Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution, 30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution, 30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

Ocusoft Retaine MGD Ophthalmic Emulsion, Milky White Solution,  30 count Single Use Containers, 0.01 Fluid Ounce

I've had extremely dry eyes for almost 40 years. First wore contacts and had eye drops tucked away everywhere. My car, purse, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and in my shirt pockets. Then I had LASIK twice and it got worse.
I tried every kind there is. Eye drops are not inexpensive, so when my budget was tight, sometimes I just had miserably sore eyes.
I've never heard of these drops, but since I am forever looking for that perfect drop, I can put in a few times a day and not give it any more thought, I decided to buy a box. Along with the other $150 in drops I purchased in the same order.
These are hands down the best drops I've ever used. The white cloudy liquid was normal, but a bit odd. These are on the high end price wise (that said, they are a whole lot cheaper than the drops, gel drops, gel, and ointment in my regular order) and worth every penny and more
I'm sensitive to preservatives in most drops. I didn't think to check these beforehand, but I am happy to say I've had no issues with that.
My only wish is that they come in multi packs.
These are more a drop than a gel drop, so no buildup in my lashes. The cloudy color is normal per the manufacturer.
They have a customer for life if they leave this product exactly as it is.
I am not affiliated with this company. I didn't receive any discount or free items for this review. I'm just lucky I found these, and since I count on reviews when I buy things, I try to leave honest feedback when I have the time.

Free at last!!!!
Hi, to all my fellow sufferers of dry eyes, I know how miserable you are because I have suffered for 2 long years with this problem, I haven't felt fully awake in all that time. I sleep and wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all, because my eyes were still sleepy and dry.
I have many annoying issues with my eyes and I don't even know where it all came from ( maybe chemo, don't know )
The problems I deal with are Ocular Migraines, Vitreous Detachment, Floaters, Eyelid Sensitivity to chemicals and last but not the least Dry Eyes.
The ways that I dealt with my dry eyes are as follows
1. Vicks Vapo Rub - I would actually blow into the jar and leave my eyes open so that the cool vapor would hit my eyes and make them water.
this was nice but only fleeting relief.
2. I've used most of the over the counter dry eye drops and they did absolutely nothing for me, some of them made my eyes feel gritty,
waste of money!
3. Castor oil - I discovered that using castor oil on your eyelashes would make them grow, so I gave it a try and realized that my eyes were feeling good
from the oil that got onto my eyes... this gave wonderful relief although you get a little blurry for a short time but it clears up. (Yes, my lashes were looking pretty good too) So I would put a little bit of castor oil on a Q tip and put some just on the rim of my bottom lashes for relief, but as with everything
you need to limit your use of the oil or you will wind up with blocked glands from too much oil. I might also add that castor oil is one of the ingredients in the prescription drops Restasis, so it is safe for use in the eyes.
4. I purchased a lip balm called "Palma Christi" from Baar products ( Amazon sells it I'm sure) it's all natural and has a cooling peppermint flavor.
I would and still do put this under my eyes for the cooling sensation, it wakes me up and I've noticed the bags under my eyes have diminished a little.
5. Started taking fish oil because of eye health benefits and I do believe it's working.
So all in all I discovered that my eyes needed some kind of oil, because I learned through researching dry eyes that the cause of dry eyes is lack of oil production, which is why the castor oil felt so good.
Which finally leads me to RETAINE, my search is over and relief has arrived. Do not hesitate on buying these eye drops, they are TRULY the best
my eyes are feeling wonderful from using them. I use one vile 4x a day and I will keep on using them. I still have the floaters but they are more tolerable
without the dryness. The secret is in the oil, Mineral Oil. The End
You won't regret the money spent

I have been having dry eye issues for years and recently was at the point where I was seriously contemplating giving up my contacts and just wearing glasses. Now...for some people this might be a minor adjustment....not for me. I am seriously near sighted and I have worn contacts for close to 40 years so it was going to be a huge adjustment. I was told that my tear film has a 2 second evaporation rate...normal is over 5 seconds. I considered plugs.....tried Xiidra (horrible stuff...felt like I had a curtain of chemicals going down the back of my throat for 24 hours..and yes...I did the pressing your fingers in the corners of your eye for a while to stop it from draining...didn't work) and my medicine cabinet is littered with bottles of eye drops that I tried and didn't like. I couldn't understand why it seemed like I was the only one in the world who wasn't able to find eye drops that worked...they all left my eyes feeling "gungky" I know that isn't a technical term but that is the only way I can describe it. I was very frustrated and pretty much had lost hope of being able to be comfortable with my eyes ever again. My eye doctor had recommended Systane Complete....gungky....and then towards the end of my visit he offhandedly gave me some samples of Retaine MGD and said he used them and really liked them. OMG!!! All I can say is this stuff is like liquid silk. I use it morning and night and for the whole day I do NOT NOTICE MY CONTACTS!! I feel that anyone with dry eyes can relate to the noticing your eyes/contacts. I was constantly rubbing my eyes...blinking...taking them out to clean them because they would get foggy etc. I am so happy that I found this product.

