Monday, September 30, 2019

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

I ordered this on a whim because I've been dealing with gluten intolerance and was suspicious of leaky gut. I also thought the benefits of better skin, nails and hair would be great. I've been going grey since my twenties and blamed it on genetics. About six months ago I decided to embrace the grey and cut my hair short. I admit it's been a shock to me and other people. The first picture here is prior to taking the gelatin. The second is today after two months. My hair has BLACK steaks in it again and the rest has gotten darker and thicker. I first noticed it about a month ago and it's changing daily. I had NO idea this was even possible. I don't know if it will continue to darken to what it was when I was a child but it's pretty cool regardless. I will post future pictures of it continues to get darker. Also my skin and nails have improved dramatically.

5/23/17. The third picture is about seven months into the gelatin. It's hard to tell in this photo but my hair is continuing to get darker. I have a LOT of black hair now. The texture is great and I haven't used conditioner in months. I'll continue to use this :)

Great product,it dissolves easily in my iced tea.

Let me tell you a little about what I have been dealing with first for anyone else that this might help...
-I have 120 lbs to lose
-I have had 3 severe knee injuries(ironically from working out)
-because of the knee injuries I also developed a calcified cyst on the back of my heel as well as Plantar fascitis
-battle with low thyroid, insulin resistance and PCOS
-incredible joint pain when going up and down the steps and walking any distance

After 2 weeks on GL Collagen I have noticed the following changes
-first I began sleeping all the way through the night which NEVER happened before, and this was after two days of taking it.
-after a week and 3 days on it I was able to get right out of the bed without any pain and walked down the stairs like a normal don't even know what a huge thing this is!!
- I have been able to exercise everyday without needing to take 3-4 Advil EVERY night due to knee pain.
-I have had increased energy, not the crazy kind but the steady kind that you are supposed to have
-I have been able to kick the sugar habit and have the energy to learn and cook healthy food.

So, to sum it up, this has been a huge blessing to me. I will never not take this product. It has allowed me to be on an even playing field to fight the battle against obesity. I will do a follow up after a month on the product. Hope this helps those that struggle with the same issues I battle.

We've taken this company's gelatin for a while but it is hard for me to get down. Saw all of the good reviews on the collagen so I thought we'd try it. Firstly, I have a sensitive nose and yes it does have a smell, and a taste, but they are pretty minor. It mixes better into hot liquids than cold. The smell and taste are more noticeable if you put it into something bland. In milk I can smell and taste it. But in a mocha (chocolatey coffee) I can't detect it at all.

I bought this mostly because both of my knees are shot and the cartilage is gone. They are bone on bone and I'm supposed to have a knee replacement in March 2017. It might be too late for my knees but there are plenty of other joints in our bodies that could still be helped. I did notice that my lower back felt better within a couple days of starting this.

Sleep: I'm normally a good sleeper but quite often was waking up around 3am and would lay awake for an hour. My husband has never been a good sleeper and if he slept for 5 hours straight that was a really good night. He was nearly always up in the middle of the night. If we take at least a teaspoon of this shortly before bed we both sleep through the night. I've sent a can to my mom who has terrible insomnia so we'll see if it helps her too.

Hair: I had a bout of thyroid trouble and lost a lot of hair from the top of my head. It's not seriously noticeable to others but I know it's there. I'm hoping that taking this supplement will fix that.

Nails: I've always had weak & peeling nails so I'm hoping to see an improvement there as well. Both of my thumbnails have bumps in them and the nail on one index finger is always split. I will report back on these issues.

Skin: Every winter I get painful splits in the skin at the corners of my nails. It would be great if the collagen helped that. Wrinkles & saggy skin, well I'm not looking for a miracle here, but any improvement would be welcome.
Update 3/7/17
Age spots faded to nearly nothing in about 45 days. The keratosis I have on my cheekbone has reduced in thickness. It's now quite flat. The stiffness I had in my back for the past 10 years is gone. It used to take me a while to bend over to pick something up off the ground, now I can bounce down there and back up like when I was much younger. I'm still hoping it will do something for my arthritic knees. I take about 4 tablespoons per day. I've got my 91 year old mom taking it too.

I cancelled the knee replacement that was scheduled for tomorrow. Not that my knee pain is better but because I want to give the collagen more of a chance to work for me. I'm trying not to take any NSAIDs because they mess with my stomach/bowel movements something awful. Going to try Boswellia (herb) for knee pain but not just yet.

