Wednesday, October 23, 2019

60 Day Supply – Earth’s Pearl Probiotic & Prebiotic – More Effective Than Capsules – Advanced Digestive and Gut Health for Women, Men and Kids - Billions of Live Cultures

60 Day Supply – Earth’s Pearl Probiotic & Prebiotic – More Effective Than Capsules – Advanced Digestive and Gut Health for Women, Men and Kids - Billions of Live Cultures

60 Day Supply – Earth’s Pearl Probiotic & Prebiotic – More Effective Than Capsules – Advanced Digestive and Gut Health for Women, Men and Kids - Billions of Live Cultures

Am I pleasantly surprised by this product? That doesn’t begin to cover it!

I recently read about how probiotics and prebiotics can reduce sugar cravings and was more than intrigued. I’d previously had no idea that there’s actually communication between the gut and the brain, and certain bacteria can communicate needs/cravings to the brain. Oh damn! This might explain why, after eating a filling meal, I was always desperate to get carbs/sugar and keep on eating! They didn’t feel like mere cravings to me — they felt more like compulsions!

If that sounds hopeful...there’s even more! With my first pearl, I actually felt the difference! Hard to imagine I know. Now, taking just one pearl daily ensures that I will feel satisfied with my modest, low carb meals AND will not be plagued by the obsessive, grinding NEED to keep eating after I’m full.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Feels pretty miraculous to me! Definitely worth a try.

I have been suffering with abdominal problems for almost two years. The doctors have ran many tests, all normal results. My issue was foul gas and BMs. Tried changing my diet so many times I lost 15 Lbs when I had none to lose. Tried different probiotics, not a big difference. Purchased the Earth's Pearl and no change. Then I read that some doctors recommend taking a powdered fiber daily. YES,YES,YES! I know take a heaping tablespoon of benefiber in 16 oz of warm water with a probiotic first thing in the AM. My gut is now PERFECT! Daily and timely BMs, occasional gas is now no smell or sweet. What I mean by that is it went from smelling like 6 month old cauliflower to 3 day old strawberries. My gut is healthier than it has been in 40 years,( I am 58). I can now eat many of the things I gave up in the last two years. I have been lactose intolerant for twenty years, but recently had some ice-cream as a test, and NO issues. I feel like going on DR OZ to tell the world about my success. Please try this if probiotics alone will not work for you. I am thinking the good bacteria is feeding on the fiber drink and multiplying to rid the gut of the bad bacteria. I can once again eat fish and chicken and other foods I gave up. If this works for you, as I am confident it will, given you have a similar issue, PLEASE let me know. I would love to hear that I have helped someone else. To your health!
Update; After trying several different probiotics, I am now convinced the Earths Pearl is the best I have tried. This is coming from a person who has been taking probiotics since the 1980s. I notice everything is perfect when taking this particular pill, heathy and happy I am!

My skin had been near flawless up until my 24th year. I moved back to south Florida and my skin erupted along my jawline and mid-cheek. Research for the next 3 years on getting to the bottom of my skin issues ensued. I tried any and everything! Wanted to keep my skin treatments as gentle as possible as not to further any damage to the "acne" spots. Took me three years to decide the possibility of a fungal breakout, (was able to treat the spots, heal the skin, but never prevent) the more I sweat, the worse it was. Started experimenting with niamicide (sebum controlling) -- that DRASTICALLY improved the problem, but again, didnt solve the issue.
My research lead me to the importance of pre/probiotics. I knew instantly I was a type of candidate who could potentially benefit greatly. My diet was previously poor. I lived in a abnormally humid atmosphere. My skin was suffering.

48 hours after taking these pre/probiotics, my skin's condition improved ×10. I'm still in disbelief. In 4 days it will be the 14 day mark and at 30, I'll be taking 'after' photos of my now near-pristine skin. I'm all too excited. Owe a big thank you to this product, for sure!

I have had a terrible infestation of yeast infections all over and in my body. I have both vaginal yeast as well as yeast growing in any folds of skin where I sweat (under arms, under breasts, in the but-crack areas). And since I sweat all over my body at all times (even in my sleep); it only reinforces the yeast growth. I also have type 2 diabetes. And there are medications that I take that reinforce yeast growth. In an attempt to combat the yeast I went to my gynecologist who prescribed a prescription anti-fungal oral pill (Diflucan/Fluconazole). The pill is the strongest dose on the market and that did not kill the yeast. After that did not work; my gynecologist prescribed the Diflucan/Fluconazole to me taking 1 each day for 2 weeks…..and that still did not kill it. Next I went out and tried every brand of probiotic on the market that advertised that it was specifically for yeast. And that did not work. Next I went to a dermatologist while still seeing my gynecologist. I was told to start taking bleach baths using 1 cup of bleach diluted into a bathtub filled with water only deep enough to soak the areas needing treatment. I was told to soak for about 45 minutes once a week. This seemed to work, but it only works if doing it about 2-3 times a week. I do not have much time for that. I ended up stopping the bleach baths and decided to purchase this probiotic on Amazon. Shockingly it seems to be working very well because the yeast is disappearing from my skin. I must say that this is the only probiotic that seems to be working for me. It is the only probiotic that is making the yeast disappear!!! The itch is going away! I am so thankful that something is finally killing this incredibly strong yeast that is all over my skin! I have not had any sleep due to the itch and this product is working for me! Thank you soooo much!!!!