Last eye visit at the ophthalmologist and it did not go great. My eyes had been bothering me and impacting my vision some. Plus, in the morning, my eyes felt really scratchy. I don't have allergies or any issues - I do have a ceiling fan that runs at night. The assistant that saw me said my eyes looked really dry. She put a few of these retaine sample drops in and I could feel the difference immediately. These are not your visine or regular eye drops. For sure, the price is substantially more which sort of is a bummer. But, the most important thing is that these work. I put a drop in each eye before going to sleep and a drop in each when I wake up. I use them during the day as needed. I definitely can feel the difference as my eyes are no longer scratchy. My vision seems better too. There are 30 vials per box. Each vial last me 2 days roughly. If you suffer from dry eyes - give these a try.

Best eye drops on the market. About a year and a half ago, my dry eyes changed and all the previous drops I'd been using no longer offered any relief. Systaine and Genteal suddenly felt about as soothing as plain water. So I went to Walgreen's and spent about $100 buying pretty much every active ingredient combination of eye drops available. Tried them all. Well, honestly, about half of them ... because that's when I tried these. And they're amazing. Soothing. Relatively long lasting. And that giant veiny red spot I get in my left eye when it's dry and unhappy went away. It's a good thing I'm not Oprah, because my list of Favorite Things would include these drops and I'm fairly certain most people don't have dry eyes. I've had Sjögren's Syndrome for over 20 years, using eye drops for probably 15, and I've never been as excited about a drop as I am about these.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Retained mgd is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes
  • Provides long-lasting relief utilizing nova orb,
  • Proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface
  • Retained MGD is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes.
  • proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface.
  • The hypo tonicity of the emulsion adds moisture by lowering the salt concentration of tears while the lipid component lubricates and protects the surface of the eye.
  • Retained MGD is a revolutionary preservative-free ophthalmic emulsion that moisturizes, lubricates and protects moderate to severe dry eyes.
  • Provides long-lasting relief utilizing Nova orb,
  • proprietary cationic oil emulsion technology that effectively delivers ingredients through electrostatic attraction between positively charged droplets and the negatively charged ocular surface.
  • The hypo tonicity of the emulsion adds moisture by lowering the salt concentration of tears while the lipid component lubricates and protects the surface of the eye.


New Box Design Retaine MGD is the ONLY Fourth Generation Tear Available. Lipid-replenishing formula utilizes electrostatic attraction to stabilize the tear film and protect against moisture loss.

I bought these as a substitute for the insanely expensive prescription drop, Restasis. I'm about 2 weeks in and so far I'd say they work well but not quite as well as Restasis. I plan to finish the box and hopefully my eyes will adjust. I should also note that I wear contact lenses, which don't help dry eyes very month.

If you're unable to afford Restasis but have horrible dry eye issues, this is a great substitute for an affordable price.

These drops were recommended by my husband's opthamologist. My husband had extreme discomfort following eye surgery for cataract removal and cleaning up scar tissue from a previous Glaucoma surgery. He felt like he had pressure and sand in his eye. The doctor prescribed 2 other RX drops for his condition following surgery. Retaine was the only drop that stopped the feeling of discomfort and feeling of sand in his eye. Highly recommend this product. It was a lifesaver!

Best lubricant eye drop I have ever used. Immediate relief with no blurring. No burning or irritation. Longer lasting than refresh plus.
I have have severe dry eye for 9 years due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have tried Systane, Soothe XP, Refresh including the refresh Omega 3 and a number of others.
Systane blurs my vision for several minutes. Refresh has less blurring and is more comfortable going in the eye, but effects don't last long.
For me, Retaine MGD is in another league compared to those products. I am thrilled to have discovered it.
I have a little stand to put the container inm oriented vertically after opening--then cover it with a small glass-- as long as I don't touch tip I can use for 3 applications

Thankfully, my eye doc recommended this brand, giving me a few samples a few weeks ago when one of my ducts was starting to plug. The next day, after using them 3 or 4 times the weeks-long problem was gone and hasn't returned. This is the only eyedrops I've used that really work for my dry eyes. Finally! No more itching, rubbing my eyes. Seemingly more expensive? Not really: as other reviewers have suggested, the little individual dropper-pak lasts the day, even into the next day (even though the directions say not to do -- just don't contaminate the tip with your finger touching or your eye.) Without naming name brands, try this first and save your eyes and your money.

I have dry eyes and have been taking prescription drops for around 3 months. The eye doctor recommended that I try using preservative free drops throughout the day as needed in addition to my prescription drops. She offered to sell me some branded oasis. But I wanted to do some research first and glad I did. Preservative free drops are a must for dry eyes and these retaine drops work wonders! I keep some in purse and laptop bag just in case I run out. I love the fact that I can replace the cap easily. I showed the doc what I bought and she kinda scoffed at it saying again that she sells eye drops. I told her what a great value they were compared to oasis and she said that since these were helping and were preservative free that they were fine to keep using. It’s a relief because I already pay a lot for prescription drops! I’m very pleased and now on my second box.

Get it Now


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