bed the mattress was BONE DRY. Amazing. Buy it NOW. Buy two.

        We bought this for my son's bed and it has resisted water/liquids well. But 9 months in, I noticed the stitching around the elastic was separating (shouldn't happen with a quality product, but he does like jumping on his bed…). I contacted the company (online[at]linenspa[dot]com) explaining the problem and attached a photo and my Amazon invoice, and they replied very quickly saying they a replacement should be delivered in 3-5 days. So great product for the price AND buy with confidence knowing if you have problems, they take care of you.

        Stopped letting the dogs sleep on my bed after purchasing a new mattress, but decided to purchase this anyways. Had it on the bed for a couple of months (my boyfriend didn't even notice there was a mattress protector on it). We went to wash the sheets one day and while we were gone putting he sheets in the wash, one of our dogs decided to jump on the bed and pee on it. Thank goodness the mattress protector was on there or I would be furious! The pee didn't soak in at all and simply stayed there until we cleaned it up. Threw it in the wash with all of the sheets and it was like nothing happened. What a relief!

        I was quite unsure what to expect from a mattress protector that claims to be breathable yet waterproof but I did know I absolutely needed the waterproof protection when I brought my puppy to the bed for the first night. I bought this product last year and have had a couple of accidents since. The first occurrence was the aforementioned night the puppy was introduced to our tempurpedic bed. She only released a small amount of urine in the early morning hours. To my delight none of it got through the protector. Of course all bedding was washed and I'm happy to report there was zero staining. Almost a full year later the same protector was on our brand new mattress and low and behold she had a BIG accident even though this protector has been laundered several times as one would expect with normal use, I was worried the backing may have broken down some. Once again, nothing penetrated the protector also there was no staining. The backing is soft, doesn't make any obnoxious noise and we really haven't had any added heat retention, so seemingly this is at least semi breathable. Now my dog does not have frequent accidents but having laundered this normally I'm impressed it's really held up. So impressed I'm now buying a backup. My only honest concern with this is knowing when it's shot. The construction is good and it's a quality product but nothing lasts forever. I highly recommend!

        Sadly this got tested out much earlier than i would have wanted!! Put this on my brand new, most expensive mattress I've ever bought... and my dog promptly puked in the bed. I lifted the fitted sheet off and there was a huge stain on the Linenspa. I was certain it had soaked through. I pulled it off the mattress and it was PRISTINE!! Very happy with this sheet!

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • Waterproof protector guards the top and sides of your mattress against liquids and nighttime accidents, stains, dust mites, and allergens
        • Smooth brushed polyester surface is soft and quiet, combined with a breathable waterproof backing for excellent protection that will not change the feel of your mattress
        • 14-inch deep pocket stretch skirt has a thick, full-length elastic pulls the corners snugly for a smooth fit on most mattress types
        • Easy-to-follow care instructions for washing and drying will help extend the life of your protector; Enjoy 90 days risk free with a full refund if you are not 100% in love with this mattress protector
        • Twin protector measures 39 x 75 inches; 10-year U.S. warranty


        Get five sides of mattress protection at a sensational value. This fitted mattress protector from LINENSPA guards the top and sides of your mattress from liquids, stains, dust mites and allergens. This fitted sheet style protector has a plush, cozy surface made of soft brushed polyester. The breathable waterproof barrier is vinyl free and offers quiet protection from spills, fluids and accidents. The stretch skirt has a deep pocket design and a thick full length elastic. The protector goes on easy and has a smooth, secure fit. For convenience, the protector can be machine washed and dried on low heat. Each unit is tested for quality and effectiveness before leaving our warehouse. Surface and sides: 100 percent polyester Backing: 100 percent polyurethane

        When they say 100% waterproof, they mean it.

        I have a two-year-old who frequently makes his way into my bed in the middle of the night. This same two-year-old happens to be in the middle of potty training. Unfortunately, he hasn't quite yet mastered the ability to hold it all night long. So, when I ordered a new mattress, I knew that a mattress protector was a necessity.

        I researched a ton of different protectors out there and found ones that ran the gamut from super-expensive to mid-level and the more economical options, such as this LINENSPA Premium Mattress Protector.