The humps I have in my thumbnails are about half gone. My nails are definitely growing faster & stronger and less likely to peel. I still get painful splits in my fingertips and it hasn't even been a cold winter. Wrinkles seem to be reduced. The jury is still out on the scalp hair but I will update this if that changes. Needless to say we're going to continue to take this!

Let me say that it stinks getting old! Nearing 50, my hair in the front, near my hairline has been thinning for some time. Not knowing what I could do to stop it, but certainly not interested in embracing my ever-increasing "slickness", I decided to cover it up with makeup. That worked as long as it didn't rain, and as long as you didn't have to scratch your head. Yeah, with dark hair you don't want to have to explain what that is underneath your fingernails (cringe face). But at this point, there's nothing else to do. I was not going to walk around with a solar panel on my head. I began reading about the benefits of essential oils (specifically jojoba oil, rosemary oil, & lavender oil). That combination of essential oils did work, but very very slowly. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I would put it on my hair, the doorbell would ring. Oh what my neighbors must think! Then my hair stylist mentioned this collagen powder to me. To be honest, I was a little skeptical, because everything I tried to that point was met with zero or minimal results and my hope for hair restoration was thinning as quickly as my hair itself. Then I realized, "what else do I have to lose besides more hair, right?" So I ordered it and OH MY GOODNESS! Are my eyes deceiving me? Do I really see little sprouts of hair? I SURE DO! After just about 3 weeks of mixing one heaping tablespoon into my morning coffee, this stuff is actually working! Wish I had the forethought to take a before picture, but who really wants to see that. We all know what a bald spot looks like. However, this is my current situation. If only you could see my toes-a-tapping.

I bought this to use with my bullet coffee and with muscle repair as I'm training for a marathon. Then I noticed my face was looking AMAZING! What?? All the money I pour in to face creams never did as much as this product. I'm 60 and my face has almost zero lines. Around my mouth and chin my skin has regained elasticity and firmed up. Wowza! I'm bnbonly taking 2tbs in my coffee...that half the recommended dose. Will be adding it to my bedtime tea.
My back and joint pain have decreased so much, most days I dont need any pain meds..not even am. After my coffee my back pain stiffness just melts away.
So many reasons I'm a fan for life!!
(Fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, stroke survivor + backpacker, runner, mom of 2 young boys)

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Feature Product

  • COLLAGEN HYDROLYSATE - The unique combination of amino acids in concentrated levels can promote healing and conditioning over other proteins. If used properly with a balanced and sensible diet, gelatin can be also be quite healthy as leading nutritional researchers have found that it's an excellent source of protein and the calcium.
  • SKIN AND HAIR - As we age collagen production declines and you may notice it with looser skin, more wrinkles, and less elasticity. When you increase collagen levels you notice the skin looking firmer, increased smoothness, and keeping skin cells renewing and repairing normally.
  • JOINTS - When we lose collagen, the tendons and ligaments start moving with less ease, leading to stiffness, and swollen joints. When you increase collagen, it is like greasing your joints to help you move around easily, reduce joint pain, and reduce the risk of joint deterioration.
  • BOOSTS METABOLISM & ENERGY - Increasing collagen can increase your metabolism. The glycine found in collagen helps pump sugar into your body's tissue to increase energy levels. Mentioned before, it helps in muscle development. Muscles burn more calories than fat.
  • DETOX - Glycine helps minimize damage your liver experiences when it absorbs foreign substances that should not be passing through it. One of the best ways to cleanse your liver is through bone broth fast.


Great Lakes hydrolyzed collagen protein powder supplement is a unique combination of 20 amino acids that support joint and connective tissue health. It is for general use, athletes, and people who have anti-aging health concerns. Collagen offers numerous benefits not only for joints, but also for bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails. It combats aging issues like cartilage damage and collagen loss, and it aids the body’s natural ability to heal and repair. Hydrolyzed Collagen also functions to help regulate a large number of the body’s metabolic pathways. Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate has been created under strict sanitary conditions that meet specifications outlined by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, which is regulated by National Formulary. The gelatin is tested for gel strength, viscosity, pH, and moisture—and is ready to incorporate into any number of recipes for an extra boost of collagen.

Crazy how my hair has grown because of this product. Also any wounds I have heal well and fast. I will continue to use this product in this picture the first one I wasn't taking it and my hair was dry and brittle. Second picture I had been taking it for at least 2 months my hair was healthy and strong. I have seen a big difference in my skin and nails too.

