Monday, July 1, 2019

NutriBullet NBR-1201 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer System, Gray (600 Watts)

NutriBullet NBR-1201 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer System, Gray (600 Watts)

NutriBullet NBR-1201 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer System, Gray (600 Watts)

Use it daily and love it. Here are some tips:
For longevity, buy a new blade for 7.99 periodically. They sell them here on amazon. You'll notice a lot less noise and less stress on the motor and faster blending. The blade screw lid is also where these leak after awhile.. So replace it.
Make sure you dont break the interlocking plastic tabs off the cup when turning it on. If it doesnt seat, pick the cup up and turn the little rubber spinning wheel on the blender and try ti reseat the cup again. If you use force it will break the tabs like I've done. Not to fear, you can also buy the replacement plastic blender cup on amazon for cheap. Might as well upgrade to the larger cup for a few more ounces while youre at it.
Nutribullet pairs extremely well with blender bottles. Pour your smoothies directly into the blender bottles and screw the lid on. Shake it periodically, before you drink to shake the contents that have settled. Blender bottles are also great because you'll never get smoothie on your face when drinking like i often did drinking from the plastic cup or from a glass. Blender bottles should come standard with the nutri bullet... It changed my smoothie game!
Don't get diabetes. People load these up with fruit and give themselves a huge glucose spike which is actaully really bad for you. You should aim to mostly use vegetables and a protien or carb and only add enough sugar for taste. Frozen mixed berries and strawberries work really well opposed to fruit found in the produce section that spoil in a few days. You'll have much less waste using frozen berries.
To clean the blender, after pouring your smoothie into a blender bottle or glass, put a cup of of water back into the cup and run the blender for for 5 seconds. This will dislodge your smoothie from the blades and the sides of the blender cup. Pour this watery mix into your blender bottle and shake shake shake it baby.
When you're done making a smoothie you'll want to drink it and forget about washing the blade and cup... Don't do that. Run the cup under your faucet for a few seconds to dislodge the smoothie so it doesnt harden. Same for the blade. Grab the under side of the blade and spin it while spraying it woth water from the faucet as to dislodge all the bits of smoothie from the different angles on the blade.
Back to blender bottles, buy one size larger then the capacity of your nutri bullet as to fit all you're smoothie and also have a bit of room to shake shake shake it.
In this lesson, you have learned how to replace commin maintenance parts, how to uograde your nutribullet capacity, how to change youre smoothie game level by using blender bottles, how to easily clean your nutri bullet and how to make a smoothie without spiking your blood glucose levels. Please mark this helpful to share with more people.

I love this thing!! It's only 600 watts but its very powerful! Twice a day, I blend fresh kale/spinach, frozen banana, frozen strawberries, frozen apples, frozen blueberries and frozen raspberries. Once a week, I buy fresh fruit and then I put the combination in a ziplock and I freeze it so that my smoothie is slushy!! I guess you could just use crushed ice but my method works best for me.

Long story short; I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and a few months later, I almost died from a severe pulmonary embolism. I needed to change my eating habits and my lifestyle so I bought this blender. I don't like veggies or fruit so this is the only way to get my required daily amounts.

My blood sugars are down, I've lost 4 pounds in one month and my energy is up so this has been one of the best purchases of my life.

I don't taste the spinach or the kale. I also blended a hand full of almonds once and they blended well also. This blender blends very SMOOTHLY!! Be sure to follow the directions.

I'm glad I took a chance on this because for the price of a vitamix, I bought and elliptical AND this blender, so I'm #Winning!! 😊

P.S. You can trust that I will update my review as needed.