        Even though I was skeptical about this protector due to its price, I was swayed by all the great reviews it received.

        I'm glad I opted for this more economical option than one of the others that cost upwards of 4 times as much.

        In the short time I've owned it, this protector has been "tested" by the aforementioned two-year-old on several occasions. And, each time, it passed the test--not a single drop made its way to the mattress.

        It is so easy to maintain--toss it in the wash and voila--good as new.

        The material, although relatively thin, has held up well to the numerous trips through the washing machine.

        Plus, it does not make a sound whatsoever when on. If you didn't know any better, you'd think it was just a regular fitted sheet that just so happens to act as a force-field around your mattress.

        I really can't say enough good things about this purchase. It truly has saved my new mattress on several occasions. Any time I purchase a new mattress, I intend to purchase this right alongside of it.

        Why didn’t I buy these sooner? Well because I thought it would be loud and feel like I was sleeping on plastic. However, with this mattress cover there is no noise and the top lining is so soft that I didn’t need sheets (but still used them). I also ran the top of the sheet under water as soon as I got it and the water just came right off. It was magic!

        I got this for my two toddlers but realized I should have been using them all along because my husband was sick this week and was sweating overnight. So gross! Kids or not - get these now to protect against sweat and dead skin.

        I order a queen, king and twin for my different beds and I love that they are labeled. The care instructions were also conveniently in the packaging. I’m a happy customer.

        they have worked great, purchased two for my boys mattresses. they have been machine washed and air dried on a couple occasions with no issues at all. i would not suggest putting them in the dryer as it seems like the heat would not fare well on them

        So far, so good. The first thing I did when this came is done a cup of water on it, then isolate a part of the mattress cover in a bucket and don't more water on it to let it sit for an hour. I have small children who have frequent accidents, despite many attempts to help them stay dry. I'm pleased to say my tests came back positive... No leaking through the protector. But it still seems to be comfortable to sleep on. Maybe a little warm.

        It is very durable. Exactly what I needed for my little angel. It is worth buying. I read the reviews for this item here on Amazon before purchasing and all of the positive reviews are indeed accurate. This was a great buy!!! :)

        Get it Now

        TOODOO 18 Pairs Eyeglasses Nose Pads Glasses Adhesive Silicone Anti-Slip Nosepads for Eyeglass Glasses Sunglasses (Transparent, 1mm)

        TOODOO 18 Pairs Eyeglasses Nose Pads Glasses Adhesive Silicone Anti-Slip Nosepads for Eyeglass Glasses Sunglasses (Transparent, 1mm)

        TOODOO 18 Pairs Eyeglasses Nose Pads Glasses Adhesive Silicone Anti-Slip Nosepads for Eyeglass Glasses Sunglasses (Transparent, 1mm)

        These work well and last for, I’d say, an average of three weeks at a time.

        I wash my hands, clean my glasses with alcohol and let dry prior to putting them on, use the tweezers for application, all of that. It’s just the fact that the oils from your face are going to break down the glue over time.

        I wish there was a more permanent solution, but overall I’m happy with these. Tried a couple other kinds – one was way too thick and actually hurt my face. These are thin enough to hold the glasses off the bridge of my nose and make a more comfortable, secure fit.

        These have made my glasses comfortable. Have not worn wire frames in years, because the nose pieces actually made dark indents on the bridge of my nose, and were very painful. The little silicon babies are easy to apply and they last (per pair) about a month. After that, they begin to slip out of place. I replace them, and good to go again. I would prefer they would come is all clear and all black, not both together. Black ones are too dark for me. They "draw attention" so to speak, and I don't want that. The Clear ones are super! That's the only reason I gave them 4 starrs. Also, my frames are child frames, so I must trim them to size. No problem. Easy to do. I will be ordering them again, and again.

