Saturday, July 13, 2019

Herbal De-wormer for poultry & goats

Herbal De-wormer for poultry & goats

Herbal De-wormer for poultry & goats

I had never treated my hens for worms and failed to ask the person I purchased them from if she had them de-wormed. Out of the 8 hens I purchased from her a year ago, every couple of months, one would start limping, walk and sit with an unbalanced gait, get lethargic and eventually die. The last one of the 8 just died. Not sure if it was due to worms or something else. I have about 4 hens that are going on 3 years that have never had health issues, so I thought I would use this instead of the Wazine since all 4 are good layers and I didn't want to risk contaminating the eggs. I also have about 5 new healthy RIR varying in age 12 weeks to 6 months that have been de-wormed so I decided the organic route would be best. I only use it once a week or every other week in a special feed of fresh fruits and chopped up vegetables and oatmeal so it is all consumed at once. The directions don't specify how long to treat, so I'm assuming it is kind of a natural preventive that I can use whenever without affecting the eggs and it wouldn't matter if the hens that have already been treated consumed it as well.

I like Verm-X liquid better for worming, but it is very difficult to get, having to import it from the UK. This product is very thoughtfully and professionally packaged, described accurately and one can certainly tell that a lot of care was taken into the creation of its quality mixture.

I cross referenced this with internet recommendations for herbal dewormers and also bigger name brands. This is basically the same thing but good price and a supporting a small business. I recommend mixing it with some wet food. I mixed it with scrambled eggs and mashed blueberries to ensure the powder stuck to their food so they would ingest it all. They’re all still alive and healthy after a few doses. No signs of worms so far so I’ll continue to use this!

so far no worms or issues and our flock loves it

My girls love this, and I love a safe way to worm them while they are lactating! Perfect product!

Get it Now

Feature Product


    Now in 2 sizes! . Handcrafted Proprietary Blend of 100% Human Grade & Organic Herbs *** Non-toxic & Has No artificial chemicals or fillers. Nutrition Booster. Use as an aid in control of intestinal parasites, ideal for small flocks and backyard chickens. No withholding required for eggs or milk. Herbal De-wormers work by both killing worms and by creating an inhospitable environment for them to live in. This is a formula I use for my chickens. I feed 1 Tablespoon per 5 chickens mixed with their pellets or oatmeal once every week. Enough for up to 10 chickens for a month. Feeding suggestions: Mix with oatmeal and molasses. Mix with our Omega 3 molting hens mix. Mix in with regular feed. Mix it with Black Oil Sunflower seeds and watch them devour. For goats you can make dosage balls by mixing with molasses. You can also now have probiotics added. We ship with USPS

    It works but I have to put it on something they really really like are they won't eat it.

    Great product for my backyard flock! They love it sprinkled over their feed.

    Get it Now


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