Not since the microwave has a kitchen appliance been such a life changer. I bought my first Nutribullet two years ago, and found it to be ALL THAT and a bag of kale.
I started by playing around with the recipes in the book, them I just started making my own concoctions based on fruits and veggies in season. Generally I stick to some combination of spinach, carrots, Greek yogurt, bananas, strawberries, mango, blueberries, apples, and papaya. I also add chia seeds or almonds sometimes. I add crushed ice and have a delicious smoothie every day for breakfast and it keeps me going till lunch. In fact, if I skip the smoothie I feel sluggish all morning.
The Nutribullet does a great job pureeing tough, fibrous foods, such as carrots. I also use it to puree the tough ends of asparagus for delicious soups.
Another benefit of the Nutribullet is that it will enhance your ability to preserve produce in season, which I get from relative ' s gardens or the farmer's market. I puree the produce and freeze it in mini-muffin pans. Then I just pop out the "muffins" when frozen and keep them in bags until ready to use in smoothie making. I've attached a photo of spinach and banana "muffins" ready for the freezer.
I've turned several people on to this tough little blender. Healthier lifestyles are definitely easier to maintain if you have the right tools. This one is a winner!

I am midwest through and through. I have fought all matter of autoimmune diseases and obesity my whole life. While doctors have looked at the cholesterol, high blood pressure, and thyroid issues, in the back of my mind my whole life I have known the issue.

Deep down I have always known regardless of what a Doctor or anyone else says, the issue is I simply do not eat right. First, I hate fruit. Oh, I like jellies, jams, pie, and juice, but as far as pealing an orange or popping a strawberry, I just can't do it. I never have been. Too tart and the texture is YUCK! Some of the "leafy greens" that these diets recommend are eaten in such quantities that there is no way I could get my fair share of roast beef and mac n cheese while eating right, ya know?

But through life I have discovered I can drink just about anything. So with that, my wife and I gave the nutribullet a spin. I am 46 and, after diets, exercise, etc; i am ready to tell you this thing is a life changer. PERIOD. LIFE CHANGER!

So what does a fat guy that likes to eat do with this thing? Well, at the store they have something in the salad area called a "Wellness blend" of Kale, spinach, and a few other greens I can't pronounce. I take these and fill half way up the large cup, as directed. Then I take a banana, an orange, or maybe an apple on a given day, some blueberries, strawberries, other berries, etc, a handful of almonds, and whatever peaks my interest, filling up to the line, maybe a tick over on the solids. Then I squirt in some honey and fill to the "MAX" line with almond milk, water, or some form of fruit juice like apple or whatever.

Fire up the bullet and this mix, which I could never hope to eat because of taste, texture, and quantity, gets turned into this wonderful thick shake. The first one I made looked like vomit. I used so many almonds and apple juice that the color was way off, ew! Then the test. I drank it. OMG, it was WONDERFUL!!! So I play with mixtures and ingredients but the above is a pretty good start.

When I get home from work, the first thing I do is whip up another shake. Doing this, i can eat whatever I want for dinner with the family but I don't find myself eating nearly as much. I actually eat what the FDA recommends as a normal portion of whatever we have rather than overeating for a filling and therapeutic experience. A lot of the day to day pain I go through as well as autoimmune disorders and even allergies have been reduced or eliminated because of this product. I am losing weight and inches around the waist and the ONLY change has been the bullet.

This device goes to prove what I always felt was true; that we are not a country of obesity so much as malnutrition. The FDA's recommendation for fresh fruits and veggies is very high, so high that most do not even come close to eating it. Furthermore, the convenience factor has people drinking V8 juice or whatever and thinking that pasteurized stuff does the same thing; it does not.

If one buys this unit and literally leaves it on the counter, plugged in and ready to go, and uses it religiously, their quality of life will improve. It's that simple I have failed at diets and exercise all my life and to some effect I still do. BUT this thing, this wonderful device attacks a major root cause of all of my issues, malnutrition, and it attacks it in the most simplistic and direct way possible.

Just buy one!

OK - I don't usually write reviews, but I do read a ton of them and yes, some of them sound like they are written by manufacturers of the product while others sound like they may be from the competition. If you weed through enough of them though, you can basically get the down and dirty of what the product can and can't do.

I am here to tell you what I found out.

