My optometrist recommended this for my dry eyes. I was skeptical but willing to try because it’s definitely better than having to apply medication. Well, it works! I was astonished the first time I used it. My eyes were watering like crazy – which is the correct reaction. I had tiny bumps on the rim of one of my eyes. My doctor told me they were plugged oil glands & this would open them – it worked. The little bumps are long gone. I use this at least 2 times a week now & it has made a big difference in my eyes. They are not so red & dry.
My husband also uses this to help with his migraines. It seems to help sometimes, especially if his sinuses are plugged.
Put in the microwave for no more than 20 seconds. My doctor warned me he had patients who went longer & the compress blew up.
Due to my persistent dry eye condition, my ophthalmologist recommended me to do 5 min compress with towel soaked in hot water twice daily.
Of course, owing to the impracticality of this (dripping towel, need to reheat the water/towel every other min. etc.) I ended up not doing it.
Once I found this, however, I was able to administer the same therapy in an amazingly practical way.
Instead of temporarily relieving the dry-eye symptoms, this product restores the healthy oil secretion in your eye, so its effects are LONG TERM, if not permanent.
It is SCIENTIFIC yet simple: the reason why most of us suffer from dry eye is because the oil glands inside the eye are clogged, and those precious oils that prevent the tears from vaporizing are not adequately present. Application of hot water vapor helps unclog those glands, and lets your eye run its self-protection system again.
So this product simply restores the malfunctioning part of your eye physiology. (Paraphrasing my ophthalmologist's explanation.)
I used to live on moisturizing eye-drops, applying them sometimes several times every hour. (And this is unhealthy, since it gets your eye to adapt to supplied tears, and stop producing enough tears itself).
Since I started using this product, I only need to use eyedrops (or artificial tears) a few times a day, if that.
Would never expect a 10 dollar product to work miracles, but this one does. If you're looking for a natural and long term dry eye solution, this is it.
The product, though washable, loses efficacy after several months of heavy use, and is better replaced. But it's well worth the money, I've gone through 5 compresses in the last 2 years and just bought the 6th one. PS: If you're among the minority of dry-eye sufferers whose problem is NOT related to the oil-ducts, you may ot benefit as much from this product, but at least you'll have ruled out the most usual suspect.
I recently had a "lipiflow" treatment at my eye doctor's office to restore the function of the meibomian glands in my eyelids (they secrete an oily lubricant to help keep your tears from evaporating too quickly). The procedure was successful and my eye doctor recommended getting a "bruder mask" like this to help keep the glands functioning. You just heat it for 30 secs or so in the microwave then place it over your eyes for about five minutes once per day. My impression is that the mask really does seem work, i.e., I have much less of an issue with dry eyes now. Your vision will be blurry for a couple of minutes after using the mask, which is normal and due to the glands working.
Exactly what I needed. Loosened oil glands immediately.
I was diagnosed with the dry eye condition last year, I had some fancy "X-ray" done on my eyes and did all photo and slow motion video tests, I clearly could see about 1/3 of my oil glands clogged in one eye (left) and about 20% in my right, and one of my eyes was fully closing when blinking only about 70% of the time, that eye (left) was being the bigger problem for me and I had gunk come out of it all the time, day and night, stopped doing daily make up. My eye doctor recommended some drops, a silly massage, and the warm eye mask. For a year I did the drops and that silly massage, my dry eye got worse, I started to have red eyes on daily basis looking like I had allergy or cried, no eye drops helped. I gave this mask a try- and OMG! After just the first use I had "smoother" blinking. I have been using this mask 2-3 times a day for a few days now, I am so happy not to have my eyes red any longer, I look less tired, I do not constantly have a feeling like I have a lash in my eye. The last two times I used it, I swear it felt like some oil glands just popped opened and released some oil. I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone who has been diagnosed with the dry eye. I can honestly say that my worse eye is no longer the worse, both eyes produce a lot less white stringy stuff, and I no longer look hungover every single morning, the irritation is gone. Do yourself a favor, you will be very pleased with the results. Just one con, the mask was too wide upon arrival, the beads were on the outer corner of my eyes spreading down towards my temples; I pinched the nose bridge area and sewed it together shortening the mask by about 3/4 inch, fits perfectly now.

Feature Product
- SAFE FOR DAILY USE - Daily use of our compress provides an effective way to improve tear quality and relieve dry eye symptoms. The compress is 100% non-toxic and non-allergenic making it one of the safest and most effective products on the market.
- DOCTOR RECOMMENDED FOR CHRONIC DRY EYE, BLEPHARITIS AND OVERALL EYE HEALTH - The Thermalon Dry Eye Compress is recommended by doctors because it provides safe and effective uniform heat that helps to restore moisture and relieve dryness from the eyes.
- RELIEVES PAIN NATURALLY - The all-natural remedy relieves symptoms caused by dry eyes. Our compress is designed to help clear blocked glands and decrease eye discomfort. Our compress will not support bacteria or fungi like grain or herbal products and is safer and easier to use then gel products.