        These are the best. Most of them come off after days but these last a month or more and that’s in the Florida heat

        I found these products out of necessity when I realized the new glasses I purchased kept slipping down my nose. They work well and adhere firmly for a week or two. The downside is they’re rather large and to keep them from showing I actually cut them in two, lengthwise. Turns out to keep glasses from slipping only a small piece of the pad is needed. Yes, it does make it doubly difficult to remove the protective backing, but I’ve figured out how to do it quickly using tweezers. The leftover sticky residue is easily removed with rubbing alcohol. They work well and invisibly solve the problem of slipping glasses.

        I recently bought a new pair of glasses that were larger and heavier than my previous pair. I needed a cheap and easy solution to keep them from sliding down my nose every 10 seconds. These little nose pieces did the trick. It has been several weeks and so far they have stayed stuck to my glasses with no trouble. I no longer have to worry about my glasses slipping down my face and with so many replacements it will be at least a few years before I need to buy more.

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • Quantity: the package includes 18 pairs of nose pads in transparant or black color, made of silicone of good quality, soft and comfortable for you to use
        • Suitable for many glasses: the adhesive glasses pads can match well with various kinds of eyeglasses, sunglasses, spectacles, etc., suitable for all kinds of plate optical frames, board sunglasses plates, plastic frames, etc.
        • Useful in our life: the pads can not only increase the height, making the eyeglasses fit you more, but also prevent slip, giving you new eyeglasses wearing experience
        • With sticky back: the self-adhesive pads are very convenient to use, just peel and stick them on your eyeglasses, and you can apply them in layers if you think it's too thin
        • Nose pads measurement: the pads are in D shape, and the size is approx. 1.9 x 0.8 cm/ 0.75 x 0.31 inch, thickness is 1mm or 1.5mm, so that you can choose the thickness that suits you


        TOODOO 18 pairs eyeglasses nose pads glasses adhesive silicone anti-slip nosepads for eyeglass glasses sunglasses

        Suitable for many glasses:
        The adhesive glasses pads can match well with various kinds of eyeglasses, sunglasses, spectacles, etc., suitable for all kinds of plate optical frames, board sunglasses plates, plastic frames, etc.

        Applicable and easy to use:
        The pads can not only increase the height, making the eyeglasses fit you more, but also prevent slip, giving you new eyeglasses wearing experience.
        The self-adhesive pads are very convenient to use, just peel and stick them on your eyeglasses, and you can apply them in layers if you think it's too thin.

        The eyeglasses nose pads are disposable, and please replace the pads frequently.

        Size: 1.9 x 0.8 cm
        Thickness: 1 mm or 1.5 mm
        Material: silicone
        Color: transparent or black
        Quantity: 18 pairs

        Package includes:
        18 Pairs of nose pads

        Warm notice:
        Don't touch to water, the silicone soft stick rinsed with water will peel off.
        Don't repeat paste, the two adhesive will directly affect the nose pad viscous.
        Small parts, please keep them away from kids under 3 years old.

        I love these nose pieces, i got them to help against nose slippage! And they have been on for a wk so far and they ate still on. they do collect grim and hair around the edges but ever time i clean my glasses i clean that as well!

        These TOODOO nose pads fit perfectly on my acetate eyeglass frames. They made my glasses much more comfortable and kept them from slipping. The adhesive held the pads in place for six weeks. When it was time to remove them, the adhesive peeled off easily without residue with the help of tweezers. I would certainly purchase these TOODOOs again.

        I love how this keeps my glasses in place and how well they stick. Great price for these, Two pairs cost cost half of the price for these 18 and didn't stick as well.

        These work OK until they stop sticking. One actually got stuck up my nostril a few months back when went to sneeze and put my hand to my mouth. My wife had to pull it out with long tweezers. That was my fault however.

        My plastic glasses set low and caused a crease across my nose. Used these thin little pads and the are perfect now. Super comfy and they keep my glass in place. They stay strongly attached but they peel off cleanly to readjust. Only 1 mm thick so they don’t show.