I read a lot of reviews on numerous websites about this little product after seeing the infomercial on it. I never did the MagicBullet, but heard good things about it from some friends who owned one. After hitting the juice craze recently, I became quickly frustrated with the tossing out of all that good pulp which I was sure was being wasted and could be good nutrients for the body, just being tossed out. Prep time on top of that and the clean up was becoming quickly a chore. I am convinced on the benefits of fruits and veggies and to date have lost more than 50lbs since Jan incorporating juicing into my Weight Watchers routine.

OK - so I read a lot of reviews - when it came right down to it - the only real gripe I saw that people were having was this "leak" issue. For those that say this is just a blender - I would beg to differ - my fancy Cuisinart blender doesn't pulverize FLAX seeds and coffee beans the way this thing does. Just try putting some small flax seeds in your blender with some fruit and tell me you get the smooth consistency that this little work horse puts out. OK - so it is more than a blender - now the overall:

Power: no problem - scared me a bit the first time I pushed down on it with it's force, but was nice to know it does sound powerful. I have put carrots, ice, apples and FLAX seeds all at once in here and it comes out smooth as silk - no problem. Remember - this is not a "JUICER" this makes JUICE SMOOTHIES with PULP -

Clean Up: A snap....a breeze - sooooooo much easier than my juicer. Love it. I can go into the kitchen, make a smoothie, clean up and be out in about 5 minutes. Juicing took 10-15 minutes of prep time alone, then another 5 minutes or so of cleanup. Took half my lunch hour to make a juice....

Recipes: There are lots of good recipes and ideas in the book that came with it - don't think I got the extras they talk about on the TV which is sad - but I am sure I can dig those up on line somewhere.

Leak Issue: OK - Here is the deal....for all you people who cannot read the instructions in the manual that comes with the unit. DO NOT OVERFILL - SCREW BASE ON SECURELY. If you didn't understand that, then here let me state it this way - HEY! SCREW THE BASE ON TIGHT AND DON'T PUT TOO MUCH STUFF IN IT. Still don't understand - how about this - DO NOT FILL ABOVE THE LINE MARKED ON THE CONTAINER WHICH STATES - MAX FILL LINE

I don't know how much clearer I can be without demoralizing someone at this point. It's simple folks - you need to leave enough room (airspace) in the container to allow blending to occur. If there is not airspace - liquid will push out at any seam it finds - consequently - it will leak. Follow the instructions, do not overfill and screw the base on securely and it will work beautifully. Here is another tip - because I have gone a little over on the fill once or twice. If while blending you keep an eye on the base where it meets the clear plastic container - you can see the leak working its way up through the threads of the base. If you see this happening, stop the unit and take some out and re-blend. Simple. Best practice is though to NOT OVERFILL - DO NOT FILL ABOUT MAX FILL LINE - TIGHTEN BASE SECURELY. Got it????

Price: I purchased mine at Target for $99 as most customers were complaining about the leak issue and if I had to return it, better to do it at the store where I bought it. Most times, I would go through Amazon, but this one had me thinking with all the banter about the darn leak issue, so I played it safe. I hear they sell them at some Bed Bath and Beyond's too if you are looking locally. And yes, far better than dropping hundreds on a Vitamix or Blendtec.

Comparisons to other: I did look at the Ninja Pulse unit as well. I was on the fence right up till I went to the store on which one I was going to get. I looked at both of the displays and found the Nutribullet was far beefier than the Ninja. The Ninja was light and "plasticky" and took up a little more space than the Bullet. And then here was the kicker for me. I looked down and there were no Nutribullet's on the shelf and 4 or 5 Ninjas. So - I was off to the next Target across town only to find they were sold out there as well. I asked the lady in the department when they expected more and she said - "We cannot keep them in stock, they sell out very quickly". OK - so that cinched the deal with me with the decision on which one to get. I then went to Target's online website, looked it up there and did a "Stock Check" for stores in my area - All were sold out except one which was about 30 miles away - so I made the trek up and go there to find ONE last unit on the shelf - MINE!!! I spoke to my sister in Denver and she was looking for one out there and found the same problem - sold out all over Denver, but found hers at BB&Beyond. When checking out the lady at the register said she was amazed at how many of these were selling recently. So ...this is a hot item may have to look around to find it in your town. Check the Target site for "Locate Locally" will save you some time - or just buy it on line from Amazon. You shouldn't need to return it because it doesn't leak if your remember to NOT FILL ABOVE MAX FILL LINE and TIGHTEN BASE SECURELY.

