Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

Crest Toothpaste Gum Detoxify Deep Clean, 4.1oz (Pack of 3)

My gums certainly feel healthier and are less tender. But this toothpaste certainly causes brown stains between teeth even though it advertises that it is formulated to avoid staining. After using it for a month, I noticed my dentist taking more time trying to get the stains out between the teeth. I am now switching between different toothpastes to reduce the amount of staining.

I will leave it to my dental hygienist to say if it gets my teeth cleaner or cleans the gumline but my wife says it removed coffee stain which had been impervious to Crest and Sensodyne. Buying three at a time I get the same price as at the local drugstore but I don't have to leave the house.

I tried it because I was having gum pain which persisted even after seeing my dentist. After using this toothpaste, pain gone. Yes, it's expensive but it worked for me so I'm willing to pay more for it. I have noticed my teeth are whiter and that's a plus but my main concern was gum disease and this toothpaste seems to help eliminate that.

My wife works for a dental office and brought it home for me to try. I was very surprised at the difference between this product and regular toothpaste I've been using all my life. Not looking back anymore this will be my go to tooth paste going forward. Great for your gums and very refreshing. I'm hooked!

I had bleeding gums before I began to use this wonderful product and now I do not have any more bleeding gums I recommend the Crest Gum Detoxify for everyone bleeding gums or not.

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Feature Product

  • Use Crest Gum Detoxify Deep Clean Toothpaste for clinically proven healthier gums
  • Neutralizes plaque bacteria, even around the gum line to fight gingivitis
  • Activated foam seeks out plaque bacteria in hard to reach places
  • Gently cools gums during and after brushing


There are millions of harmful plaque bacteria that can lurk around the gum line causing gingivitis. Crest Gum Detoxify Deep Clean Toothpaste has an activated foam formula that penetrates hard to reach places to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria even around the gum line, for clinically proven healthier gums. It is also formulated to cool gums during and after brushing for a refreshing clean. Because if you're not taking care of your gums, you're not really taking care of your mouth.

This is a more thorough toothpaste. I can see that right away. It’s not that “perfect feeling” you get after a visit to the dentist’s office, but it’s in that direction. For the high quality, I would have expected something more expensive. (Maybe that will come?) I have given the 3-pack to my father, my brother and a friend and they were all impressed with the cleaning and the sensation that brings with it.

1. As feared, the cost went up. But It’s still worth it.

2. I see there has been recent medical science showing further need for gum disease prevention and care. And this is a big one.

Gum Disease Strongly Implicated in Alzheimer's

I think within a generation decent dental care coverage will be the norm in healthcare insurance. It’s up to us now.

I don't know what they put in this toothpaste but everyone, including my frequently judgmental wife (who has never met an oral health product she hasn't disliked), has noticed a dramatic change in the mouth area of my face, most notably the gum area of my mouth. I'd post before and after pictures but I have an active case of oropharyngeal candidiasis, sometimes called "thrush" among those without an advanced degree in diseases of the mouth area. The thrush is completely unrelated to the use of this product. In fact, my nickname in high school was "Thrush Mouth" due to frequent bouts with these wily yeast infections. Anyhow, let me restate the key points of my review. First, this product works and appears to truly detoxify the gum section of your mouth. Second, it has a very pleasant flavor and smells better than most toothpaste products. Third, you have nothing to lose by trying this product because in addition to the toxin reduction ingredients, it contains fluoride, which I understand is the exact same clinically-proven compound recommended by five out of five dentists.

I purchased the Crest Gum Detoxify because I got tired of hearing my Dental Hygienist tell me my gums bleed. I've been using this toothpaste for a couple months and just had my teeth cleaned today, and was happy to hear my Hygienist report that my gums were not bleeding. Was it because of the Crest? Not sure. But I think I'll keep using it as long as I get good reports.

I have 100% overbite so I have a lot of problems with my gums. I have to wait to add dental to my insurance so in the meantime I needed something to help my gums. They would bleed and little tiny pieces would fall off. It would hurt so bad. But this toothpaste helps a lot. I rarely have bleeding in the gums anymore and if I do it does not even hurt. Highly recommend for strengthening your gums

I have periodontal disease and have issues trying to correct it. The pockets around my teeth are getting smaller and smaller after only a short time of using. The hygienists wants me keep using since this is working well.
My teeth even feel cleaner and the gums now never bleed ... I am very happy and will never stop using.

Get it Now


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