        Get it Now

        Gain flings! Liquid Laundry Detergent Pacs, Original, 81 Count - Packaging May Vary

        Gain flings! Liquid Laundry Detergent Pacs, Original, 81 Count - Packaging May Vary

        Gain flings! Liquid Laundry Detergent Pacs, Original, 81 Count - Packaging May Vary

        We just recently switched to Gain Flings Laundry detergent packs. I had been making my own laundry detergent for 10+ years so this was a hard move to make. Once I made the switch to gain I immediately noticed a huge difference in our laundry. Our whites were whiter, our colors were brighter, our towels were softer and overall our clothes smell fresher and cleaner. The scent is amazing and lasts for over a week! I love that there is no measuring or pouring. All I have to do is grab 1 (if a small load) or 2 (if it’s a large load) flings and toss them in the washer. I am so impressed with Gain flings that I signed up for subscribe and save! I am so happy that I made the switch from homemade laundry soap to Gain Flings, I won’t look back!
        I highly recommend Gain Flings Laundry detergent packs. I plan to purchase them over and over again!
        * As an Amazon Prime member, I rely heavily on reviews to make informed purchases so I hope you found this helpful. Please click the yes button below if you found this review helped you make up your mind.

        I love the smell of Gain and the detergent works just great for me.

        I really like these little flings, they are such a handy little convenience.
        I'm disabled, its hard for me to stand for long so I really appreciate being able to just grab one of these little pods and drop it into the washer.
        It's a big improvement over taking down a heavy bottle of detergent, taking the top off, measuring the liquid, etc. It weighs a lot less than a bottle of detergent.

        I really wish these had been around when I was a young mother and didn't have my own washer/dryer. It would have been so much easier than lugging detergent to the Laundromat.

        My favorite detergent. Good price. I get it with my Dash button. Love the Dash buttons and happy this a product offered with the Dash system. I love that there is febreeze (Sp?) in the pod. I have dogs... they get stinky... but after washing their bedding with this all the dog smell is GONE. The only thing that drives me nuts is the NEW and IMPROVED child proof lid. Really??? A child is not going to get into the OLD packaging if you close the top properly. And if a child did eat one of these things... well... Darwin might have something to say about that... Now it is like trying to get into a very hard to open pill bottle and once you have it open you never want to close it... which is what people with children will probably do too... thus defeating the "new and improved" child proof system and making it less safe than the old system. I gave up and moved my pods over to the old box and recycled the new one.

        Easy to use, and goes a long way (surprisingly enough). It says to use 1 POD for small loads, 2 pods for medium, etc. Any time I use 2 POD I seem to have a residue (soapy feeling) on the clothes. One POD seems to get clothes nice and clean (I have 2 littles and a messy husband), and if I feel like I need a little extra cleaning power for the kids stuff I'll add a sprinkle of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda/Booster. I only use 2 pods for extra large loads of the adult's clothes or super dirty stuff.

        I'm using a newer Samsung front load washer (their entry level)

        Wasn't sure if I wanted to give up my liquids, but I'm having trouble with a wee bit of arthritis, so I went for the pods for my husband's work clothes. Great product. Smells great. The best feature is that through Amazon Subscribe and Save, I get it delivered to my door in any quantity I want. No need to lug bottles and containers from the store home anymore! Plus, the price is better now going thru Amazon! Win/Win!

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • Gain Flings and Tide Pods are America's favorite laundry pacs.
        • 2x the cleaning ingredients vs Gain Original Scent liquid laundry detergent.
        • 6 weeks of freshness from wash until wear.
        • 50% more scent than Gain powder laundry detergent.
        • Regular and HE Washer compatible. Dissolves in hot and cold water.


        Gain flings! Laundry detergent pacs in Original Scent. Detergent plus Oxi and Febreze, three big things in one fling!

        I love the pods. They work great in my washer & Gain smells great. I also put a pod of fabric softener in when I start up the machine. Gain really does a good job of cleaning even all the doggy towels that I use for grooming and on my rescues. The laundry smells so clean using Gain. I love Amazons delivery and not having to worry about forgetting to pick it up. I have ordered every few months so I never give out. These dissolve and clean even if I use cold water. I also like how they are stored and are packaged safe.