Overall Opinion: Have had this unit about a week and have done several dozen drinks with it so far and have absolutely no complaints - works great, is powerful and does not leak if your remember to NOT OVERFILL and NOT FILL ABOVE MAX FILL I love having my pulp back - - - Happy Smoothing Everyone!!!

P.S. My apologies to those who may be offended by my over stating the "common sense" aspect of the proper usage of this product. I realize "common sense" has lost its way in many areas of our society these days and when people cannot read the instruction manual which clearly says "Read First Before Using" then I start to wonder if maybe "literacy" is more the issue than "common sense". Either way - if you are reading this and feel offended by my comments about you not being able to understand what it means to NOT FILL ABOVE MAX FILL LINE or TIGHTEN BASE SECURELY, then I am sorry.....for you.

Nov 3, 2012 - Just checking in after seeing the last reply to my post and thought I would post an update here. First let me say I am very surprised at all the replies to my post, glad to see I am not the only one who thinks out things sensibly still. So, with the help of the NB and Weight Watchers, I am down 102 lbs since last January 1 in my quest to lose 165 by mid summer 2013. Since purchasing the NB in June, I have dropped about 40 additional lbs. (Averaging about 10lbs per month). I contribute much of the success to the NB and all the good things I can put in there and the benefits of having all of the stuff back in my drink rather than tossing it from using my old Juiceman Juicer. The NB itself is still working quite well, I have had no problems, 1 or 2 minor leaks (teaspoon or less), but it was due to my own errors of packing in a little too much or on a sleepy morning not tightening it quite tight enough. All in all, so very happy with the unit still and still highly recommend. Good luck everyone and I hope you can enjoy this little gem of an appliance as much as I have. - DH

Nov 21, 2013 - OK folks, time for me to chime in on this "rust and blade issue". I have been meaning to do this for awhile, but it seems people are really freakin on this rust and which blades to be looking for etc. I see some have posted some pictures of the newer style base. I am going to add mine with comments in red showing you difference between old and new styles.

I find it very hard to believe this is rust in these other pictures - are you all not drying your unit after you wash it and then just leaving it in the cabinet for 3 or 4 months before taking it to use again and then NOT washing it before you use it? I mean really....I take glasses out of the cabinet which we use each year at Christmas time and I ALWAYS wash them cause I don't like the taste of dust. If I looked and saw rust on blades I think I would either wash the heck out of it or not use it at all. I somehow think this might be fruit sedament which has not been cleaned off or washed and then let to sit. There could not possibly be grease inside this thing, maybe some light oil on the bearings...if it even uses bearings. I don't know what to tell you....I wash mine because I like clean utensils before I used them, sorry....personal preference.

OK, so yes as I mentioned in a reply to someone - I did have a loud sound like grinding almost, start about a year after I had it and I called customer service and for the price of shipping and handling ($6 I think) they sent me a new base. Immediately I saw the differences in blade configuration and in construction. Then when I tried it - wow - much much quieter....but I think mine was really getting louder over time. SO yes, the new blade extractor base is far "beefier" in construction and seems to be much quieter than the original ever was and also just seems "tighter".

Yes!! This is the same original unit I bought and it is still working fabulously and I use it ....8-10 times a week and my wife also uses it. I have been traveling a lot for work the last couple months so my regiment has been slightly adjusted on my weight loss program.

