Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg. Highest Potency Available. Premium Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids. Non-GMO, Gluten Free Turmeric Capsules with Black Pepper

Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg. Highest Potency Available. Premium Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids. Non-GMO, Gluten Free Turmeric Capsules with Black Pepper

Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg. Highest Potency Available. Premium Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids. Non-GMO, Gluten Free Turmeric Capsules with Black Pepper

Amazing to say the least! I have fibromyalgia and it is not fun. For the past 6 months I was constant pain, from head to my toes - my bones hurt, my joints hurt, it was bad. I felt like an eighty year old in a 50 year old body. Long story short, I came across this product and after reading tons of reviews, I thought, what do I have to lose? So I ordered a bottle. It arrived fast and I tried it immediately. That was almost a month ago. At first, well the first three days, I took 3 capsules 2x's a day, then went to 3 capsules once a day.

So what happened when I took it? The results were immediate for me. I was shocked! Seriously, I was stunned, but in a good way. I could feel the pain going away almost instantly. I thought it was some sort of a "placebo effect" so I needed to give it time just in case I was losing it... But it kept working and working and working. I went from taking Tylenol or anything in that category every single night and day too, just to help with the pain. My doctor wanted to put me on Provigil but my insurance would not cover it until I went to a "specialist" (yeah, health care is that messed up). But it worked out for the best because I was in enough pain to send me on my own search, which lead me to this product.

Here are my results (and they were immediate for me)
1. Pain GONE! Completely. That in and of itself is amazing!
2. My quality of sleep has improved dramatically! I also have CFS, so sleep quality is super important - I will say, this does not help with CFS (nothing that I'm aware of does or has)
3. This incredible sense of well being - I don't take anti-depressants... doctor's tried to get me to take those for CFS but they always backfired on me - always. I am not a candidate for antidepressants. But this sense of well-being is what I would imagine antidepressants are supposed to do.
4. My appetite. I'm not a person with weight issues, but this does curb my appetite.
5. It's all natural and you an tell! It's not like taking prescriptions drugs, which I hate anyway. this is natural - and it just feels right.

So this has been my experience. I just ordered my second bottle.

I realize that everyone is different and has different needs and one size does not fit all, but if you can relate at all to this and are on the fence, give it a shot. It might surprise you like it has shocked me. I'll never go without this product again - not as long as it works. It's that amazing. I was not paid to give this review and I did not receive a free bottle. I just want the world to know that this product is simply amazing!

I was taking a lot of pain medicine for my arthritis. Now since I take the turmeric almost all my pain is gone. And it’s much safer.

PRODUCT: Schwarts Bioresearch. Premium Ultra Pure. Turmeric Curcumin w/ Bioperine. 1500 MG configuration.

My Condition: Initial injury to neck and shoulder 1993. 3 herniated cervical disk with nerve impingements. Torn rotator cuff with 3 surgeries spread out over 15 years. Micro surgery to elbow (on affected side). Nerve impingements with radiating pain from neck and shoulder into arms and hands. TREATMENTS: 4 surgeries. TO MUCH PAIN MEDICATION, permanently damaged stomach lining (from 17 years of narcotics and anti-inflammatory). AGE 56. Status: Unable to work and have spent last 6 years WITHOUT narcotics, do daily PT for neck, upper back, hands, arms. Meditate. WORKING HARD to find “alternative supplements” to help reduce swelling pain, not destroy stomach . . . keep functioning, do service work, do A LOT of research. I have a Masters Degree in Health Sciences and several Technology Certifications. My last surgery was a little over a year ago (elbow) and my MAJOR GOAL of the past year has been to reduce my hand and arm pain, so that I can function and NOT HAVE 3 level Cervical Fusion (I do not want to take the risk associated with this). As a former musician and carpenter, I can take the CONSTANT neck/shoulder pain…… the pain in my hands has been the one thing that has caused me to “loose hope”, and “imagine the worst possible ending”.
My physician classifies me as a “Orthopedic Train wreck, that keeps on chugging down the tracks by pure self will and grit”……
OK, SO, Modern pharmaceutical’s have destroyed my stomach, almost killed me (15 years of OxyContin, huge amounts), several surgeries.

WHY TUMERIC?... My doctor recommended that I start looking for safe alternative supplement to help with inflammation that WOULD NOT damage my stomach.

ACTION: After 3 months of INTENSIVE reading and research, I determined that a Turmeric based supplement would be worth trying. After reading EVERY REVIEW I could find, and related clinical findings….. I decided that Schwartz Bioresearch had the most pure pharmaceuticals, and that their “premium Ultra Pure TURMERIC CURCUMIN”….. would be worth trying.

DOSAGE: 2 capsules, 2 or 3 times a day WITH FOOD AND 8 to 14 glasses (8oz) a day… I average 4 capsules a day, because it is difficult for me to eat (due to previous damage to food).