For the record I'm not a doctor. My experience with this product is mine and the opinions I express come with zero scientific backing. With that said, this is the best stuff out there. Here is why:

In July 2014 I had my annual physical. When my numbers came back my TSH came in a little high around 5.5. I knew my diet and exercise left a lot to be desired (i'm 5'9" and weighed around 200 lbs) so my dr instructed me to increase my workouts, clean up the diet, and recommended testing again in 6 months (Dec 14). I did all of that but to no avail. My TSH had climbed to 6.1. The dr at that point put me on the generic version of the thyroid meds. I thought that it might help me lose a little weight but that didn't happen. I went back in July 2015 for my annual physical, strangely enough my TSH had risen to 6.5. My dr suggested i move to the brand Thyroid medication which i did. We tested again in Oct 2015 to make sure i was back in range and i was (about a 4.3 so BARELY in range). However, i didn't feel any different so at the end of Dec 2016 I decided to take matters into my own hands and to stop taking the medication. I thought with an even cleaner diet I could make changes. I decided to do the Whole30 in Q1 and see if that made a difference. I had read all about bone broth and the benefits so i thought maybe that was my answer. Yet at my annual exam in July 2016 and i was back out of range at around 4.8 (so out of range but not crazy) . I asked my dr for more time and she said ok, we will test again in Oct and see where you are. I didn't know what i was going to do but i was hellbent on solving this issue naturally. I felt strongly about not wanting to be tied to a medication for the rest of my life. When i was making my bone broth i noticed that i wasn't getting the jello-like effect and thus not the gelatin that i wanted. I had spoken to some friends about what they were doing and a gelatin/collagen powder came up. I decided to give it a whirl. The directions said to do 2 Tablespoons twice a day but I only did 2 Tablespoons once a day like once every three days. Even though i wasn't following the directions exactly I quickly noticed a change in my nails getting stronger and my eyebrows start to grow back in. It was amazing. I went back to get my blood work done in Oct 2016 and sure enough i was actually back in range at 4.2. The ONLY thing I had changed was this product to my routine. My dr was thrilled and she said that i could go until my physical in 2017. I have continued to use this product only once a week (for the majority of the time, as i got closer to getting my blood drawn you know i was doing it like every day!) and my results came in at 3.5 this past July. I've done the Whole30 several times since and while i think it offers a ton of health benefits this products got my TSH back in order. On the downside I still haven't lost any weight but i'm not on a medication that i will have to take for the rest of my life and for me, that is a win.

Female, age 43. I bought this for joint and gut health and I honestly wish I’d started using this years ago! I’m gluten and dairy sensitive and this has absolutely helped deminish my constant bloating. I’m also a fitness instructor and after a solid month of taking this I’ve noticed a great improvement in my usual aches and pains. The biggest surprise however is one I wasn’t looking for or even thought about....cellulite! Our winter weather turned warm and I put on a pair of shorts and my mouth dropped open when I noticed the cellulite in my legs was noticeably better! I started squeezing around my usual cellulite hot spots and was totally shocked to see an improvement. Mind you I work out six days a week and have been doing so for many many years. I long ago gave up on my cellulite insecurities but it’s nice to see that something actually works! This is definitely going to be a life long supplement.

If I didn't personally experience how much this improved the fluidity of movement in my foot, I wouldn't believe it. I was experiencing increasing pain in my large toe joint for the past many months, and upon visiting 3 different doctors was told I had halux rigidus causing arthritis in the joint. I'm 39 yrs old, fit, exercise regularly, eat healthy, and take care of myself. I was told by the "specialist" I should stop running all together, and the only option be surgery which *might* decrease the rate at which the joint deteriorates, at best. Determined not be to pigeonholed into such a crappy diagnosis, I researched on my own resulting in finding this supplement. Within 36 hours of mixing 2 rounded spoonfuls in my morning smoothy, my pain deceased by at least 50%. Within a week of taking it each morning, my severe joint pain which was previously causing me to limp while walking was 95% gone resulting in me being able to have a normal life. Moving the joint went from being excruciating, to feeling almost completely normal, albeit still somewhat limited in mobility. I actually called that doctor back to tell him about this supplement in hopes he could take a more holistic approach in his future diagnoses.

I've had less pain since I started using this product. My skin looks great and my hair is growing like crazy and very thick. I'm 46 and I feel very young.

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