So bottom line on this update - I still love it, new base is best, make sure you get one with new base.

And for all the nice commenting folks congratulating me on my weight loss - here's an update. I am down it total 140 pounds. I did not make my goal of 220 by my 50th, but I have not put back on any...well a few here and there, but then lost them again...up and down a bit, but not focusing on my WW meetings as much and etc etc.... but I still feel great and much more active, swimming and working out. I contribute the success to WW and the NB....and of course "discipline".

Hope this helps - Check out the new pics I am adding now. - DH

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Effortlessly pulverizes fruits, vegetables, and superfoods for nutritious protein shakes and green smoothies
  • High-torque power base and 600-watt motor
  • Powerful, patented stainless steel blade design with cyclonic action
  • Includes power base, 1 tall cup, 2 short cups, 1 flat blade, 1 emulsifying blade, 2 re-sealable lids, pocket nutritionist and manual with recipes
  • Includes 1-year warranty and access to hundreds of smoothie recipes
  • NOTE: Refer the User Manual before use


The Nutri Bullet NBR-12 12-Piece Hi-Speed Blender/Mixer System by Magic Bullet is portable, safe for kids, easy to use and effortlessly pulverizes fruits, vegetables, superfoods and protein shakes into a delicious, smooth texture. The Nutri-Bullet's power, patented blade design and cyclonic action combine to extract all of the nutrients from your food helping you to achieve the healthiest lifestyle possible today. To get the most out of your life, you need to get the most out of your food. • This product is manufactured in compliance with US & Canadian Electrical Standards • This product should not be used with any type of Adapter or Voltage converter device, nor should it be used outside of the United States or Canada. Use of Adapters and Converters is considered an unauthorized modification of the product and as such will void the warranty

Dear potential buyers,

The NutriBullet is a high-quality blender that will last. My brother has had his NutriBullet for a couple years and loved it; so, I finally purchased this two months ago, in December. My experience with this blender, so far, has been nothing other than great. A few premium assets that come with this NutriBullet are 2 different blades, lids, a pocket nutritionist, a cookbook, and more.

If you live active, busy, healthy lifestyle or you like to be adventurous in the kitchen, then this blender is perfect for you. You can whip up a smoothie, grab a lid, and bring it on the go wherever you go. What's great is that if you are new to taking on a healthy lifestyle and are unsure how to use your blender or what to put in it, the cookbook provides a ton of great recipes that have been tested and approved.

Issues that I have had in the past with blenders is the texture of the smoothie that I am left with. When I would put spinach and berries into a smoothie I would be left with a gritty and seedy smoothie which was not too pleasant to drink. With the NutriBullet, I have not had any issues with the texture of my smoothies. The blades of the NutriBullet breakdown all of the components in my smoothie, creating a smooth and creamy texture.

This blender is not just for smoothies. You can do so much more than that. Get creative and use your NutriBullet to make your own pasta sauces, ice cream, almond milk, hummus, nut butter, and even guacamole. Making these things with the NutriBullet saves you time because of its high-speed blending capabilities and also saves you time due to minimal cleanup. Normally if you were to make guacamole you would be using a couple different utensils, cutting boards, and bowls; however, when you use the NutriBullet to make your guacamole, you are only using one single utensil. No need for chopping and prepping your ingredients before, just toss it all in the NutriBullet and let it do it's thing. Once the guacamole is done, all you have left to do is to clean the NutriBullet cup and blade! It's so simple and convenient.

So, if you are debating on what blender to buy for the best deal and quality, I couldn't recommend the NutriBullet more. It really does it all!



