Friday, June 28, 2019

Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine, Gluten Free, Naturally Fermented, Heart Health, Energy Production,100 mg 120 Softgels

Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine, Gluten Free, Naturally Fermented, Heart Health, Energy Production,100 mg 120 Softgels

Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine, Gluten Free, Naturally Fermented, Heart Health, Energy Production,100 mg 120 Softgels

Got your attention? Let me start by saying I never review anything. But that stopped today. I cannot stress enough about how amazing this product is.

Little background on why I’m taking it. Thanks to genetics and a stressful occupation on top of owner the company I developed high blood pressure, yay for me!

My BP was 210/140 last year when I went into the dr because of my headaches. Holy crap! Can you say stroke potential. He put me on Atenolol and I felt better but not awesome, occasional dizziness fogginess but it was better than dying. I lost weight and tried to reduce stress.

Fast forward to late summer 2017 and Atenolol vanishes becuase of some mysterious shortage. Cough, cough BS. So my Dr switched me to Metoprolol. Felt fine at first and within a month I had more of the listed side affects than not. Dizziness, depression, anxiety, weight gain, numbness in my r arm, cold fingers, insomnia, hair loss, back pain, bradycardia, up 3-4 Times a night to pee.

Before I realized it was the medicine I went in for the anxiety and started another pill. Finally the numbness in my arm and cold fingers made desk work next to impossible. I thought it was a pinched nerve and started Occupational therapy for the numbness. Went to the chiropractor because of the back pain. $$$$$$ flying out of my wallet.

I finally put two and two together discovered the answer was four. Beta Blockers are like poison, I might as well drink bleach and call it a day. I decided I was done. I tried to cut the dose in half, then every other day only to have horrible reactions. Almost passed out on the job and Just felt horrible. I did some more research and found out I needed to taper off more slowly. Over a three month period I slowly decreased my daily dose of poison. When I was down to 25 MG every other day my BP started to creep up of course and I wondered what I was going to do.

Thank God I found This stuff! I tried it not knowing if it would work or not. I started taking it and decided to end Metoprolol within that same week. It’s been three weeks now and two weeks off Beta Blockers and I feel amazing! My BP is better than when is was on the medicine and almost all of my side affects are gone! Most within a few days. I’m sleeping and not getting up to pee, my anxiety is gone. Really all that’s left is my arm pain and that’s improved. Apparently beta blockers can take months to get completely out of your system, geeze that stuff sounds safe.

Needless to say I’m a big big fan.

I found this on the clearance shelf at a local grocery store. As I am constantly looking for a great deal, I did a quick search about this brand of CoQ10 online (didn't know much about the substance or the brand prior to that point) and all I found was praise for the product and the substance itself. So, I went ahead and purchased it. Upon first using it I couldn't detect what (if any) benefits I was getting from it, that is until I skipped taking it for a short while. After stopping, I started noticing a dull pain in my chest (heart) returning back to how it was. First of all I didn't even notice the pain subsiding, in fact, I'm not even sure that I fully realized that I had any chest pain at all to begin with, and that's probably because both (coming on, and subsiding) happened gradually as I aged and then as I started taking these 100mg pills. Now, I definitely wanted to protect my heart and pain means something is wrong. I learned from doing a little reading online that the body's natural levels of CoQ10 decline with age. So, I started taking the pills again, and wouldn't you know it the pain subsided again. In fact, I haven't felt that pain in months since I got regular with taking these pills.

CoQ10 is now part of my daily supplement regimen and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Being that this is the only brand I have tried I cannot speak for its efficacy in comparison to other brands of the same substance, however, I can tell you that I've had good results with this one which is why I purchased it again (this time from Amazon).

When I took this awhile back I did have lower blood pressure and like it. I had started taking magnesium too and my doctor was concerned about that saying magnesium can kill you, he did blood work to make sure my levels were ok and they were. My doctor was ok with CoQ10. I stopped all supplements due to the consistency of my blood being thick and odd color, but today I got my CoQ10 out again since my blood pressure is going up slightly but nothing my doctor is talking about high dose of blood pressure and i'm not happy taking any meds not alone a higher dose. Anyway my gel caps are sticking together so did a web search and found pinch of cornstarch takes care of that fast so got them all separated. I just had to put my fingers in the cornstarch, then take the gel caps out of the bottle onto a paper towel, touching them with the cornstarch, then put them back and shook the bottle good. This happens due to heat and humidity so don't recommend buying online in the summer in hot areas why people are getting a bottle with them sticking together. I bought mine in January. During this web search I found this is a fat soluble meaning you need to take it with peanut butter or something that contains fat for best absorption, the directions says take with food but doesn't say anything about fat soluble food. I use to take it with milk anything to take with food and I'm not ready to eat I take it with milk.