- MICROWAVE ACTIVATED - Easy to use. Simply microwave for 20 seconds and apply for 10-15 minutes of moist heat therapy.
- NATURALLY HYDRATING - Our compress is self-hydrating meaning there is no need to add water, no waiting and no mess. Just microwave and apply for a soothing moist heat therapy treatment.
- HAND WASHABLE AND REUSABLE - Our compress can be immersed in water without fear of damaging the product. Simply wash in cold water with a mild detergent and air dry for at least 24 hours.
- NON-TOXIC, NON-ALLERGENIC AND LATEX-FREE - Enjoy your compress knowing it contains no harsh chemicals and is non-toxic, non-allergenic and latex-free.
Replenishes moisture. Size: 3.5 x 8 inches, ties
The idea is simple: put a warm compress on your eyes to re-open the drainage ducts in your eyes so that you produce more tears/fluid in your eyes naturally and throughout the day. Optometrists recommended this as the solution for chronic dry-eyes most of the time. It's the simplest method and easiest to diagnose. With that being known, this product will get you that result. It's much better than putting a bag of rice in the microwave, then wrapping it in a rag/sock, and then putting that on your eyes. Microwave this mask for about 30 seconds, leave it on for 5 minutes, then repeat daily. Gradually you'll notice "sleepers" or "eye-boogers" start to come back to your eyes again throughout the day/when you wake up. It works well, you just have to keep up with this new habit to see results.
The product has a velcro strap that you'll never need to adjust again once you've fit it to your head. I kept it as it was and it worked fine for me. Microwave it on a plate too since you don't want it to get dirty from you microwave plate or pick up odd smells over time.
I suffer from dry eye I think due to lasik/prk surgery many years ago and of course my modern lifestyle of staring at screens all the time. I just turned 41... anyway. My dry eye was so bad that I had a lot of discomfort and blurred vision throughout the day. I'm nearsighted despite the above procedures I had done so seeing in the distance (like going outside)was particularly troublesome for me. This product helped to bring immediate relief that was far superior to any eye drops I've gotten at any drugstore. I'm using this in combination with castor oil and over the past two months my eyes have gotten a lot happier. I gotta say, I was a bit nervous putting castor oil in my eyes as there aren't any doctors recommending it just people on the internet saying it helps. But really good. I think there are plenty of doctors recommending eye compresses however so you shouldn't have any concerns regarding using this product. It's cheap, long lasting, you can't go wrong giving it a try.
I really like this eye compress and am ordering a second one as the directions say when you hand wash it to wait 24 hours for it to dry before re-using. I want to be able to switch back and forth between clean compresses, although I am not washing it after every use. Another reason for having two is that it is only warm enough for about 5 to 10 minutes as I have blepharitis. It may have gotten five stars if it stayed significantly warmer beyond 5 minutes I may do heating "back to back" with two compresses. After one session, I will just microwave the second compress to use. The directions say to wait at least an hour with one compress to microwave it again. I would have given it 5 stars if the compress fit on my face and I got to use the strap behind my head. It is not a big deal, but I "crunch" the two eye compresses and place them where they are comfortable on my eyes. The straps just lay loose. For the price I paid for this ($9.99), you can't beat it! There is another eye compress made by Bruder, which I've read in reviews is made by the same company. They charge $28 for a similar product.
My watery eyes were increasingly problematic, from the flood upon awakening, to the slightest breeze outdoors, to working on the computer, etc., so I finally went to see an ophthalmologist. She diagnosed me with dry eyes and recommended appropriate eye drops and warm compresses. I first tried using face cloths, which were a bit messy and complicated because I need to avoid sensitive area on my face. I then tried two brands of compresses from Walmart and then this. This appears to be a much better produced product than the cheapies. I now find that using this two or three times a day eliminates the need for drops and also keeps the wateriness away for longer than the drops. I use it soon after waking, while waiting for the coffee to brew; in the afternoon, particularly if I'm going skiing or biking; and in the late evening, to reduce the sleep time flooding. Highly recommend.
PS: Re Over-the-counter eye drops. I had found almost instant relief using popular redness-out/allergy drops. This kind of drops almost always uses a decongestant and sometimes an anti-histamine. The ophthalmologist said that these kind of drops can actually make the dry eye problem worse when one stops using this type and that constant use of this type can be very bad for the eyes in the long run. So be careful. Just because it feels better and looks better doesn't mean its solving the problem.
This Dry Eye Moist Heat Compress is a great product to open tear ducts and allow your eyes to better assimilate the eye moisture. I use this Heated Compress twice a day and have been able to discontinue using Xiidra drops twice a day. I still use Fresh Kote drops, available on Amazon, and/ or Bausch and Lomb Soothe Long Lasting Hydration each day. Prescription eye drops are prohibitively expensive and always burns my eyes. Now, thankfully, I use Dry Eye Heat Compress along with over-the-counter eye drops and my eyes are not dry and my vision has improved tremendously. I have been using this product 2 years and am still using the original Compress.

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