I love this product. Due to Fibromyalgia I had IBS. I have tried other probiotics to no avail. Then I read about a combination of Probiotics and PREBIOTICS that one should use as well. these contain both. NOW I don't worry about those accidents if I am away from home. NOW I can at last go away from home and be normal. WILL TAKE THESE ALL THE TIME. Only have to take ONE a day and they need NO REFRIDGERATION. For me they work wonders!

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Feature Product

  • PROBIOTIC & PREBIOTIC FORMULA: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are found in specific foods or supplements, while prebiotics are types of fiber that feed friendly bacteria already in the digestive system. Essentially, these Pearl supplements help the good bacteria that your digestive tract needs to fire on all cylinders, providing you with balanced protection and relief.
  • EASES DIGESTIVE DISTRESS: These supplements are specifically designed to provide relief from bloating and gas pain and are also formulated to help prevent future problems from arising. Additionally, these pearls are designed to provide time-released relief, so you can simply take 1 in the morning and feel relief throughout the entire day.
  • BENEFICIAL BACTERIA: Did you know there is such a thing as healthy gut bacteria? It's true! Gut healthy microbiota plays a few important roles, including crowding out unhealthy bacteria, increasing the absorption of minerals, and improving overall health. The bifidobacterium are the major genera of bacteria that make up the GI tract and are one of the main ingredients present in this supplement.
  • INNOVATIVE PEARL DESIGN: The innovative pearl form of these probiotic supplements makes them incredibly easy to swallow. It also makes them 15 times more effective than your average capsule because it delivers 15 times more live bacteria directly to the source (intestinal tract). Our pearl probiotics are one of a kind because the delivery systems of this design acts like no other can.
  • WHO WE ARE: Here, at Earth's Pearl, we understand that every "body" is different, and have found that what works for one may not always work for another. So much in our bodies relies on the function of our gastrointestinal tracts. That's why we are dedicated to providing probiotics for all stages of life, so everyone can have a healthy digestive system, and by extension, a healthy body.


For many, a probiotic is a nutrition essential. In order to increase the bacterial profile of your stomach, this supplement works to introduce billions of live microflora, or beneficial bacteria, to settle and grow in your GI tract. Digestive health plays a huge part in the overall health of your body. These 60-count bottles of probiotic pearls works to improve energy and mood by optimizing the bioavailability of the nutrients from the food that you eat. This fiber-infused supplement is packed with ingredients that improve gut health. The prebiotic ingredients that we have added in this supplement, which include fructooligosaccharides, act as the food source for the probiotics, so they will be able to have more widespread and long lasting effectiveness. Fructooligosaccharides, otherwise known as oligofructose, help boost your immune system and have even been known to improve bone health. These probiotics are so gentle while still remaining effective that they work not only for men and women, but for kids as as well. It is important to note that these supplements may contain traces of milk protein.The long term benefits of this ultimate gut flora probiotic are striking, and they include: immune system support, relief from gastrointestinal distress, increased energy, and a better mood. Earth Pearl's probiotic pearl pills protects your body from yeast overgrowth and works hard to contribute to the overall well-being of your body. A great deal of research shows that the presence of healthy bacteria in you GI tract aids in many health issues, such as obesity, chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and Parkinson's disease. Food is, of course, one of the most important sources of nutrients for the body. This probiotic works to uninhibit all of the nutrients you get from food from giving your body the full benefits it deserves. Improve your digestive health today with Earth's Pearls.

I have Hypothyroidism. Over time I had gotten sluggish, depressed and my digestive process was slowing down and becoming troublesome. After weeks of regularly taking these probiotics and some other lifestyle changes I'm thrilled with the results! After only a few days I already noticed an improvement in overall gut function and "traffic" - caveat : during the bacterial changeover period there were a couple of days of painful gas and abdominal bloat but if you can tough that out, and keep in mind that it's normal and temporary, the other side of it is nothing but good stuff. I can say I'm back to normal gut function, have better energy levels and have even gotten past a depressive rut that I couldn't seem to shake otherwise and was contemplating taking meds for. A tweak in my thyroid medication, starting these probiotics regularly and going to cardio dance classes a few times a week have been a winning combination and I absolutely plan on continuing on -- it feels good to feel good again! :-) Give them a try -- this is a great product being sold by a wonderful company. I highly recommend!