        The lid used to be a flip top hatch that was secured on multiple sides. They’ve switched to a twist off top where you push in the tabs then turn somewhat similar to a medicine bottle but instead of pushing down on the top you squeeze the sides. It’s not hard to take off but putting the lid back on can be a pain if you don’t match it up perfectly. This is troublesome as it’s a stepping possibility that this will lead people to just not waste their time putting the lid back on which defeats the safety purpose of the locking lid. This is a classic example of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

        Other than that Gain is awesome! Love the smell etc.

        Love this product as it it easy to pack a few pods to take to the laundromat instead of lugging the heavy and messy-pour liquid jug. We use 1 pod for regular full load (standard machine) and 2 pods for large full load (big machine). We had a couple of pod-fails (pod did not disintegrate, or detergent did not spread) a while back but none lately. One caveat, you still need to have some non-pod liquid on hand for partial washing loads (half a machine load, or 1-2 items in sink, or to treat a stain). Also I wish Gain sold refills for this giant plastic jug, instead of a whole new jug. While the pod is more environmental than the liquid, the container is not.

        I love these and the price of this 81-pack. I've read some reviews of people using multiple flings per wash--and it's mentioned in the instructions for large loads--but I always just get by with 1 per wash. I've never noticed any issues with 1 fling getting my clothes clean, and the scent is great. The Febreze seems to help with any lingering odors in things like reused bath towels. All in all, a great purchase.

        I wash the most disgusting, filthy clothes. My husband repairs equipment in commercial kitchens and he crawls under and lays in the grossest dirt and grease imaginable. When he started this job and I saw how his work shirts were ...well...I won't go into more detail, it's almost gag worthy...I didn't think a "fling" would make a dent. But it did. One pod cleaned all the gunk from the darkest dimension off his clothes. He has light blue shirts so any grime left over would be blatantly visible, and there wasn't any. I was amazed! My husband wanted to get a second, used washer for just his work clothes, but it isn't necessary. These Gain pods clean so well that I'm not worried about dirt being left behind in the washer.
        The flings must be filled with green goo and magic cause I don't know how that little pod can do what it does!

        Get it Now

        Friday, August 30, 2019

        Zinus Lottie Upholstered Square Stitched Platform Bed / Mattress Foundation / Easy Assembly / Strong Wood Slat Support, Twin

        Zinus Lottie Upholstered Square Stitched Platform Bed / Mattress Foundation / Easy Assembly / Strong Wood Slat Support, Twin

        Zinus Lottie Upholstered Square Stitched Platform Bed / Mattress Foundation / Easy Assembly / Strong Wood Slat Support, Twin

        I saw some bad reviews and I almost went in the other direction but I was like "hey, if it sucks that bad I can return the darn thing" so I bought it. Came pretty quickly and I had the pro ledge of putting it together by myself. Took under an hour and here we are two weeks later and I couldn't be happier. This bed is awesome, sturdy, stylish and easy to assemble. There were no missing pieces or wrong parts- it's perfect. I would like to encourage all interested parties to purchase this bed. I don't leave reviews often, but when I do it's because the product deserves it.

        There are many reviews on this bed already, so I'll just try to keep mine focused on the point. This is a whole lot of bed for the price. My bed wasn't missing anything nor was it damaged, so that's a plus. I have read reviews, where people say this bed may get squeaky and need retightening on the bolts. So being aware of this, as I assembled the bed, which didn't take long, maybe 30 minutes. I put thread lock, medium strength (blue) on each bolt, so they should never back out on their own. I also used a torque wrench, to ensure even pressure on each bolt, I had it set to 50lbs. I have absolutely no squeaks! The bed is incredibly solid and I assume I never will get squeaks, having used the thread lock. You may want to try this too! Hint. Hint.

        As for the other modification, I bought a Tuft & Needle mattress, which I love and recommend. Anyways, the slates on the king size bed are about 4.7 inches apart. The problem, the mattress manufacturer recommends the slates be only 3-4 inches apart. With that said, I didn't want to damage my mattress and void my warranty. Now there's a few ways to fix this, simply add more slates. But doing it that way, would probably mean removing the velcro straps. Then adding more slates, adjusting the gaps evenly and screwing them all down. But I was having difficultly finding more slates similar to the ones this came with. You also run the risk of splitting the slates, with the screw. On top of that, they were too expensive to replace them all. And I didn't feel like crafting a few of them myself. That's just too much effort for a new bed, that should have came with more slates! I mean most memory foam mattresses, recommend 3 inch slate gaps anyways. And this company makes foam mattresses, you'd think they'd have a clue!