FINDINGS: THIS PRODUCE (Premium Ultra Pure Turmeric Curcumin w/ Bioperine. 1500 mg) has been MORE EFFECTIVE that that ALL the previous Medications I was on for reducing the constant pain of inflammation, especially to my hands (largely from swelling around root nerves in neck, shoulder, elbow (Ulnar, Radial, Distal nerves)…… I HAD BEEN ON 200 to 400 milligrams of Celebrex a day, until I had a small Abdominal Bleed and my Gastroenterologist OREDERED me to stop ALL medication (except a daily anti-depressant, to manage pain related depression).

FUNCTIONAL RESULTS: After 10 days, I began to notice a reduction of the intensity of my arm, elbow and hand pain. Overall less pain, and when I did have “pain spikes” (from over activity) the DURATION of the TOTALLY DISABILING SPIKES (typically 4 days), had begun to reduce…. Now approaching 30 days, the results have continued improve.

Both my physicians (Gastro, and Ortho) have been carefully monitoring my condition and have been VERY PLEASED with the results from the Turmeric/Curcumin……..
They have selected a few patients and will recommend this same Supplement to them and monitor their progress. They are VERY PLEASED with my results, and hope this HELPS OTHER PATIENTS (which pleased me greatly).

RECCOMENDATIONS on taking medication:
- Take with food.
- Drink 8 to 14 glasses (8oz) of filtered water every day.
- Stay active. Have a focused PT or Rehab program that you can do at home EVERY DAY….. no matter how small.

“Modern Medicine” and the Physicians have FAILED ME…… it has been my research and finding products like Schwarts Bioresearch Premium Ultra Pure Termeric Curcumin”, that have been the most successful for me……. I typed this ENTIRE REVIEW and one shot….. Two months ago, I would have had to much pain in my hands to type, or be clear enough (from pain) to write a productive review. I feel like there is HOPE.

1. If you goals were/are similar to mine TAKE THIS PRODUCT, and make sure it is ok to take with your other medications (ask Physician, or your PHARMACIST, who are experts at medication combinations).
2. Do your research, come up with a daily PT program (no matter how small), do your best to eat with the goal of stabilizing you blood sugar.
3. Have faith that YOU WILL GET BETTER and that NO MATTER WHAT YOU WILL BE OK…..
4. Never give up or surrender to the pain of your disease…… It is not a fight (“fight your pain”)…… that is wrong thinking….. Rather, how can I manage, live with and use my pain to motivate me to research, walk, read, get out of your home.
5. TRUST Schwartz Bioresearch products…. They are the most pure and accurate I have ever found.

Closing: My friend. I have suffered HORRABLY with career ending pain since 1995 (had to stop working in 2003), and almost committed suicide. Getting off of Narcotics saved my life, and working hard to find safer alternatives saved my life………. I have written a fairly detailed review so that IF you situation has some similarities to your,,, that you might find this review helpful. ALSO, if you are considering Curcumin products…. Forget ALL THE OTHER ONES ON THE MARKET AND START AND STICK with SCHWARTZ BIORESEARCH….. They are the BEST: researched, formulated, studied, and most cost effective.
I hope sharing my HISTORY and RESULTS will help you.

Sincerely – MJD:
MHA, MCP, A+, P&C, WLI-ODG Cert, Net +…… (not to say anything more than, I did my research).

PLEASE NOTE: No one PAID me for this review, and I paid full Amazon price for this product. I am writing this review for PEOPLE like me…… ALL I get, is the hope that my experience will be helpful to others in their search. I have done nothing but pay Amazon the advertised price, and shared my experience..... no commercial considerations. NONE.

Well, I don't take this product, but my wife does (I got it for her). She's got pretty severe sciatica issues at times, and thus far, this is the BEST remedy we have ever tried for her issues. No joke, two (2) days after starting this, she noticed HUGE improvements. She's tried all sorts of big-pharma stuff, and nothing has helped thus far like this Turmeric. I was pretty skeptical to be honest, cuz, well...it's a herb or root or whatever, but after all the things we'd read online about it, I figured we'd give it a go. Glad to have purchased this stuff!

Every time she swims in cold water, or is exposed to extreme cold weather (we live in Alaska or all places), her sciatica issues flare up BIG time, and QUICKLY. Pretty amazed really at how quick this stuff worked. We know it's the reaction to the turmeric that helped, because 1st of all, she didn't take anything else, 2ndly, she's tried tons of other things in the past (when it's been this bad), and nothing has worked this well, or this fast.

Wasn't paid or anything to make this review, I DESPISE that crap!!! People need to know if things are LEGITIMATELY helpful, and not be conned into buying something that won't work for them. I bought another bottle of this for my aging/aching father, along with some Hyaluronic Acid, to see if it would help him (he's got all sorts of body aches and pains), but his stubborn a** hasn't taken it yet. If I can get him to listen to reason, I'll post back with an update on that.

All of my arthritis symptoms have disappeared. I needed surgery on one of my fingers for trigger finger and after taking this product for 2 months, I no longer need surgery.

