Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Religious Gifts Saint Joseph Statue Home Seller Kit with Prayer Card and Instructions

Religious Gifts Saint Joseph Statue Home Seller Kit with Prayer Card and Instructions

Religious Gifts Saint Joseph Statue Home Seller Kit with Prayer Card and Instructions

Saint Joseph, buried upside down, facing my house and close to the 'for sale' sign in front of my beloved Cozy Cottage. I marked the spot with this little house, lest I forget where I left him. And I promised - if he blessed me - I would visit three times each day, and ask for hos intervention in the selling and buying of my homes.

Six hours after the first prayer, I received my first offer.

I say 'first' because my home became the object of a lovely bidding-war, and I sold in a matter of days.

Joe, however, remained underground -- receiving my visits, my praise and my prayers for a new home I might love as much as the one I leave behind.

The saint responded with a dropped seller's price on the only house I saw and loved -- and last week my offer was accepted!

When all deals close, I'll bring Saint Joseph in from his place of blessing and promise -- and install him on the fireplace mantle of my adorable Park side home!

Yes, friends. Miracles happen! Thanks, Joe! I won't forget the blessings!!

Had my Home listed for sale for a couple of weeks. Everyone told me to do this. I’m not catholic but thought, hey, why not...Home went under contract 2 weeks later. Could have been a lot of things but st Joseph is getting dug up and placed in his own spot at my new house. We dug him a hole by the For Sale Sign. Followed the instructions and hoped for the best. My house was on the market about 40 days when it went under contract. - and $5k over my asking price too!

Not sure if this little guy had anything to do with our home selling or not... however, our home had been on the market since July and had very little activity (amazing floor plan, great neighborhood, priced at or below market). Bought him in November, put him in the ground sometime in early to mid December and we had an offer on our house around New Year's and closed on it the first week of February. Did this plastic statue have anything to do with us selling the house? who knows. (I forgot to actually dig him up and bring him with us to our new place - the new owners have no clue that there is a small plastic statue buried upside down in the ditch in front of the house...)

True story...we has 2 buyers fall through on our house and were already committed to the new one...I began praying the St. Joseph novena and ordered the statue. Two days later I received it and buries it at lunch. That night a guy name Joe called to look at the house. We showed it to him. Two days later he made an offer slightly higher than the previous two. We accepted. I told him I thought it was interesting that his name was Joe. He said actually my name is Joseph because I was born on his feast day. 😊

Our condo had been on the market for 2 1/2 months. We had weekly showings, but never an offer. My cousin told me to bury a St. Joseph statue...I buried him in a flowerpot on our balcony once I received him. I had also prayed to him after ordering him and when I buried him. THAT SAME DAY, we were notified of a last minute showing scheduled to happen that night. What do you know...the next day they made an offer only $400 below our asking price and want to close at then end of May!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m still shocked!!!! Our inspection is tomorrow, so I continue to pray to him that all goes well until closing. God is powerful!!!!

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Feature Product

  • Saint Joseph, The Worker Statue
  • Includes prayer card and burial instructions
  • A good quality product


Features saint joseph the worker. Saint joseph - plastic - 3 inch (h). Includes prayer card and burial instructions. A good quality product.

I'm not one for superstitious beliefs so this was a funny purchase for me to get. I'm also not Catholic nor very religious. I was listing a $950,000 home and it wasn't selling. The house was beautiful but we just weren't getting much traffic. It was located in an area of San Diego that doesn't get a lot of interest and I knew this would be an uphill battle. I tried online marketing, I did circle dialing, I did a radio ad, I went on a TV show, I went on multiple broker caravans. I hired a drone, I offered a CBB of 4.5% etc. Nothing seemed to work to drive buyers to this home. That's when a friend introduced me to the Saint Joseph Statue. At this point I thought I would try anything. I was too embarrassed to tell my client, so one night while they were out of town I buried the little guy as instructed by the street in their front lawn. I never told them about him. A couple more months passed. I said the prayers and nothing. Finally I let the sellers know what I did and where I buried him. I didn't know how they would react but they apparently researched him online and said the prayers. In less than 10 days we had an acceptable offer. We are in escrow but it hasn't closed yet but I found it to be a very odd coincidence.

Was it the statue? Was it a placebo effect? Was it just pure coincidence? Who knows and who really cares. As far as I'm concerned, for every large dollar house I sell they are getting a statue in the front long and we will all be saying the prayer together. :)

After an offer fell through on the house, and we already had an accepted offer on another house that we liked, we decided that we needed to take matters into Saint Joseph's hands. While our house was being shown, Saint Joseph was delivered into our mailbox. Apparently, this was all it took, as that person ended up buying a our house, a difficult house to sell on a main road. Nevertheless, we buried Saint Joseph and the closing went down without a hitch. In our new house, Saint Joseph is on the mantelpiece and we continue to believe in his powers, even if it may have just been a lucky coincidence.

A coworker had told me about the awesome powers of the St Joseph statue, but I was skeptical. It seemed a little gimmicky (which, it probably is). But, after our house was on the market for a month, we were getting a little desperate (we wanted to be out before winter set in). So, we decided to pick one of these little guys up. We knew we had an open house the next day, and we had a showing a little before that - so, while we were doing the final pickup around the house the morning of the showing and open house, I ran out in my t-shirt and shorts and planted this little dude according to the directions. I said the little prayer and hoped for the best. We went thru our normal day until we get a call from our realtor around 4pm - we had an offer! And it was a pretty decent! We countered, and by the next morning, that was accepted. Holy smokes! Now, I'm not a very spiritual person, but that made me almost go to church that day. I definitely drove by one or two and thought about it. We are still working thru the final contingencies, but all indications are good that we're going to close on the deal.

Was it the power of St. Joseph, or just a big hairy coincidence. I'll never know. But I do know if I ever have to sell another house, St Joseph will be planted in the front yard immediately.

I was getting desperate to sell my condo unit. Six months on the market and not even one offer. I placed the Saint Joseph statue standing upright in the living room area out of sight but had him facing the room. Since it is a condo unit there was no place I could bury him upside down in the ground like the instructions said. I placed him in my unit on August 3. On August 27 I had a call from my realtor saying someone had made a cash offer for just a little under my asking price. There were other units on sale for the same price in the building with a better view (ocean) but the buyer decided to go with mine. I know this works!

Yes, faith is a powerful ally. After we decided we were going to move across country and had found the home we wanted to buy in late July, we needed to sell our home in So Cal. We felt we might be facing an uphill battle with a 1930's home in need of renovation $$$, located on beautiful acreage in a rural area where there were many homes for sale. While not Catholic, we put the power of St Joe and true faith to work. We sold our home to the first person who looked at it prior to being listed on the MLS. After escrow, packing, shipping and traveling across country, we moved into our NC home on Halloween! We always kept the faith, followed the directions and believed it was possible. Yes, we feel indeed blessed and ever so thankful to St. Joseph, who moved with us and has a special little spot in our new home.

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