        So, I decided to go to my local home improvement store. After seeing a review on a smart base platform, where someone used pegboard, for a similar problem. I really liked the idea, knowing that memory foam mattresses can sleep hot. So kinda how drag racers, will modify any and everything for extra performance, even if it's just a placebo. That's how I feel about the pegboard, I want to believe it helps the mattress breathe a little better, whether it does or not, I couldn't tell you. I can say that I'm not sleeping hot though! But that could be due to a number of factors. Airflow is a big reason why I wanted a platform bed with slates, for potentially increasing the mattress being able to breathe more. I believe laying down a solid base over the slates, is counterproductive in that aspect. It'd be similar to laying it on the floor, guaranteeing no air would flow through the bottom.

        Instead of pegboard, you could use plywood, if you want maximum strength. The pegboard is surprisingly strong on the slates, so I assume partical board would be just fine too. A king size mattress dimensions are 80"x76". Because I didn't have a truck, I got my pegboard cut into four sections, which easily fit into my SUV (should easily fit in a car too). Also because I'm aware of the fact, if I got the boards cut that exact length. It may have been way too snug of a fit and tried to overlap each other. Thus requiring more trimming of boards. So I got the pegboard cut into 39.3/4" by 37.3/4" sections. I had this done at the store, it didn't cost me anything extra, just the price of the materials. The sections fit perfectly and are still a bit snug, but I didn't have to modify them. So if you decide to do plywood, pegboard or partical board those are your dimensions. You're welcome. From there, I simply zip tied each section of pegboard, on the corners onto the slates and they do not move. I used 16 zip ties, four on each section.

        All in all, the pegboard, thread lock and zip ties cost me less than $45. Now I have the bed I needed to begin with. The thread lock, should keep the bolts from ever backing out. And the pegboard has supplemented for the slate gaps being too far apart.

        I would have given this bed five stars! But I feel like the manufactor, could have easily and very cost effectively addressed these problems. To include a disposable tube of thread lock and a few more slates! That would solve many issues customers had with the bed. On that note, it only deserves four stars. But it's still a good bargain for the price in my opinion.

        I will warn you though, the pegboard was a bit "loud" smell-wise at first. If you've never smelled it before, I recommend doing so, before you buy some. If it's too much for you, just go with plywood instead. But if you wanted the potential benefit of improved airflow, you could always drill a bunch holes in the plywood yourself. But have fun with that! Or just add more slates, so there's still gaps for air to travel through.

        I hope this helps!

         Watch my video review here for a closer look!

        As you can see in my video review, initially I had an issue with the bed. It came with the wrong size inner frame. I looked at other reviews in Amazon and found out that other people had the exact same problem as me. Fortunately, I was able to get a replacement from customer service. That worked fine.

        Anyways, regarding the product itself, this is a great bed. It is very sturdy and does not creak or make any noises at all. It is exactly what I was looking for.

        - Looks great. The upholstered feature looks good.
        - Quality materials. Doesn't look cheap.
        - Very sturdy. Doesn't more or make noises.
        - Perfect size. My queen size mattress fits perfectly here. The mattress shown in the video is this one: Dreamfoam Bedding Ultimate Dreams Crazy Quilt Pillow Top Mattress, Queen
        - Easy to install. I like the velcro feature in the wood slats.
        - Package is very well put together. Everything comes inside the headboard.

        - Came with a wrong part (see video review). Had to wait for a replacement.

         I put this bed together by myself in 1 hour and 15 mins, using only the tools given by the manufacturer. I've posted a video review, because it's easier than typing everything. It's only 4 mins long.
        UPDATE: My daughter came and used the guest room, where this bed is, and loved it. She said that she got a really good night's sleep on it.