I am retired... For the past several months, I was waking up every morning with mild headache and most days I had a terrible blah feeling and no energy... I would have to take several aspirin every morning to relieve the headaches.. I started taking one of the CoQ10 and noticed a difference in just 4 days... Now, after just 6 days, I have not had a headache in the morning... My energy level has also changed - I now wake up I am ready to go... I don't know how this supplement works but, I am extremely Happy with my results...

I suffer from a rapid heart rate that was causing annoying palpitations. I also have high blood pressure. After taking CoQ10 for several weeks, I noticed that the palpitations have stopped and my blood pressure has dropped below what it normally reads. I also feel more energetic. I strongly recommend trying this product if you have high blood pressure before going on prescription medications and see if it works.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Helps promote cardiovascular health and cellular energy*
  • Helps restore CoQ10 that may be depleted by aging and cholesterol drugs (statins)*
  • Helps provide energy for those feeling occasional fatigue*
  • Formulated with BioPerine black pepper extract to enhance absorption and bioavailability*
  • Gluten Free. Suggested adult usage: Take 1 softgel daily preferably with food for maximum absorption or as recommended by a nutritionally-informed physician


Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine, Gluten Free, Naturally Fermented, Heart Health, Energy Production,100 mg 120 Softgels

I just started using it. The pills were is good condition, no issues like some reviewers had. I've only taken this 2 days. I'll update my review after a few weeks but I wanted to let everyone know the pills are in excellent condition. No discoloration, none stuck together and the expiration date on my bottle says Oct 2020.

I buy these for my husband and cannot tell the difference between brands or in how he feels as long as it has at least 100mg in there. 200mg is even better for extra heart energy so you would have to take 2 of these. He had heart trouble a couple of years ago and had some fatigue then but feels great and this is good not just for people who take heart meds but also for rejuvenation from within. I take some sometimes too and have seen it also as an ingredient in anti-aging creams for external application. From what I can tell this a really good product and my husband likes pepper anyways, I think the pepper (BioPerine) fuels the fire a bit extra so that is probably a good thing. Other things you can do for your heart is cayenne pepper/tabasco and lemon/limes for energy, eating lots of fresh veggies and fruit and little animal fat, low sodium diet, stay away from processed foods and fast food, use healthy oils like olive oil, flax seed oil, fish oil, chia seeds, hemp seed oil, (in reasonable amounts) get your omega 3 fatty acids etc. drink water and herbal teas, only small amounts of caffeine and alcohol, ,extra rest and exercise or a daily walk in fresh air. I am sure that only brushes the surface but we can see really good results and the CoQ10 seems to play an important role worth the investment.

I'm not sure if it is the fish oil, this CoQ10 or a mix, but my arthritic bones haven't felt this good in a number of years. I'm now able to go days without taking any form of pain killers or anti-inflammatories when I was taking them both multiple times a day before using the supplements.

I started having issues with severe headaches and tiredness and overall feeling blah. I made an appointment and my doctor informed me that I had elevated blood pressure – my numbers were in the Stage 1 Hypertension range - 148/97. I was shocked because I had never had issues before, but apparently something changed over the past year. My doctor gave me a month to get things under control before he prescribed medication –I was determined to get it under control before my next appointment. So I bought a blood pressure cuff to monitor my pressure at home and made a couple of changes.

My doctor suggested that I switch my coffee for decaf (really HARD) and to start drinking hibiscus tea twice a day. Within a week or so of doing this my blood pressure readings were around 132/84.

I wanted to bring my numbers down more so I decided to add a daily CoQ10 supplement. I take 1 in the morning along with my daily multi-vitamin. After a few days my numbers started dropping more, within a week a noticeable difference. Now my readings are consistently UNDER 120!! They average around 118/68!!!

I am super excited, I even attached a picture of my reading this morning! I’m determined to keep these simple things as a part of my daily routine. My doctor was really surprised and of course he wants to see me in a few months just to monitor me. But he said to keep up the good work!

Cheaper than the premium stuff from the drug store, and seems to be fine. It's identical in size to the generic that a well known box store from Bentonville, AR sells in their pharmacy. The price is excellent, I will be buying these continuously now. As a open heart patient, my cardiologist says CoQ10 is mandatory in my daily regimen. I've always have good results with this brand in their Quercitin-Bromelain formula, which is like a natural version of pseudo-ephedrine. So I'm giving this a go and I'll see what happens at the end of the bottle.

Get it Now


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