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Feature Product

  • HIGHEST POTENCY AVAILABLE TURMERIC PILLS ENHANCED WITH BIOPERINE: BioSchwartz Turmeric formula has 1500mg of Turmeric Curcumin with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids per serving (Highest Potency) and 10mg of BioPerine (black pepper, curcumin with black pepper) aiding in enhanced absorption and bio-availability.
  • ALL NATURAL, NON-GMO, NO FILLERS, BINDERS OR PRESERVATIVES: Our professional grade Turmeric with BioPerine (curcumin with BioPerine) is a natural turmeric powder and has better absorption compared to common turmeric teas. Our Curcumin is also FREE Of soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, GMOs, peanuts, sweeteners, shellfish and sugar.
  • DOCTOR FORMULATED & MADE IN USA: Our Turmeric extract is formulated by doctors and manufactured in the USA in an FDA-approved facility following strict GMP guidelines. Our Turmeric with BioPerine is third party tested to assure the highest quality and purity of each batch.
  • HIGHEST QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Not only is our Tumeric Curcumin supplement potent, but we also use patented BioPerine (10mg per serving) to aid in increased absorption and bioavailability. Through industry research, we believe that Turmeric with black pepper is essential in good turmeric curcumin supplements. We only use pure and raw ingredients in all our formulas.
  • 100% SATISFACTION - MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We want you to be fully satisfied! That's why we back every order with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee so you can shop with confidence. If you are not satisfied with our product, you are protected by our no questions asked, money-back guarantee.


Why Choose BioSchwartz Turmeric Supplement? Extremely Potent Turmeric Curcumin 1500 mg* with BioPerine® for Superior Absorption and Bioavailability per serving + Money Back Guarantee No Questions Asked! - Feel the difference or your money back! + Highest Potency of Curcumin Available - BioSchwartz Turmeric Pills with BioPerine® have 1500mg per serving of pure Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper. + Doctor Formulated Advanced Formula - 1500mg per serving of premium quality turmeric capsules with black pepper, with standardized 95% curcuminoids to maximize results. (other brands use cheap ineffective Turmeric, to be effective it MUST be standardized to 95% Curcuminoids, like Turmeric Curcumin Schwartz) + Superior Absorption Turmeric Extract - For increased absorption and Bioavailability our Turmeric Curcumin has 10mg of BioPerine® per serving, (the most researched and trusted form of black pepper extract, turmeric with bioprene) which is proven to dramatically enhance your body's absorption of Curcumin. A must have for any quality curcumin supplement. + Third Party Tested - to assure the highest quality and purity of our turmeric with black pepper (turmeric with bioperine). + Gluten Free Curcumin with Black Pepper - Our Curcumin with Bioperine is FREE of Gluten and it is also vegan and vegetarian. + Natural & Pure Formula - Contains NO GMO's, artificial ingredients, fillers, binders, preservatives or chemicals. Our formula is FREE of soy, milk, egg, shellfish, corn, wheat, peanuts and sugar. Our premium supplements are produced from the finest raw materials and under stringent quality control standards to ensure the highest quality supplement is developed. *This product contains 1500mg of turmeric curcumin per serving (3 capsules). Each capsule contains 500mg.

Advil didn't work. Steroid shots didn't work. Nothing worked. The doctors couldn't tell me why I was in such pain with my knee that was swollen almost double the size the the other one. Then I discovered this product. I am pain free, the swelling is gone and I am so very happy. I was skeptical, but I can tell you with my hand on a Bible that this stuff WILL WORK FOR YOU TOO. Try it. I promise. My arthritis symptoms are completely improved. No More Pain!

I have tried four other brands of circumin. I have hashimoto's auto immune disease as well as numberous food sensitivities and have been suffering with pain in most of my joints for more than a year. When I woke up after taking your product for two weeks, there was a difference in my range of motion in my neck which has been the stiffest part. I have already recommended it to a friend with scoriatic arthritis. I was just about to give up on the supplement altogether but your product is different. Thank you for my pain relief and all the other wonderful things that are happening that I am not as aware of. I would recommend this to everyone

Having fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis I am familiar with daily pain in my joints. Since taking the Tumeric Curcumin I can tell a noticeable improvement in the pain and swelling. It also seems to give me a burst of energy. Will not be without it again!

I began using turmeric powder after speaking with a family member who swears it has allowed her to stop taking prescribed medicine for arthritis. I ordered some from a different company with no noticeable change. I tried Schwartz brand next and within 10 days, I began to feel less arthritic pain in my hands. I've since ordered my second bottle and if the improvements continue, I will also continue this brand.

I had tried another brand of turmeric supplements before trying this one, and this one worked better for my joint pain. Am definitely buying again.

Edit: After using this product for about 6 weeks, I had very bloodshot and dry eyes. I didn't make the connection. Then one day I got a big blotch of blood on one eye, a broken blood vessel. I went to the doctor, and he said it was likely from the turmeric, because turmeric causes blood thinning. The broken blood vessel didn't do any harm; he said it's like having a bruise on your eye. But he recommended I either reduce or stop the turmeric. I stopped taking the product, and my eyes slowly got better. Two weeks later, I'm back to normal.

It seems that most people can take this without any problem, but if you're sensitive, or if you start noticing side effects, please be careful and go to your doctor. I was only taking one capsule per day.

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