        I am so glad I purchased this bed. Being bigger people, purchasing a bed was a bit scary... we wanted something that could hold our weight and be stylish and cost efficient. It arrived in a HUGE HEAVY box but was surprisingly easy to assemble. Took less than 40 minutes for my husband and I to get it all put together. Using the tools provided we made sure all screws were tightly put together and hoped for the best. We have dealt with slight sounds coming from the Velcro when getting on and off the bed but it hasn't been off putting or too loud to make you worry about it. Strong enough for both of us to sleep on and do other amourous things. I figured if you're reading this.... you want to know if this bed can handle that. And if you're a plus sized couple like we are, those are definitely big concerns, especially when ordering a bed online that you can't see in person! We've been sleeping on it for just about 3 months now. So if things change I will update this review.
        The fabric is nice and a pretty grey, a true grey, not too blue not too green... grey. The head board has some slight padding but not a ton, which I like.
        Overall.... a great purchase.... so far!

        Get it Now

        Feature Product

        • Classic styling and strong mattress support, with soft square stiched dark grey upholstery
        • Core composition: Wooden slats and steel frames / Fabric: Knitted polyester
        • All parts for making the bed are located in the zippered compartment on the back of the headboard for easy assembly / 10 wood slats and frame included / Mattress sold separately
        • Foam padded tape is added to the steel frame for noise-free use
        • Available in Twin, Full, Queen, and King with worry-free 5-year limited warranty


        This stunning upholstered platform bed by Zinus will transform your bedroom. It ships in one carton with the frame, legs and ten wooden slats conveniently located in the zippered compartment in the back of the headboard for easy assembly. This classic upholstered platform bed features a square stitched headboard and low profile footboard style frame, with wood slats and exposed feet for support. The dark grey square stitched upholstery adds softness and provides a classic framework for your mattress. Another comfort innovation from Zinus. Pioneering comfort.

        After some of the reviews I was a little worried about quality due to people receiving components for beds of differing sizes. I was also worried about the actual shade of the product. Often times, especially with greys that have some pattern to them the actual colors can be really different in person. Luckily on both counts everything was perfect.

        The bed itself seems really high quality, no creaking or cracking. I actually had a 5.0 earthquake after the first week and rode it out on the bed. I was pleasantly surprised by it compared to my previous Ikea bed (higher quality one). It used more wood then this one which is mostly a metal frame with the fabric panels attached around them. My Ikea bed during lots of movement in the evenings (wink wink nod nod) would creak a bit, but as I said this one is super solid.

        Putting it together was another pleasure. I was expecting lots of fiddly parts, especially since everything comes inside of the headboard but everything is held together by the weight on it and some simple bolts. It took me about 45 minutes to put together myself, I think if you had more people and more space it would go even faster. I'm pretty sure you could also put it together without instructions, it's really simple. The instructions were really good though so either way you should be good.

        I'm not sure how long this bed will last with my cat who thinks everything worth more then $100 is a scratching post but based on the construction I definitely feel like the actual bed would last and move well.

        Definitely a good buy!

        Really nice. Easy to put together! WAY WAY easier than IKEA furniture to assemble. Really love these. I bought 2.

        Having just added the Zinus Modern Studio Platform 3000H Metal Bed Frame to my guest room, I was a little nervous about this Upholstered Platform Bed. Why? Because unlike other Zinus products I’ve owned, the metal bed was of poor quality -- dents and rust on the metal. I wondered if this one would have problems too.

        Thankfully, other than a few small tears on the back of the headboard (which are not visible when pushed up against the wall), I found no flaws in the Upholstered Platform Bed. Zinus got this one right.

        The box is fairly large and quite heavy. Since I ordered the King size, this may not be as big an issue for those getting smaller options. In my case, I wasn’t able to carry the box up to our master bedroom by myself; it was just too heavy and awkward. Simply getting it temporarily into the garage required a dolly. So keep this in mind if you are ordering. While the delivery service will drop it off at your door (at least, mine did), you will likely need another set of hands for getting it into your house.

        Once I opened the package, I was a little surprised to only see the headboard. At first, I was like, what? They forgot the frame? Was there a second package I missed? It didn’t take long for me to figure out that the guts were all in the headboard. When flipped over, I found a zipper at the back of the headboard and sure enough, all the parts were in there. This is actually a smart way to keep the packaging down, but at the same time, some of the wooden frame pieces poked into the headboard’s material. As mentioned above, this only affected the back side and not the front, so no real harm was done.