Seemed to work well but I always had to chase it with a big glass of water as it would stick in the back of my throat.
Latest order feedback
I used one bottle then stopped because I didn't think I needed probiotics anymore as my acid reflux had subsided. 3 months later my reflux is back. My wife pointed out that the one thing which helped were these pearls. Hence the reorder. The only thing to be aware of is that they always stick when you swallow them, if you dry swallow pills like me you will need to chase with water as I do now.
I highly recommend this product.

I have suffered with IBS-D for 35 years. I was put on Imodium by my doctor at that time. They worked great for about 10 years, I started taking one of those 2 x a day. I had recently been up to 4-5 a day. I spent so much money on probiotics and "cures" and they failed me every time. I saw the Earth's Pearls probiotics with prebiotics browsing on Amazon and thought I'd give it one more shot as I was desperate for help. Score!! I started taking 3 a day, all at once, which was a bit too much just starting out on them and my stomach hurt a bit. I was still on 3 Imodiums through out the day also. I dropped the Imodiums to 1 a day and 2 pearls as soon as I woke up. I didn't have one bit of trouble swallowing them, I took them with a sip of warm coffee, went straight down, (you may prefer water, but I don't like water). They are tiny but they pack a powerful punch for my IBS-D. I have been eating anything and everything and have not had any stomach issues with my IBS-D like before. Finally, I found a solution to what was making me a prisoner in my own home for the last 10 years basically. I get out and go to flea markets, auctions, places I had loved going before this terrible IBS came on. In closing, if you have IBS-D, I would suggest you try these, everyone isn't the same, I am speaking on my own results I'm finally free thanks to Earth's Pearl Probiotics and I couldn't be more thankful!!

My wife was about to go on a series of Antibiotic treatments for a chronic infection and her doctor told her to buy "some probiotics to begin consumming 5 days before you begin the antibiotics" and so we read up on it and asked around. He told her eating yogurt would do the job of protecting her gut flora but man, was he wrong! Most Probiotics and Prebiotics we consume are either dead before we even swallow them due to Pasturization such as yogurt or cultured non-dairy products or worse, you pay for ovules or pearls that don't survive the stomach acid and never reach the GUT anway. Whatta waste of money! We invested about 20 hours of research in this, more than most people invest in buying a car and we settled on this brand due to its customer reviews reporting their own repeat purchases AND the advice of a registered diabetic educator. We started with just ONE bottle. My wife has chronic irritable Bowel Syndrome w/diarrhea. (it had to be said). Her hope was that using this product would get the proper GOOD bacteria delivered to her intestines and bowels and prevent her from having her IBS W/D get worse. Well, it helped..A LOT.

In fact, at the end of 3 weeks, she felt less pain, had great relief from her IBS and started to be able to sleep better. That may sound like chump change but it isn't if you have ever known someone in so much pain from the cramping, bloating and sensations of urgent need to visit the bathroom that they are afraid to leave the house without a change of clothes, disposable underwear, wipes and more. I can't say she's cured but Now that she's been taking this daily ( at least 2 a day, sometimes more) she is more comfortable and having less severe reactions to minor changes in her diet. She still follows the Anti-Inflammatory Food Plan recommended by some doctors for IBS and Crohn's patients but believe this particular probiotic formula with it'sn unique pearl design, is helping her very much. Maybe she could describe it better but I can see the change in her. Since her IBS is part of a larger inherited disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, one product will never 'Cure" her. However, it DOES alleviate some of the more unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas, intestinal pain, cramping and so forth.

The one warning I DO have to give is that the pills are VERY SMALL and you should be careful when you take them. Take them one at a time, even if you take 2 at the same time of day. Always take with water since one can easily inhale one of these little pearls. it's also possible to go to pour one out and have a bunch come tumbling out into your hand and flying all over the place. We avoid this by pouring them from the bottle into a sterile med cup and then putting her daily doses in with her other supplements in a weekly pill dispenser. I'm not taking a star off for that because with very minimal effort and being forewarned, you can manage this without much of a problem.

Finally, do look at the Label photo above and note that there are 5 different strains of PRO-Biotic and 1 strain of PRE-Biotic. The amounts in this product exceed most of the brands you can find at the grocery or drug store. 1 Bottle lasts my wife about a month and when you break it down, $22 that works out to about 73 Cents a day. For her, it's worth it. She is trying to avoid contracting C-Diff, prevent Thrush and relieve the more painful symptoms of her IBS. No other supplement of drug has helped her as much as this has. The proof is our continued purchases. Now, everyone has their own reactions so I can't say this will do for YOU what it's done for my wife. However, give it 1 or 2 bottles. It's not a huge amount to spend.

This is my second bottle. I still don't feel as if there have been dramatic changes, but the subtle improvements in my general regularity are noticeable. In fact, they worked well enough for me that I have started giving them to our dog. She is a 13 year old lab and hasn't had any digestive upsets since I started giving her one pearl every two or three days.

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