Well, I've put off buying another kitchen gadget for a while until the need was verified, verified, and then verified again. You, know what I mean when I say "What we own......owns us, actually" But after 15 years of using various models of the famous and durable and flexible and capacious Vitamix (one in the RV, one in the main home and one in a vacation home), I finally got fed up with too many bulky, stringy fibers when blending things like garlic cloves and ginger root. So, I took the plunge. This set up has just the right amount of gadgets. And it will make a smooth paste out of fresh ginger root. It won't completely liquefy because there is so much insoluble fiber in roots like turmeric and ginger and garlic but it mushes things up very well. No more gagging stringy fibers. The mush can be chewed (if you can handle the stringent flavor) and it will add to the intestinal cleansing role of like all of the insoluble fibers. It's like a soft brush washing everything it comes into contact with.
The two size cups they give us with this model are large enough for single servings but if you want some more volume the Vitamix or maybe the Nutri-Bullet Pro which has a more powerful motor and I'm supposing that it has larger volume would be the correct tool. We have not had a reason to use the Vitamix since this Bullet came into our kitchen. I'd say, for the price, you cannot go wrong. Just be aware of the recipes and the footnotes they include with the skimpy user manual. Some of their attempts to be "All knowing in nutrition" are now outdated and proven to be more fake news from another decade or from the infamous FDA and the Department of Agriculture, who don't seem to have their hands on the steering wheel anymore and probably never did in the first place. Just buy organic vegetables, supplement with whole food vitamins, avoid synthetic anything in you body, and make a healthy drink one or two times per day and you'll live a more healthy life. And BTW....their instruction to avoid meat is wrong for half of us who are blood types who can easily devour meat and do extremely well provided it's not factory meat. You have to ask the question "Just what kind of meat did those men with cancer eat so much of?" "And how did they cook their meat?" No doubt about one thing....American men love to "grill" and grilling factory raised, hormone-ridden, corn and grain-finished cow meat is a guaranteed health problem waiting to happen. 100% grass-fed is the only way to buy any four-legged critter that you intend to eat. And char-grilling is a no-no!!! If you don't already know this.....then what in the world are you doing reading this???? YOU should be on your way to to get a burger down the street at one of the ubiquitous burger joints. Oh, but what's that white paper bag with the logo on it??? Ya'll be good and try to avoid medicines. Let good nutritious food be your medicine.

I love the bullet blender. I use this every morning for my breakfast. I blend up some veggies, fruits, and protein powder. I stay full pretty much the whole day. On some days, I will run home for lunch and mix up a quick batch of veggies. What I love most of how easy it is to clean. Clean up takes less than a minute. I bought one for the house and one for my wife's office. We would definitely buy again.

I thought this might end up just another kitchen gadget I'd pick up and forget about in the junk wasteland of the house or it would break down fast. I got it in late 2015. I don't know how many times I've used it but I estimate a very conservative minimum of 500 times. Durable, reliable, consistent. Used it dry on spices, coffee beans, oats, and wet with fruits and veggies in a smoothie, especially used it for banana ice cream, etc. A few things it wasn't getting smooth like lemon peel, and a little bit of a design issue with a piece that is under the blade that might be mold predisposed if you don't dry properly. Be careful with that because it's not one you'd know to look for or something obviously detachable. Underside of the blade can be difficult to clean well for some things. Minor design flaws in a very good little machine. Clean it immediately. Don't mess around. I purchased with an extended warranty and am surprised I haven't had occasion to use it yet. Well done.

This is the second one of these I have purchased. One was a gift and after I saw how well it worked I purchase another. I received mine and all looked great. My husband just loves making himself smoothies before bed. Problem. The inside rubber thing fell out. No idea where it went. At the same time one of the things that you need to push down to make the base work just stuck. No worries I have a warranty. Lots a luck with that. The 1st person I talked to was rude but did get the process started. He also promised to call me back within 30 - 45 minutes. The call never came. I waited another day just to give him the benefit of the doubt. Nothing and this was after I had already spent 45 minutes on the phone the 1st time around. I love the item but beware of the warranty. They finally said they would send me new gaskets of course at my expense of shipping. I might be wrong, but who charges tax of shipping?? From now on I will only make a purchase like this from a store I can get a replacement for.

Get it Now


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