        After everything was unpacked, it took me about 30 minutes to assemble. No special tools are need as it comes with an Allen wrench. There are more steps to the assembly than there are with their SmartBase Bed Frames, which simply unfold and are tightened by wing nuts. This one has three bolts in a package (the other four are spares). That doesn’t mean you only have three bolts to screw in, rather, Zinus has the other bolts in the frame already. You simply need to loosen them a bit before attaching the relevant part. Following the directions was pretty simple, no wording just visual pictures (like how IKEA does it). Just be sure to follow them closely as I accidently started attaching the wrong part of the frame to the headboard. I was able to assemble everything myself without the need of a second party holding or steadying parts (granted I did use the wall to hold up the headboard). It might go faster with another set of hands if only to aid in screwing, but then again, I could see having another person as being in the way and slowing things down too.

        One thing that sets this Upholstered Platform Bed apart from other Zinus frames is that you don’t need the Non-Slip Pad (sometimes included, sometimes purchased separately for $20). The reason for this is due to the wooden planks that sit lower than the frame, which offers a lip all around the mattress to keep it in place. It fits more snugly without the need of added friction to prevent slipping. I paired this Upholstered Platform Bed with the Sleep Master Classic Spring 10 Inch Mattress, King, and they work perfectly together.

        Not only does this setup work great, but it looks great too. Really adds class to our master bedroom. Both me and the wife feel like snobs just owning it, ha! Seriously though, it’s a good option and we are both happy with it. The only negative is that there isn’t a lot of storage space underneath. If that’s important to you, I recommend checking out the Zinus SmartBase Bed Frames (just keep in mind they don’t have headboards).

        WOW! What a blessing! I unexpectedly lost my husband last February. We slept in a California King...these past 6 months have been so tough, losing him so hard...night times the toughest, feeling such an empty space on his side...and always feeling as if I'm sleeping with a ghost. The bed just suddenly seemed giant!! I've been searching for a Queen bed for me and our male standard poodle 'Friday.' Everything so expensive, yet I had to do something...So, got gutsy and went for this bed AND a foam mattress (12") on line via Amazon. Both products from Zinus. This bed, I put together by myself in 1 1/2 hours! It was a breeze! (I'm 64 and 5' 2") SO.....CAUTION: Box is heavy!! I simply opened it at my front door and took it piece by piece into my room. Fantastic design, easy peasy assembly, very sturdy, and surprisingly high quality as well!! I am so happy with my decision!! Friday and I fit just fine and it is so, so, comfy and cozy!! The queen bed and mattress together cost $500.00, that's a quarter of the cost of other beds I had considered in stores! NO REGRETS! Pictures are with 12" foam mattress, 2" foam 'topper' (I already had), and a quilted mattress cover. Everything fit perfectly. I slept on bed very first night! A slight chem odor, I Febreez'd next day. I've a goose down comforter in a pretty duvet on it, it's heavenly!

        I had a platform bed that this bed is replacing. The frame on this bed is an X frame and is bolted on at the headboard and at the footboard. The sides of the bed come in 4 pieces and they hook onto the bolts already on the pieces then they hook onto the X frame. The sides connect at the headboard, in the middle and on the foot board The wood slats are flat, not arched like my platform bed was and they come together in two bundles with Velcro. My platform beds I replaced had individual slats that snap in the middle support and on the edge place which cause noise. This bed is very very quiet and durable. The directions are very easy and simple to put together, it took me, all by myself about 35 min to put it together. Your mattress will not fall off this bed the sides come up about a 1/4" there is about a 1" gap between my bed and this frame. I believe the gap is so you can tuck your blanket under it and make it look all nice and neat because a dust ruffle will not work unless you get a larger size dust ruffle. (mine did come with a small hole in the back of the headboard but I will sew it up and it won't be seen). The back of the head board is like a thicker version of the box springs material. I do not have a box spring on this bed

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