Thursday, September 19, 2019

7 Chakra Rainbow Orgone Crystal pendant for Strengthen Immune System - Heart - Self Confidence – Positivity- Emotional Body Purification

7 Chakra Rainbow Orgone Crystal pendant for Strengthen Immune System - Heart - Self Confidence – Positivity- Emotional Body Purification

7 Chakra Rainbow Orgone Crystal pendant for Strengthen Immune System - Heart - Self Confidence – Positivity- Emotional Body Purification

With that said.... I wanted to go ahead and say for the record that this thing, this POWER-FULL talisman DOES IT'S JOB! IT HEALS! Funny too cause I had been having visions of peridot and I sense it is the green stone contained within. I wear this in conjunction with another orgonite and a plain ole - but mad power-full quartz crystal! I feel it already spreading healing energy all throughout my body and I have been getting aches in my sacral chakra -
which is where the jewelry rests - meaning I am getting the healing I need by removing things there that I don't need 👍

In loveeee with this baby💜 could feel it working instantly! And came with a free gift. A cute little black tourmaline pendant. Came in a very cute box everything is made with love and you feel that right away. Don’t overthink it just buy it

The package arrived very secured, all in bubble wraps. The package included the orgonite (yes) and a pouch + a gift which is another orgonite pendant ^^

I was expecting a tremendous amount of energy from this but what I got was a really gentle and rather a cleansing feel, which is good.

This necklace is so beautiful the pictures don’t do it justice! Came packaged so nice! Included a thank you note from the company, a velvet bag for storing and a thank you gift chakra bracelet! This company is Amazing

This 7 Chakra Orgone necklace has help me tremendously! I am grateful to add it to mg collection! Since wearing it I was able to start and compelet my first water fast! I have also been able to manifest at an alarming rate❤❤❤ thank you so much for your creations!!

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Feature Product


    Orgonite Pendant helps to filter and balance energy fields in our environment and can aid in strengthening your energy body by converting low-frequency energy into a higher frequency that is more beneficial for life forms including yourself, pets and plants.

    ☢ Features & Benefits:

    Orgonite Chakra Pendant blocks (EMF) Radiation from your cell phones, wi-fi routers, computers and other electronic devices that expose CANCER causing RADIATION.

    Rose Quartz with Orgone helps to heal hearts NEGATIVE EMOTION, PAIN and improves RELATIONSHIP with your partner.

    The vibrations of Ametyhst in Orgonite Rainbow Pendant soothe IRRITABLE states, promote peace of mind, acute increase courage and intuition. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a DEEP SOUL cleanser.

    Rainbow Orgone Pendant helps to overcome substance that abuse, and releases any suicidal thoughts or self-harming tendencies. Beneficial in treating obsessive or compulsive behaviors, and in relinquishing chronic worry.

    Promotes a sense of power and SELF-CONFIDENCE, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world and empowering to live or work in challenging environments.

    7 Chakra Orgone Pendant is a powerful crystal for REBALANCING and HARMONIZING body, mind, and spirit. It cleanses and stabilizes the AURA, eliminating and transforming negativity.

    ✮Integration is the art of blending the internal with the external, the light with the shadow, the parts of ourselves we know and those that lie in mystery. When we integrate, a new version of ourselves steps forward, expanded and empowered. This mystical pendant was created with the highest intent for those moving through a phase of personal and spiritual integration.✮

    The pendant is very pretty. The crystals have positive vibes. I'm happy with my purchase.

    Beautiful necklace. I use it for crystal healing as well, and it works great!! Has good energy 😁

    This product is amazing, I am extremely satisfied. I bought the pyramid for my son, and he can’t thank me enough.

    I’ve had it for about two weeks and lm feeling good vibes and I am definitely feeling more positive.

    The 7 Chakra Rainbow Orgone Crystal pendant arrived quickly in a nice box that also contained a surprise gift. The pendant is very pretty. What is really cool about the pendant is that it can be adjusted to be worn at whatever length is desired simply by sliding a small piece up or down the pendant’s whosie whats it (to use a technical term) that goes around the neck. The colors in the pendant are vibrant and quite beautiful. The free gift is shown in the second picture next to the 7 Chakra pendant. The price for the pendant is more than reasonable.

    Get it Now


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